Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ejjennoo WBO Zoonii Kibba Oromiyaa Ilaalchisee Ibsa ABO

Lakko. (No.): 111/ABO/09
Guyyaa (Date): Onkoloolessa 26, 2009

Ejjennoo WBO Zoonii Kibba Oromiyaa Ilaalchisee Ibsa ABO

Waraanni Bilisummaa Oromoo (WBO) Zoonii Kibba Oromiyaa Onkoloolessa 19, 2009 labsa baase gadi fageesinee ilaallee jirra. Jeequmsa fi walfachaasina ABO keessatti bara dheeraaf deemaa dhufee as gahe xiinxaluun ejjeennoo warraaqaa humnichi fudhate waligalattii akka deggerru addeesina. ABO deebisanii tokkoomsuuf, akkuma walumaanuu yaadannutti, bara 2001 jalqabnee gurmuu qabsawota dhugaa argaamsiisuuf wareegama hedduu kafala dhufnee as ga’u keenya WBO Zoonii Kibbaa caalaa kan hubatu hin jiru.

Seenaa qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo keessatti WBO Zoonii Kibbaa humna damaqaa fi warraaqaa ta’u isaa marraa hedduu hojiin kan mul’ise dha. Ejjennoon ammaan kana ABO deebisanii dhinsuu irratti fudhattan kan nama jajjabeessu jenna. WBO Zooniilee addaaddaa fi qabsawoti haalaa dhaaba kana jeeqaa jiruu qaroominaan ilaalanii dhaabbi warraaqaa fakkenya WBO Zoonii Kibbaa hordofuu akka fudhatan waamicha goonaf.

ABO keessatti nagaan akka argamu tattaaffiin gochaa turre ammas ittifufe jira. Dhimma waliigalaa irratti akka ABOn deebi’e kaayyoo ganamaa irratti tokkoomuuf waamicha Mudde 11, 2008 labsuun keenya ni yaadatama. Gartuuleen murna Shanee Gumii fi murna Jijjiramaa waamicha keenya fudhatanii mariin jalqabame jirra. Hanga ammaatti haasaatu jalqabe malee murtiin irra gahame hin jiru. Waliigatleen akka argamu osoo of hin qusatin akka carraaqinnu uummata Oromoo hubachiisuu feena. Itti bahiinsa mare kanaa akka murtii maayyii irra geenyeen ummata Oromoof ifatti beeksisuuf jirra.

Tarkaanfiin WBO Zonii Kibbaa fudhates tattaaffi itti jirruu kan shafisiiu fi bu’a qabeessa taasisu jennee abdanna. Yaadaa tarkaanfataa isin dhiheesitan kana kanneen tokkuummaa Oromoo hin feene akka karaa irraa hin gufachiifnne qaroominaan tikfamuu qaba jenna.

Nuti gama keenyaan caarraqsi isin gootan galama akka gahu gumaachuuf bakka isin jirtanitti isin gidduutti argamnee wal haasa’uuf qophii ta’u keenya isiniif mirkaneesina.

Oromiyaan ni bilisomti!

Koree Hojii Geggeesituu ABO
Source:- http/

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Ibsa ABO - Haasaa Nagaa Murnna Jijjiiramaa wajjin irratti

Onkoloolessa 27, 2009

Saganataa raadiyoo isaa Onkoloolessa 25, 2009 dabrse irratti, murni Jijjiiramaa, kan G. Kamaal Galchuun geggeeffamu, dhaaba keenya ABO wajjin walitti baquuf maree fixatee akka jiru labsuun isaa ni yaadatama. Dhaabin keenya fi murnni kun walitti baquuf akka walii mallatteessanis achumaan ibsee jira.

Labsi raadiyoo murnna jijjiiramaan labsame kun, dhara (soba) dhugaa irraa fagaate waan ta’eef afanfaajjii inni uumuu danda’u xiqqeessuuf jecha ibsa kana baasuuf dirqamnne.

Mudee 11, 2008, qaamota maqaa ABOn sosso’an fi abba-tokkoota dhimma addaddaan ABO keessaa ala of godhaniif waamicha dabarsuun keenya ni yaadatama. Qabiyyeen waamicha keenyaa dhaaba keenya ABO kaayyoo isaa gamanaa jalatti deebisinee dhinsinee QBO jabeessuuf dhimma ilaalcha siyaasaa kan adda nu baase irratti teenyee akka mar’annu kan gaafatu ture. Kunis itti fufiinsa ejjennoo yeroo jeequmsi dhaabicha keessatti dhalatee jalqabee qabaachaa turree fi ammallee qabnnu dha.

