Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Dache yoo dubbattu akka namaa taatee

By Abera Oluma

Dache yoo dubbattu akka namaa taatee,
Aduu ifuuf baate, bidda gubaa gootee;
Balleessaa uumamaa, himuudhaaf gubatte,
Hedduu nu komattee, nu jalaa calliste.

Biqilaa fi daraaraa dheedhii liqimsitee,
Aannan laphee isheetii unuu nudhorkite;
Namaa fi horii hunda addaan ongeessite,
Rifuu fi rifaatii dhaan akka malee uste.

Mootii sagaltamaa gooftaa abbaa iyyeessaa,
Isa qixxee hin qabne guddicha abbaa obsaa;
Gooftaa garaa garbaa Waaqa isa keleessaa,
Nabeektuuree jette dhache imimmaan buusaa.

Lammiin wal wallaalee gantummaan baayyatee,
Wal qooduu kan cimse halagaatti irkatee,
Kennaan Oromoof kenne gantichi ormaaf laatee,
Kanatu na ukkaamse. Jettee dubbatatte.

Dhugaan haqaa badee sobni heddoommatee,
Wal fakiin sobdootaa lammiirratti sirbitee;
Weerarri hawaannisaa biqiltuu koo nyaate,
Qaroo fi sammuun keessan yoom kana hubate?

Hawaannis habashaa biqlituu koo fixXee,
Gantuu fi galtuun gooban shira hedduu xaXxee
Yakki heddoomatee salphaan tarree lixee
Kana egaa dheekkams kan isin lamaxe.

Dafqee kanan kenneef eeggachuu dagatee,
Namuma akka isaa gooftaa godhee baatee;
Moofaa ormaa uffachuun kan ofii isaa gatee,
Kanatu badiidha jettee ragaa baate.

Safuu waliif dhabee cabse seera uumama,
Biyyaa ofii gatee abjoochuun kan ormaa;
Wal abdachuun badee mallattoo tokkummaa,
Maal na gaafattureeeeee? jette dache homaa.

Yartuuf galtuun goobdee narratti sirbite,
Seerri dhugaa badee sobni heddoommatee;
Abbaan mana taa’ee hattuun diinqa seentee,
Maaltu bade jettuu? kana maaltu hubate???

Maal falli isaa laata? dache yoo dubbatte,
Namuu yoo dhaga’eef tarii yoo hubatee;
Waa-irraa yoo baree hooda itti gaafate,
Kan kaleessaa gaabbee boriif safeeffate.

Jedhanii gaafannaan hayyoonni warri beekaa,
Ani hobbaafadhe egaa kunoo waan na harkaa;
Yoo na-dhaggeeffattan wal qabadha harka!
Diina harkaa nabaasaa hidhaarraa nahiika.

Dhaamsa koo kan argee namuu faana bu’eef,
Kan lafarra jirru fi kan lubbuudhaan darbeef,
Sababa kan ta’ee ittiin waxalamuuf,
Dalaguma isaatii akka ittiin sirri’auuf.

Dheekkamsis ni hafa yoo namuu hubate,
Kan darbetti gaabbee boriif yoo falate;
Maal na dhibee dhiisee haqaaf yoo dhaabbate,
Dache gara baldheessa yoo ofiif falmate.

Jettee dhaamte dache kan afaan beekutti,
Kan haqa hindabsine fi qulqulluu dhugaatti;
Yaadi jettee himte akka hundaa galutti,
Kanaachi gubaadhaaaaaa waxalamaa jettii.

Jedhanii dubbaatu warri ayyaantotaa,
Afaan dachee fi samii beektonni hayyootaa;
Araara buufadhaa; waliis cimsaa gamtaa,
Yoo wal dhaggeeffatan nageenyi dhihaata.

Kan yoo baruu feetan tooraa fi tooba isaa,
Biyya keessan jaaraa bakkatti deebisaa;
Hin dunuunfatinaa ija keessan ibsaa,
Waliigaltee uumaa tokkummaa jabeessa.

Keessan kan tuffattan sammuu of-sirreessaa,
Waaqa isin uumes toobatti deebisaa;
Walis dhaggeeffadhaa aadaa keessan cimsaa,
Jettee dhaamsa himti dubbii akka gorsaa.

Akka aayyoo fi aabbootti seera isa kaleessa,
Quufaa fi badhaadhinaa jireenya sooressaa;
Mee deebi’aa ilaalaa maal ture maddi isaa?
Hardha maaltu ta’e? maaf bade hambaansaa?

Dache yoo dubbattu kan turte kaleessa,
Ragaa yeroo baatu tolaa fi badii isaa;
Kan dabe yoo himtu kan gahe dheekkamsa,
Qaamatu ishee ho’ee bulluqni karisa.

Ramaciin faca’e; dache abidda tufte,
Biiftuun ifa dhiistee; waxala gad buuste;
Qiilleessi illee aaree waa sagal rukute,
Dache dheekkamsa ishee akkanaan ibsite.

Jette dubbatatte yaada ishee dheekkamsaan,
Gammoojjis waxaltee baddaa guggubuudhaan;
Biqiltuu dhorkattee uumama soomsuudhaan,
Kana kunoo jette dalansuu ibsuudhaan.

Sirna ittiin jireenyaa namni of-harkaa gatee,
Ergisa huccuu ormaa fuulatti xaxatee;
Lafa arguu dhabee dhagaasaa gufatee,
Kanatu badii fide jette dache aartee.

Fala isaa gaafannaan beekaa warra durii,
Raagoo maanguddootaa hambaa raabaa doorii;
Walga’aa araarfadhaa tolaa namaa horii,
Kanadha falli isaa wanni ta’u gaarii.

Dura walii galaa walii araaramaa,
Hirree waliif ta’aa akkuma ganamaa;
Seeraaf heera baraa bultoo Oromummaa,
Yoo akkana gootan jireenyi dhugooma.

Dhiigni wal hin miidhin,lammiin wal hin cabsin!
Cubbuun dalagamee seera uumamaa hindabsin!
Lammiin kan isaa gatee hin rafin hin ciisin!
Kana jetti dache biyya kee gadhiisi!!!

Yoo na irratti kuftan natu ol isin qaba,
Isin biran dhaaba humna rabbii jabaa;
Biyya ofii deeffadhaa!! aadaa keessan kabaa!
Orma hin abdatnaa qabduu waaqa jabaa.

Safuu seera uumamaa iddootti deebisaa!
Weerartuu hawaannisaa saamtuu ofiirraa kaasaa!
Ormaaf hin laatinaa biyya keessan taksa!
Yoggus walii gallee jireenyi lalisaa.

Kanan isiniif dhaama dache haadha margaa,
Dubbii fi gochaa koo hubataatu argaa;
Kankoo hin usinaa dubbadhaa labsaa egaa,
Biqilaa fi daraaraan yoggas sirriif margaa.

Kanan isiniif dhaama dache haadha margaa
Tokkuumaa cimsadhaa wal wajjin dagaagaa
Kan kana dubbistan yoo dhageessan egaa
Ofirraas faccisaa narraa kaasaa halagaa

Jetti kunoo egaa dache haadh margaa
Oromoo jabaadhaa taanaa abbaa mirgaa
Iddootti deebisanna seera isa miidhagaa
Debisnee ijaarraa Oromiyaa dhugaa.

Oromiyaan ni bilisoomti!!!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Two brother Oromo students Killed at One Spot

(Gimbi Oromia): Two brother students Gemechis Bulcha Buli and Lalisa Waqgari Buli were brutally murdered by the Woyane armed security agents on 01/03/07 evening in Gimbi town of Western Wollega Zone, Oromia regional state. The two brothers, who were students of Guddattuu Guyii School, were shot dead while they were studying their daily lesson at their home.

According to this report, the security agents went to the house and called Student Gemechis Bulcha Buli out of the house and killed him with a gun. Student Lalisa Waqgari Buli was then shot dead by the same agents because he fell on the body of his brother and cried.
Meanwhile the parents of these students who went to Gimbi Hospital to ask the body of their children have been arrested for allegedly escaping from their home when the security agents showed up.

Victory to the Oromo people

Mortars hit Somali presidential palace, Yusuf inside

Source: Reuters
By Sahal Abdulle

MOGADISHU, Jan 19 (Reuters) - Five mortars slammed into Somalia's presidential palace on Friday night and gunfire rattled across Mogadishu in the latest violence in chaotic Somalia, witnesses and officials said.

"Eight mortar shells were fired at Villa Somalia, but only five hit. The other three went into nearby houses," a senior government source told Reuters, saying President Abdullahi Yusuf was inside at the time of the attack.

After the mortar attacks, assailants with machineguns ran towards the building where they fought presidential guards around the hilltop compound for about 20 minutes before retreating, witnesses said.

Suspicion fell immediately on Somali Islamists, who controlled most of the south until an offensive by the government and allied Ethiopian troops over Christmas and the New Year drove them out of Mogadishu.

Now scattered to remote parts of the south near the border with Kenya, the Islamists have vowed a guerrilla war. Two ex-fighters told Reuters earlier on Friday they had returned to Mogadishu on the Indian Ocean coast and were planning attacks on Villa Somalia and other targets.

"Many Islamists have started infiltrating Mogadishu again," one said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Yusuf arrived in the city days ago to take up residence in the bullet and mortar-scarred building that used to house former dictator Mohamed Siad Barre, whose ouster by warlords in 1991 ushered in the last 16 years of anarchy in the Horn of Africa nation.
It was not yet known if the 72-year-old Yusuf or any other of the occupants were hurt during the attack.

Asked if there were deaths, the government source said: "It is complicated. I cannot confirm at the moment."


As the attack began after dark, more than a dozen explosions boomed across Mogadishu and gunfire cracked out to break a lull in violence of several days in the war-scarred capital, a Reuters witness said.

"We heard shelling. But the government and Ethiopian troops forced us inside when we came out to see what had happened," said a local resident, who identified himself as Siyaad. "Now they are guarding the compound."

Ethiopian troops, who helped the Somali interim government drive the Islamists out of Mogadishu, have in past days been the target of attacks. The Islamists regard the Ethiopians as illegitimate occupiers.

A Somali government bodyguard reached by telephone said Friday night's attack was launched from a school just a few blocks north of the white-washed presidential compound.

For more details see

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

OLF urges all peace loving peoples to give attention and co-ordinate humanitarian relief assistant for Oromo refugees in Somalia

16 January 2007

OLF statement on Oromo refugees in the Horn of Africa

The drama unfolding itself in the Horn of Africa should be shocking for all its inhabitants for it brings to memory the commotions of the 19th century colonial wars. Now as then, a power with modern superior war machines and green light from different quarters for different ends have over run them all reaching the Indian Ocean unabated.

Around fifteen years ago the present Ethiopian conquistador re-conquered the Ethiopian empire with collaboration of prisoners of war that it organized into surrogate groups suffixed People’s Democratic Organization (PDO). That is the model it knows and that is what it is going to awash the Somali people with.

Ethiopia is the poorest country in the world. AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis are wiping out its population. Let alone fuel for war plane, tanks and bombs that cross the boarder it did not afford medicine against these diseases and is going around begging the world to do its duties for it. Over and above this, its human right abuses are beyond imagination. The oppression within the Ethiopian empire had reached a stage where it is no more bearable without consequences.

All peace loving international human right organizations, governments and individuals are airing their concern over the atrocities the Ethiopian regime daily commits. It is this same regime that has now crossed its borders diverting relief funds to a war that has no moral or legal basis.

Many people had fled their beloved country at different times under different Ethiopian regimes and lived in neighbouring countries as refugees. One of these neighbouring countries where many refuge seekers got shelter was Somalia. Among these are a substantial number of Oromo nationals who fled to Somalia at different times since the 1960s. Their tormentors have now followed them to this country where they had lived with relative calm. The pbetext used by the regime is helping the Transitional Federal Government in Somalia but the truth is diverting internal and external attention from the atrocities it has been committing domestically. By destabilizing the region it is intending to stay in pkwer for some more years. It is a terrorist regime that is citing anti-terrorist manifesto for its own purpose.

Now it is being reported that the Ethiopian regime’s security forces are arresting, murdering and maiming Oromo refugees at will under a situation where their protectors could not save themselves let alone giving these Oromo nationals a refuge. They had run away living behind their loved ones and their beloved country hoping that the world would come to its senses and one day come to their help. It is unfortunate that no one is coming to their rescue. They could also run no more. In front of them is the Indian Ocean and on their heels are enemy war planes, tanks, artillery and infantry. Their only chance is perishing away from the eyes of the world.

We are confident, however, that even during this trying period the Somali people would not give them up easily. They are the only ones, who cmuld salvage what ever is left from onslaught. Here, we do not want to pass without expressing our sympathies to the farmers and herdsmen of Juba valley that are being punished for a conflict they know nothing about. We hope the international community would rally to their rescue and bring out the implications to light.

The tyrannical government of Ethiopian is a member of the UN and an ally of the US. We believe these two bodies can hold it accountable for the crimes it is committing against humanity in general and Oromo refugees in particular. With this understanding we appeal to the UN and US Government and all human right Organizations and the international Red Cross to pay attention to the wellbeing of Oromo refugees in Somalia in particular and the Horn of Africa in general.

Finally, we would like to urge Oromo nationals, Oromo communities around the world, Oromo humanitarian organizations and all peace loving friends of Oromo to coordinate a humanitarian relief support for Oromo refugees in Somalia, In particular, bringing the plight of Oromo refugees to the attention of the wider world is the duty of tha Oromo diaspora. They are suffering only for being Oromo. The Oromo like all people of the world deserve a peaceful life and respect for their human rights.

Oromia shall be free!

Oromo Liberation Front

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Human Rights Watch World Report 2007

Continuing Abuses in the Countryside

Authorities in Oromia state continued to use exaggerated concerns about armed insurgency and terrorism to justify the torture, imprisonment, and sustained harassment of their critics, including school children. In late 2005 and in 2006 federal and regional police in Oromia engaged in mass arrests, often in nighttime raids. Those arrested were informally accused of being supporters of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), a clandestine armed rebel group, but detainees were also accused of being supporters of the Oromo National Congress (ONC), a registered opposition political party that won seats in the 2005 elections. Most of those arrested were released after having been held for some weeks and forced to sign statements disavowing the ONC as a condition for release.

Local officials used precinct (kebele) "social courts" run by government-party appointees without legal training to detain farmers who voiced support for recognized opposition parties. Local and regional officials also subjected the rural population to intense levels of surveillance. Farmers who were deemed politically unreliable were denied fertilizer and other agricultural aids over which the government exercises monopoly control; they were also subject to imprisonment for debt or eviction from their farms (the government owns all land). In Amhara state, kebele officials played key roles in identifying known or presumed supporters of opposition parties and led federal police to these persons homes at night, where the police beat and sometimes arrested them.

Abuses by the Armed Forces

The government has taken no meaningful action to address widespread atrocities committed by Ethiopian military forces in Gambella state, bordering Sudan. A government-sponsored commission of inquiry set up to investigate December 2003 violence in Gambella resulted in a whitewash. Although the scale of abuses in Gambella moderated in 2005-06, extrajudicial killings, rapes, beatings, and arbitrary arrests by armed forces personnel still occurred.

Reports of extrajudicial executions and torture also emerged from Somali state, but access to the region has been restricted by the military and by the ONLF insurgency, making these reports impossible to confirm.

Performance of the Judiciary

In high-profile cases, courts show little independence or concern for defendants procedural rights. The two-month recess in the treason trial in August-September 2006, coupled with frequent shorter adjournments, ensured the defendants prolonged detention. The trial judges put off addressing defense objections to evidence and ignored claims of serious mistreatment by prison authorities.

Although criminal courts in Ethiopia have some independence with respect to less prominent cases, the judiciary often acts only after unreasonably long delays, sometimes because of the courts workloads, more often because of excessive judicial deference to bad faith prosecution requests for time to search for evidence of a crime.

Leaders of the traditional Oromo self-help organization Mecha Tulama, arrested in 2004 and accused of supporting the OLF and of organizing a grenade attack at Addis Ababa University, remained incarcerated as of late 2006, their trial yet to begin. Other Oromo detainees have been held for eight years without judicial resolution. Fourteen years after the overthrow of the former military government (the Derg), more than a thousand of its former officials still remain jailed awaiting trial.

Human Rights Defenders

Ethiopia has only one nationwide human rights organization, the Ethiopian Human Rights Council (EHRCO). Government officials routinely accuse the organization of working to advance an anti-government political agenda and its staff is subjected to harassment and intimidation. One investigator was charged in absentia in the treason trial. While EHRCO was not forced to close, it was far less active in 2006.

The Oromo-focused Human Rights League, having been allowed to register in 2005 shortly before the elections after years of litigation, remains inactive.

More is available at
Labels: Human Rights Watch World Report 2007: Ethiopia

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Reports of the harassment by Ethiopian troops of Ethiopian Oromos residing in southern Somalia are increasing.

Source: United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
Date: 12 Jan 2007
Somalia: Situation Report - 12 Jan 2007

Main Developments

Military operations, including the recent US air strikes on southern Somalia, have further complicated humanitarian access to populations in need of assistance. Humanitarian activities have been largely suspended since the conflict between TFG/Ethiopian and ICU forces began on 19 December. Of serious concern is the lack of information on the health and nutrition situation in south/central, as even local partners currently in-country are experiencing restricted movement, making assessments are impossible. The lack of information makes planning provision of assistance difficult. It is clear, however, that the health situation is critical. There is an urgent need to send to south/central Somalia medical specialists who can carry out diagnostic tests and perform surgeries. Mobile clinics are currently at a standstill in Jilib, Jamame and Buale, while residents are themselves afraid to travel to hospitals for fear of harassment or bombardment. Agencies are reporting that because of security concerns in certain areas of south/central, food distributions and provision of NFIs have been suspended. Further, if in-country humanitarian supplies (medical, NFIs, shelter, etc) become exhausted, the danger arises of resulting gaps due to the lack of new supplies entering Somalia.

The air strikes have reportedly resulted in unknown numbers of civilian deaths in the nomadic area bordering Kenya. Local communities are reporting large livestock losses in Ras Kamboni and Kilbui as a result of the strikes. Such losses threaten or destroy the livelihoods of many nomads and pastoralists in the area who depend on livestock for their survival.

Reports of the harassment by Ethiopian troops of Ethiopian Oromos residing in southern Somalia are increasing. Within the last week, a number of incidents have occurred. The body of an Oromo man was found dumped in Mogadishu, and there have been several reports of soldiers stopping buses traveling from Mogadishu to Jowhar and arresting Oromos onboard. An Oromo man traveling from Mogadishu to Bossaso was shot dead near Jowhar, and two men in his company were arrested. In Qoryooley (Lower Shabelle), eight Oromo men were arrested by military troops. There are fears that the targeting of Oromos may be spreading to Puntland (where they currently constitute the majority of asylum seekers), with unconfirmed reports received of the arbitrary arrest of Oromos in Galkayo. Local Oromo leaders were heard on radio in Somalia during the week urging the Somali authorities to protect them from the Ethiopian military.

Reports of revenge killings and politically instigated killings continue. There have also been reports in recent days of arrests by TFG forces of militia who had set up checkpoints in Mogadishu and of suspected ICU members in Mogadishu. Additionally, on 9 January, TFG forces reportedly arrested 7 Pakistani men who were preaching in a mosque in Mogadishu. The men are said to be members of the Tabligh (preaching) religious group, which operates legally in many countries, including Kenya. Some residents reportedly protested the arrests.
Militia continue to create insecurity. Unidentified militia are said to be still on the road between Mogadishu and Lower Shabelle, robbing and harassing travellers. In Afgoye (30km south of Mogadishu), the newly formed TFG administration imposed a curfew on 10 January. The curfew was announced after local militia reportedly exchanged fire in the town that morning.


Reports from 11 January indicate movement out of Mogadishu, with 100 people going to Hargeisa (Somaliland). These people are thought to be families of businessmen who supported the ICU and thus fear revenge attacks in Mogadishu. Additionally, about 290 people – mainly women and children – are reported to be moving from Mogadishu to areas near Liboi on the Kenyan border, citing tension and insecurity as the cause.

Following the recent movement of 1,000 people from Ras Komboni (Lower Juba) to Kiuga (Kenya), another boat carrying 200 Somalis attempting to offload at Kiuga was refused by the Kenyan authorities. The people are said to have gone instead to Kismayo. Additionally, about 100 people have been displaced within Kismayo district due to clan conflict. It is not clear whether the clan conflict is related to fighting between the TFG/Ethiopian forces and the ICU. Meanwhile, conditions in the Kismayo IDP camps are reportedly getting worse, with overcrowding and tension increasing.

IDPs who fled the village of Gendershe (30km from Mogadishu) to Jilib and Merka during the first week of January are returning home, despite continuing tension in the area.
There has been further movement reported towards Dhobley on the Kenyan border, with unconfirmed numbers coming from Hayo (near Afmadow). Meanwhile, the 4,700+ IDPs from south/central Somalia already in Dhobley remain there, awaiting humanitarian assistance and unable to cross into Kenya due the GoK's closure of the border. Despite the fact that humanitarian relief has been unable to reach these IDPs – and the fact that they are complaining of harassment from the Ethiopian army – the IDPs are thought unlikely to return to their places of origin, because of fear of conflict or because their homes were destroyed by floods. Meanwhile, a planned joint UN-GoK mission that was to take place this week has been delayed until next week.

UNICEF and Save the Children-UK have today called attention to eyewitness accounts of children having featured prominently in recent fighting as active combatants. The agencies state that children are also being recruited to fight by emerging warlords. They call upon all armed groups to release children from their ranks or from detention centres, and request that the TFG and Somali institutions take all necessary steps to ensure that these children are, without discrimination, adequately cared for and safely reunited with their families.

Access and Response

The Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) for Somalia was in Mogadishu 10-11 January, where he met with the TFG President and Prime Minister, as well as members of civil society. He also visited prisons and hospitals. The HC stresses the importance of acting now in the form of high-impact activities prioritizing: security/law and order, education and back-to-school programmes, livelihood support, the situation of IDPs residing in public buildings and settlements, and insitutional capacity building.

This week, some UN agencies and INGOs flew international staff to Wajid (the only airstrip currently open for passengers and cargo in south/central) and commenced distribution of assistance. The Therapeutic Feeding Centre of ACF is functioning and ACF distributed BP5 to 8,500 children under 5 years in Wajid, while World Vision has distributed 821mt of food in Buale and Wajid and another 174mt to the school feed programmes in Buale.

The Kenyan border remains closed, compounding access problems, with trucks carrying relief supplies stuck in no man's land between the Kenyan and Somali borders. As roads in Somalia have dried following the flooding, these trucks, were they allowed to enter the country, would be able to deliver some assistance. Road transport inside Somalia is proceeding without incident.

For further information, contact:
Molly McCloskey (mob: +254 727 659 100) or Rita Maingi (mob: +254 722 334 671)Office tel: +254 (20) 375 4150-5,

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

US Planes Bomb Somalia

MOGADISHU, 10 January 2007 — US helicopter gunships attacked suspected Al-Qaeda terrorists hiding in Somalia yesterday, a Somali official said, a day after US Special Operations forces launched at least two air attacks against them in this restive Horn of Africa country. The attack helicopters were trying to kill Islamic extremists, said a Defense Ministry official. Earlier, Somalia’s president, Abdullahi Yusuf, had said the US was hunting suspects in the 1998 bombings of two US Embassies in East Africa and had his support.

Witnesses said 31 civilians, including a newly wed couple, were killed by the two helicopters yesterday. This claim and another of high civilian casualties in attacks on Monday could not be verified.

Yesterday’s helicopter strikes took place in the morning near Afmadow, 350 km southwest of the capital Mogadishu, a hilly, forested area close to the Kenyan border. On Monday, AC-130 warplanes killed what Somali officials said were large numbers of extremists in Hayi, 50 km from Afmadow, and 250 km away on a remote island believed to be an Al-Qaeda training camp on the southern tip of Somalia.

“US planes struck at Bankajirow this morning between 10 a.m. and noon. I think the US planes saw donkey carts crossing the grazing land and thought it was the Islamists trying to flee,” an elder told Reuters by telephone.

The elder from Afmadow, who declined to be named for fear of reprisals, spoke to Reuters by telephone from the Kenya-Somalia border crossing at Liboi.

Hayi and Bankajirow are between Afmadow and Doble, areas near the Kenyan border where the Somali government and allied Ethiopian forces believe Islamists fled after being chased across south Somalia in a two-week war last month.

The elder — a traditional leader in Somali culture — said the Islamists were not in the area under attack but about 240 km further south at Ras Kamboni, a suspected hide-out for militants at the southernmost tip of Somalia. “People don’t understand why the Americans have bombed the field. The Islamists are not there, they are miles away,” he said. Local people have fled the area but are unable to cross the sealed Kenyan border, he added.

It was the first overt military action by the US in Somalia since it led a UN force in the 1990s that intervened in Somalia in an effort to fight famine. The mission led to clashes between UN forces and Somali warlords, including the “Black Hawk Down” battle that left 18 US servicemen dead.

In a further escalation of US involvement, the US military said the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower had arrived off the coast to join three other US warships conducting anti-terror operations.

US warships have been seeking to capture Al-Qaeda members thought to be fleeing Somalia after Ethiopia intervened Dec. 24 in support of the government, which had been struggling to assert its authority in the face of a Somali Islamic movement.

Ethiopian and Somali troops had over the last few days cornered the main Islamic force in Ras Kamboni, with US warships patrolling offshore and the Kenyan military guarding the border to watch for fleeing militants.

The US Embassy in Nairobi reissued a terror warning yesterday to Americans living in or visiting the Horn of Africa.

President Yusuf told journalists in Mogadishu that the US “has a right to bombard terrorist suspects who attacked its embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.”

But others in the capital said the attacks would only increase anti-American sentiment in the largely Muslim country. Already, many in predominantly Muslim Somalia had resented the presence of troops from neighboring Ethiopia, which has a large Christian population and has fought two brutal wars with Somalia, most recently in 1977.

Ethiopia’s prime minister said in an interview published yesterday that suspected terrorists from Canada, Britain, Pakistan and elsewhere have been among those taken prisoner or killed in the military operations in Somalia.

Prime Minister Meles Zenawi was quoted by French newspaper Le Monde as saying that he did not know the exact number of prisoners in Somalia “because it changes constantly.”

The US airstrikes will not improve the long-term stability of the volatile East African country, the European Commission said yesterday.

“Any incident of this kind is not helpful in the long term,” said Amadeu Altafaj, spokesman for EU Development Commissioner Louis Michel.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Ibsa idda bu’oota THBOn kenname irratti ejjennoo ABO


Guyyaa: 5/1/2007
Lakk: 01/ABO/07

Ibsa idda bu’oota THBOn kenname irratti ejjennoo ABO

Walgahiin Gumii Idda Bu’oota THBO kan sadaffaa murtii dabrse karaa sab-qunnama gara garaa
faca’e arginee jirra. ABOn qabsoo Oromoo kallachumman tokkomsee gaggeessutti, akkasumas humnoota qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo irratti hiriiran walitti fiduuf ifaajee tolfame keessatti hedduu gumaachuun saa beekamaa dha. Yeroo ammas danqammi tokko tokko haa jiraatu malee dirqama saa bahachuu irraa of hin qusanne.

Ibsa olitti dhahame keessatti garuu maqaa ABO THBO keessaa haquuf kan yaalamaa jiru fakkaata. Miseensoti Shanee Gumii ABO turan yaroon kaayyoo ganamaa irraa cehanii bu’uura Itiyoophessaa jala hiriiruun hin haalamu. Garuu hoogganootii fi miseensoti hafan osoo fagoo hin deemin akka of sirreessuu dandahaniif yeroof shaneen hundarraa babahe tokko dhaabbatee akka walitt fidu yaalamee ture. Shanee yeroof dhaabbate kana kan qaama cehumsa (QC ABO) jedhame malee dhaabi malbulchaa maqaa kanaan dhaabbate hin turre.

Bilisummaa Oromoof ABO jala hiriiranii kumkumootatu lubbuu saanii dabarsan. Dhaabi keenya
ABOn ammallee kaayyoo kana gad hin lakkisne. Kanas irra deddeebfinee hundaaf mirkaneessinee jirra.Murni tokko karaa irraa cehus maqaan ABOn hanga Oromiyaan bilisomtutt kudhaama Oromoo hundaa tahee jirata. Kanaaf maqaan humnoota bilisummaa Oromoo yoo dhahamu inni keessa hin jiru taanaan tokkummaan yaadame hanquu taha. Dhaaba keenya qaama cehumsaa jedhanii waamunis gaddisiisaa waan taheef maqaa abbaan ittiin of waamuu fudhachuun seera.

THBOn ABO malee dhaaba tokkummaa osoo hin tahin dhaabota jiran keessaa kan biraa tokko
taha. Kanaaf akeeka saaf amanama tahuun yoo ni fedhama tahe tarkaanfiin ABO ofirraa fageessuuf fudhatame dacha’uu qaba. Kan qabsoo keenya gabaabsuu dandahu tokkummaa keenya tahu itt amannee ture THBO kan bu’uursine. Bakka geenyee kaanee kan irratti xiyyeeffachuu qabnu akkamitti gurmuu keenya akaakuun misomsinaa malee kan harka ballisee nutti dhufu ofirraa darbuu tahuu hin qabu ture. Kanaaf hunda dura gara qulqulluun waan ijaaramneef hojiirra oolchuu durfannoo godhannu malee maqaamatti hafuu dandeenya.

Dhuma irratti waanti irra deebinee hubachiisuu barbaadnu tokko koree malee dhaabi QC jedhamu akka hin turre fi akka hin jirre taha. Shanichis ergama saa fixatee jira. Lammaffaa hariiroon har’a nu gidduu jabaachuu qabu yoo laafee kan fayyadu diinota keenya qofaa tahuu saati. Har’a umatni keenya hojii irratti nu argee nu madaalu fedha. Hireen dhaaba amma maqaa THBOn socho’aa jiruus ta’e kan jaarmayaa hunda keenya kana irratti irkata. Waanta’eefis, ABOn THBO keessa jiraate jiraatu baatee gurmuun qabsaawota Oromoo dhugaan dagaagee hojiitti akka hiikamu ni warraaqa. Falamaa bilisummaa Oromiyaa mirkaneessuuf godhamu kamu irrattis saboontota Oromoo ejjennaa fakkaataa qabatan cinaa hiriiree tarree falmaa duraa irratti argamuuf har’as akka kaleessa qophii ta’uu isaa irra deebinee mirkaneessina.

Qromiyan ni bilisoomti!
Qabsoon ittifufa, Injifatnoon ni dhufa!

Koree Hojii Geggesituu Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo
Amajjii 5, 2007

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Tokkummaa Oromoof kaayyoo isa ganamaa!!!

By Abera Oluma

Nuyi ilmaan Oromoo dhiiga tokko taanee,
Shira diinni uumteen gargar tatamsaanee,
Ilmaan abbaa tokkoo wal dura dhaabbannee,

Warra daba dalaguuf nutu meeshaa taanee;
Roorroo dhaaf gidiraa wal irratti feene,
Kan ofii wallaallee halagaaf gowwoomne.

Dhiigni dhiigaan cophee lafeen lafeen cabee,
Diinni nu-bobeessee qaama keenya gubee,
Wal nu wallaalchiisee jireenyaan nuhube.

Qaamuma tokkicha adda adda nu dhaabee,
Kaan kutadhaan,kaan danta kaan amanteen sobee,
Wal nu shakkisiisee waa hedduusaa nu-dhibe.

Seeraaf heeraa ture aadaa keenya diigee,
Safuun hundeen ulfinaa shira diinaan jigee,
Hangaftiif quxisuun haadhoon wal wallalle.

Kara karaa fiiguun halagaan gorsamnee,
Gurmuu tokko dhabnee Oromoon hiyyoomnee;
Ilmaan abbaa tokkoo ta’uu irraanfanne.

Wal faallaa dhaabbanne diinaaf karaa laanne,
Ijoolleen Oromoo ormaaf humna taane,
Kaayyoo isa ganamaa qaata irraanfanne.

Nutuu wal kuffisnee diinaaf wal saaxillee,
Kanatu ta’aa ture yoo deebisnee laalle
Adda adda dhaabbanee obbolaan wal lolle.

Wanna boriif tolu seenaa yoo xiinxalle,
Shirrii diinaa kuni fufee jira ammalle,
Hiixuu nundeemsisu yoo cabsine malee.

Maaloo ijoollee Oromoo biyya Oromiyaa,
Nutoo wal ajjeesnee eenyutu nuuf iyyaa?
Xiinxallee haalaallu bilissummaa biyyaa.

Kutaa dhaaf amantiin gargar nu qoqqoodee,
Kaan dantaa harca’aaf taayitaa sobaan muudee,
Waliin jirra jedhee maqaa itti saadee.

“Warri kun beekoo-dha isaan sun wallaalaa”,
“Kutaa isa kanarra, warra sanatu caala”;
Jechuun addan qoodee wal nu dhaabe faallaa.

Hardhas nubiraanafnee faana keenya deemti,
Gandummaa fi "amanteen" nu qoqqooduu yaalti,
Warraa garaaf bulan kunoo dantaan bitti.

Hooda isaa nuuf himaa lammii of wallalee,
Beekaan keenya jirtan mala dha’aa malee,
Gochi gabroomfattuu hinhafnee hardhallee.

Akkuma kaleessaa har’as itti jiruu,
Toftaa isaanii durii cimsuuf bitintiruu,
Karaa adda addaatiin Oromoo hiraaru;

Dabaa dantaan bituun nurratti bobbaasuun
Amanteedhaa fi kutaan jaarmolee ijaaruun;
"Wal dadhaban" jedhu maxxannee faarsuudhaann.

Kaleessa kan nu cabse tooftaan diina kuni,
Waan salphate mitii ammallee taanaani,
Wal haa hubachiisnu nuu iyyaa beektonni.

Gandummaan jaamanii of kan dagatani;
Rakkoon Oromummaa kana kan se’ani,
Karaa dogoggoraa jiru kan deemani.

Diinaan jaaramanii gandummaa fi "amanteen",
Aadaa keenyaan ala dantaadhaaf kan fiigan,
Summ'ii diinni owwaale jiru lammiin dhugan.

Daawwaa isaa itti himaa yoos keessaa diddiga,
Yoo kudhaammataniif Oromummaan dhiiga,
Hayyootni itti himaa yoo dhaga'an egaa.

Bakka jirtan maraan tokkummaan dhaabadhaa,
Samm'uu diinni tamsaasu maseensuuf jabaadhaa,
Xiqqaa guddifachuuf dammaqaa hubadhaa.

Sabboonummaa dhugaatu summ'ii diinaa diigaa,
Jedhaatii barsiisaa Oromummaan dhiigaa,
Yoo kana hubatan jireenyi dagaagaa.

Maaloo ilmaan Oromoo hayyoonni Oromiyaa,
Lakki hin callisinaa yeroodhaan nuuf iyaa,
Kan dabe sirreessuuf jabaadhaa waan biyyaa.

Tokkummaa Oromoof kaayyoo isa ganamaa,
Kanaan wal nuuf tumsaa kanaan nu Tokkoomsaa,
Shira diinaa kana gandummaa maseensaa.

Lubbuutu darbaa jira dhiigatu dhangala’a,
Diina dhaggeeffannee nutu wal gaaga’a,
Bira hin tarinaa hayyoottan dhaga’aa.

Maaloo hayyoonni jirtan beekaan waa nuu himtan,
Kan kaleessaa hin ga’uu, har’a maaf callistan?
Oggummaan kan dha mee kan ittiin boontan?

Mee wallaalaa gorsaa; kan dabes sirreessa,
Rakkoon keenya maali? mee addaan nuu baasa,
Seenaa irraa nuuf himaa haqaa nubarsiisaa.

Kutaa moo Oromoo eenyu irra dhalannee?
Amantee moo dhiiga kam irraa maddinee?
Ganduummaaf "amantee" attammiin qoodamne?

Amantees yoo ilaalle mee eessa irraa dhuftee?
Kutaa gariin faarsus waan nafxanyaan uumte,
Oromiyaa baldhoodha kan nuun biqichite.

Harar, Shawaa, Wallaggaa Arsiidha moo Baalee,
Walloo, Jimmaa jennee kutaan yoo waamnelee,
Inni qomoo miti!!! dache keenya malee.

Mee kana nuuf himaa hayyoonni jaarsolii,
Kutaan wal qoqqooduun egaa hikni maalii?
Deebii isaa itti kennaa haa baranii walii.

"Amanteen" hidhamnee Oromummaa gatuun,
Kan keenya dagannee kan hinbeekne faarsuun;
Fala nuuf hin ta’u!!! sammuu wal hadoochuun.

Hangafti bubbultan hayyoonni kan jirtan,
Kan kaleessaa hin ga’uu har’a maaf callistan?
Yoo dache iyyitu itti cimee rorroon.

Jaarsota Oromoo Maanguddoota biyyaa,
Maaloo hayyuun jirtan hin usinaa iyyaa,
Waa itti nuuf falaa rakkoo Oromiyaa.

Kutaan nu hin dhalchine Oromticha malee,
Irra deddebinee kana himnuuf malee,
Callisuun numbaasu haa gorsinu ammallee.

Daawwaan of beekuu dha dhibee gandummaatiif,
Summi’i diinni owwaale of keessaa baasuudhaaf,
Daandii bilsummaa riqicha ijaaruudhaaf.

Ganduummaa fi gantummaa hundeesaa owwaallee,
Summi’i nyaaphaa kana hobbaafannu malee,
Shira diinaa kabuun mantummaa nuuhintolle.

Dhiigni dhangala’u roorroon nu irra ga’u,
Gandummaa fi wal qooddan dhaabachuu hin danda’u,
Hawwiin birmadummaa salphaatti bakka hinga’u.

Kutaan nu qoodeeti kan diinni nu qale,
Fayyuu hindandeenyu kana beeknu malee,
Jabaannee haadalgnu kan beeknu itti fallee.

"Amantee" dha jedhee nu jilbeenfachiisee,
Ija qaphaa jedhee nu dunuunfachiisee,
Mormarra nu-ejjetee diinni nu ajjeese.

Kana dhugaan jiru kan diinni taasise,
Utuu biyya qabnuu biyyaa nutamsaase,
Utuu humna qabnuu yartuu nu dhaalchise.

Har’allee egaa hin dhiisne diinni hamaa yaaduu,
Kutaaf amantee dhaan Oromoo qoqqooduu,
Tooftaa itti fakkateen Oromticha gaaduu.

Kutaan qoqqoodanii wal dura nu dhaabuuf,
"Amantee" sobaatti Oromoo harkisuuf,
Maqaa diimokraasiin Ethiophiyummaa cimsuuf.

"Dhaaba ijaarra” jedhu kan hundeen gandummaa,
Kan of keessaa hin qabne waayee Oromummaa,
Shira hedduu xaxuu habashoonni ammaa.

Waa nu dhiisuu didu ilmaan Habashoota,
Har'as nutti bitu warra abbaa garoota,
Amanteen fi siyaassan gochuun dabbaloota.

Nu dhiisaa yeroodhaan bookkistoota gandaa,
Oromoon sin tufa bor maqqan sin badaa,
Gochaan keessan farraa yeroon of barbaadaa!!!

Galma Oromoo diiguuf bakka buusuuf godoo,
Maqaa Oromootiin barbaaddachuu sadoo,
Gandummaa kan feetan cimsuudhaaf gadadoo.

Lakkii isin hin baasuu barbaaddadhaa iddoo,
Abjuu kaalee darbee dhiiga hin ta’u gandoo,
Har'a kofla feetan duuba imimman yandoo.

Seenaa kalee darbe hin ta’u lammaffuu,
Qaanii ta’ee jiraa isinitti haa hafuu,
Oromoon lammaffaa shira diinaa hin rafu.

Harka sassaabbadhaa diigdonni galama guddaa,
Gurgura hawwitan kallacha abbaa gadaa,
Bitamtoonni diinaa bittinaawaa badaa!!!

Miidhaa gandaa miti rorroon nu irra jirtu,
Amanteefis miti kan diinni rooraatu,
Taayitaafis mitii kan Oromoon loltu.

Rakkoon nurra jirtu kan waayee gabrummaa,
Dirqama eenyummaati gaaffii abbaa biyyummaa!!!
Kana dura hubadhaa dhiisaatii gandummaa.

Fedhii amntee miti ykn rakkoo gandaa,
Saba Oromoo hundatu dhiitamee badada,
Qomoo nu balleessuuf diinni nutti aada.

Dhiiga Oromummaatiif kan diinni nu qalte,
Gaaffiin keenyas biyya kan diinni nu dhaalte,
Kana hubadhaattii dhiisaa waayee "Amantee".

Amantii nus qabnaa kan uumaan nuuf laate,
Amantee kan dhugaa Sabni ittiin jiraate
"Maaf diina aggattun" eessa irraa dhalate?

Oromummaa malee dhiigoma ganamaa,
Biyya ofii deeffachuu waayee walabummaa,
Kan biraaf hin duune Oromoon gonkumaa.

Egaa mee of baraa lallabdoota gandummaa,
Akka dhibamsiifnuuf hundeedhaa gabrumma ,
Bu’ura godhadhaa waayee Oromummaa.

Dhaabota walaba jaarmiyaa bilisummaa.
Cina hiriiraatii cimsaa waan dhiigomaa,
Sammuu baldhifadhaa gataa waan gabrumma.

Cina hiriiraatii cimsaa waan dhiigomaa,
Of baraa wal jaaraa cimsaa Oromummaa,
Kana qofaan fayyu dhibeewwan ganddumma.

Ganduummaaf gantummaa hundeedhaan owwaallee,
Summi’i nyaaphaa kana hobbaafannu malee,
Afaaniin hin dhuftu bilisummaan jenne.

Dhala keenya boriif waan ta'u yoo feene,
Badii dalagamu laallee akka hin callisne,
Kan irratti haa duullu kan ija saaqqanne.

Walii wal dhaga’uun wal cina dhaabbachuu,
Gorsa halagaa dhiisnee kan walii fudhachuu,
Humna keenya maraan haqaan wal cimsachuu.

Agoobara tokkotti mana ijaarrachuu,
Humna jabeeffannee diina ofirraa aggachuu,
Kana falli jiru kan walii nu galchu.

Kana gochuu qabna wal bira dhaabbanne,
Ilmaan Oromootaa harka wal qabanne,
Oromiyaa walaba kaayyoo ofii godhanne.

Kanaan of beekuu dha dhibee dhibamsiisuuf
Summ'ii diinni owwaalle shira diinaa doomsuuf
Tokkuumma kaayyootiin biyya bilisoomsuuf.

Murannoo fi kutannoon qabsoo finiinsuudha,
Of irratti irkachuun Of jajjabeessu dha,
Kana falli jiru daawwaan gandummaa dha.

Biyya humnaan dhabne deebisnee ijaarrachuu,
Hirree tookko taanee kaayyoo ofii qabaachuu,
Gurmuu keenya cimsuu halagaa tuffachuu.

Tumsa Oromoon qofa daandiin bilisummaa,
Karaan biraa hin jiruu kana walitti himaa;
Tokkummaa tokkummaa tokkummaa Oromummaa.

Kaayyoo ganamaa irratti kaayyoo walabmmaa,
Cicha fi ciminaan utubnee Oromummaa,
Hundeen dhabamsiifna gantummaa fi gandummaa.

Oromoon dagaagee biyyii bilisooma,
Burkutaa'ee bada hawwiin diinaa hin dooma,
Oromiyaa ijaaruun qabsoodhaan dhugooma

Wal tumsaa ilmaan aayyaa,
Ilmaan Oromiyaa,
Aduun nuuf bariitii gantuutti itti dhiyaa.

Oromiyaa walabni deebitee jaaramtii!!!
Lammii oromoo mitii diinnuu kana beektii,
Tokkummaa jabeessa bakka jirtanitti!!!

Qabsoon itti fufa!!
Bilisumman ni dhufa!!!
Shirri diina ni kufa!!!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Interior Minister of Transitional Federal Government of Somalia Mr Hussein Mohamed Aideed wants to pay a rebate to Mr Meles Zenaw

SomaliNet:- Hussein Mohamed Aideed, the interior minister of the transitional federal government has said on Tuesday the government wants that Somalia and Ethiopia share a single passport and wipe out the boundary between the countries – citing the unity of European countries as one nation and share one currency.

Mr. Aideed who met today with clan and traditional elders in the former presidential palace in the Somalia capital Mogadishu said since Somalis and Ethiopians are brothers and both countries share 2000 km long border my government would suggest to use a single passport in the two countries and unified security forces because there is blood relations between both communities in Somalia and Ethiopia.

“There are thousands of Somali refugees living in Ethiopian and hold Ethiopian passports who can travel everywhere in the world,” Mr. Aideed said.

Hussein Aideed said 60% the Somali refugees are in Ethiopia and argued that nothing can prevent us from joining hands with Ethiopia since they came to help us from thousands miles away.

The interior minister asked the elders to welcome the Ethiopian forces helping the government for restoring peace and stability.

He said the Ethiopians should be seen as friends but not as enemy. “ Ethiopia is the only country which supported Somalia out of the problem,” he said.

December 10, 2006, some members of the transitional parliament in Somalia put on view publicly a map which they said secretly stolen from the office of Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi in Baidoa. The map shows all countries in African continent with Ethiopia annexing Somalia . But the premier Gedi denied the allegation as false paper.

A leading investigator of genocide in Africa, who worked for UNICEF, says that Ethiopia itself is a terrorist nation that is using the invasion to...

Editor’s Note: Ethiopia’s invasion of Somalia may be guided less by the war against Islamist terrorism and more by narrow territorial goals of the Addis Ababa government, writes Donal Brown, an asssociate editor at New America Media.

What’s Realy Behind Ethiopia’s Invasion of Somalia?

New America Media, News Analysis. Donal Brawn.

Ethiopia’s invasion of Somalia may have more sinister goals than meet the eye.
Keith Harmon Snow, a leading investigator of genocide in Africa, who worked for UNICEF, says that Ethiopia itself is a terrorist nation that is using the invasion to gain legitimacy with its own people and the international community.

By fighting a patriotic war, the government seeks to mute opposition at home and criticisms of human rights violations and political repression.It also wants to divert criticism for its failure to comply with the World Court’s ruling to return disputed territory to Eritrea as well as consolidate its position in its land dispute with Eritrea.

Prime Minister Meles Zenawi claims the invasion aims to restore the United Nations-sanctioned government in Somalia and prevent Islamist forces from establishing a terrorist stronghold in the horn of Africa.

But those familiar with the situation in Somalia doubt it could ever provide a haven for Al Qaeda let alone jihadists coming from all over the Middle East. Most jihadists do not speak Somali and few speakArabic. They would stand out too much with their different eating habits and clothing. It would be difficult for a bone-poor country like Somalia tosupport an influx of foreigners.

The Somalians, who just want to end the constant fighting, are once again facing an uncertain future. The Islamists have faded away, discredited for shutting down schools and sending children to their deaths against the superior Ethiopian army. Never extremely religious anyway, Somalians now will have to contend with clans--more corrupt than the Islamists and prone to infighting—that have been restored to power.

In Addis Ababa, meanwhile, President Meles is facing big problems. He is losing the support of the Oromo people, backing that he needs to retain power. After the May 2005 elections, initially praised by the international community for the unprecedented participation of the opposition, Meles stifled inquiries into the legitimacy of the results. He reacted to public protests by jailing protesters, journalists, human rights workers and opposition leaders including the newly elected mayor of Addis Ababa. An independent inquiry revealed that Ethiopian security forces killed 193 unarmed protesters in 2005.

Ethiopia’s human rights record in the provinces is even more heinous, says Obang Metho of the Saskatchewan, Canada-based Anuak Justice Council, a human rights group seeking to protect the Anuak minority in Ethiopia. Metho says few people in Europe and the West realize what is going on in the shadow of Darfur.

“He [Meles] has been an agent of terror in Sidana, Ogalen, Oromo, Anhar, Tigray, Gambella [Anuak region] and continues to perpetuate brutality, oppression and suppression to his people throughout all of Ethiopia,” Metho says.

Metho claims that besides killing off the Anuaks, the Ethiopian national Defense Forces (ENDF) since December 15 had conscripted 600 to 700 young Anuak men and taken them to northern Ethiopia to train as soldiers. Many young men fled to the bush to escape conscription.

Metho and Snow agree that the Anuaks are facing genocide. Snow says Anuak rebels were allies of Meles in throwing out the hated Durgue government in 1991, but soon afterward, Meles turned against them.

Unable to conduct aid operations in Gambella, UNICEF commissioned Snow to do a report on the situation. In this poor and remote region, Snow found that, the ENDF was going into villages, destroying mud and straw dwellings and forcing the people to leave, under the pretext of weeding out terrorists.

“In August the military forcibly displaced all Anuak people from some 13 to 15 Anuak villages in the remote and already devastated regions,” Snow notes. Left with no options many Anuaks are going to larger towns or to southern Sudan and refugee camps in Kenya. People are restrained from moving about so it is difficult to attend school, gather firewood, travel to sources of water or conduct trade.

For an Anuak civilian, there is a “daily risk of being shot, raped, beaten, tortured or harassed,” according to the Harvard Law School’s International Human Right Clinic (IHRC) report on the situation in Gambella.

The Ethiopian government has been accused of trying to remove Anuak rebels from Gambella so that oil wells can be drilled. Snow says there are Chinese and Malaysian interests already setting up camps with electricity and clean water (amenities not available to Anuaks) and enticing local women into prostitution.

Metho says, “The Bush administration has never do anything [to recognize the atrocities in Gambella].” Metho wants the U.S. to put pressure on the Ethiopian government to ease up on the Anuaks and to investigate the killings.

Snow says all forms of support to the Meles government should be withdrawn. Angelina Jolie and others, he urged should stop adopting children from Ethiopia and stand up for the ordinary Ethiopiansunder threat of death from the government. He discourages African Americans from traveling to Ethiopia, their second most popular destination after Ghana. All aid organizations, he said, should pull out of Ethiopia.

“They [the aid workers] need to start talking about what they are seeing, that Ethiopia is a terrorist country,” says Snow.