Murnnoonni lameen maqaa ABOn sosso’an – Shanee Asmaraa fi Murnna jijjiiramaa – waamicha keenyaaf owwaachu isaaniif galata qabsoo galchinaaf. Qaamota kana lamaan wajjiin maree jalqabnnee jiraachuu keenya isinniif ibsinna. Ha ta’u malee, yeroo ammaa kanatti dhaabin keenya murnoota kana lameen wajjiin dhimma kana ilaalchisee murtii irra gahe akka hin qabnne asumaanuu isin hubachiifnna.

Abdiin keenya, mareen itti jirru Kaayyo ganamaa jalatti ABO dhinsee fi humnneessee QBO jabeessa kan jedhu. Abdii kana dhugoomsuufis qooda nurraa barbaachisu hunda gumaachuu itti fufnna. Ha ta’u malee, dhimmi dhaabicha jeeqee adda bahiinsa fide addaddummaa ilaalcha siyaasaa waan ta’eef furmaatin isaa maree bali’aa fi bilchinaan qabamuu gaafata. Kan ummatin Oromoo nurraa eegus kanuma. Dhimmi kun, dhimmaa fedhii fi hamilee ummata keenyaa ilaallatu waan ta’eef, kan yeroof ittiin tumsa horaachuu fi ykn gumaacha funaannachuuf jecha soba dhugaa fakkeessanii uummaticha ittin gowwomsan ta’uu hin qabu. Ummatin keenya kan nurraa eegu dhugaa itti himuu waan ta’eef, qaamonni siyaasaa Oromoo kanaan beekkaman hundi akka gochaa kana irraa of qusatan kabajaan gaafanna. Kannen dhara (soba) facaasuun qaamota mareetti jiran walitti muufachiisanii sochii kana gufaachiisuu yaalan yoo jiraatan akka isaan hin milkoofinnes asumaan hubachiifnna.

Oromiyaan ni bilisoomtti!

Koree Hojii Geggeessitu - ABO

Onkoloolessa 27, 2009

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Obbo Lichoo Bukhuraa Qaama "Jijjiiraa" keessaa ba'e jedhu

Gartuu “jijjiirama” ofiin jedhu waggaan dura shanee Asmaraa irraa adda ba’uun ni yaadatama. Murna kana keessatti itti aanaa dura taa’ee shanee jijjiiramaa kana kan turan ammaan kana murna kana keessa of baasuu isaanii addeessan. Guutummaa addeessa isaanii akka armaan gadiitti dubisaa.

Saturday, 10.17.2009, 09:24am (GMT)
Subject: Hoggansa KY ABO keessaa of baasuu fi tarkaanfi WBO ZK deegaru ibsatu taha.

Dhimma: Hoggansa KY-ABO keessaa of kaasuu fi deegarsa tarkaanfi WBO ZK beeksisu ta’a.

Nagaan haa dusruu!

Dhihoo tana humni waraanaa WBO-ZK hiriiraa, ajajaa fi hoggansa KY-ABO jalaa of baasuu isaa barruuleen gaafa 13/10/2009 facaate beeksise jira.

Sababaan murtii fi tarkaanfiin hedduu keenna rifachiise kun, haalotaa fi rakkoolee ulfaatoo yeroo waggaa tokkoo oliif gara hujiilee qabsootti cehu hanqisan, akkaataa deemsarraatti hogganaa hedduu keennaaf fudhatamu hanqatee fi hir’na hoggansaa fali isaa falamsiisaa tahuufaa walumaan beenna. Itti-bahan haalota akka rakkinaatti galmaa’ani hedduun dabre ammoo galii fi akeekni tarkaanfi jijjiiramaa dhaaba ABO keessatti KY-ABO eegalumarraa fudhate ka’een dhugomuun ijibaatamu tahe argame.

Rakkinoota yeroo tana hundaaf furmaata dhaban, kan deemee amma murtii WBO zoonichaa kana dirqisiise kanneen, osoo sadarkaaa akkanaa hin gahin akka falamuuuf yaaliin sirnaa fi seeraa gariin keenna akka qaama/qaamota sadarkaa turre, hoggana waliigalaa, koree fuula turreetti fi akka nama tokkootti illee hin carraaqin hin hafe akka hin jirre miseensotni, hogganoota fi ummatni asiitti ragaa dha.

Jajjabeessa, wal abdachiisu fi dambooba dhaabbataatti ittiin hunda obsisiifne keessatti qooda laanneef malee, fuula kanaatti silaa kanaan duraatti kan addaan deemuun akkanaa kun fagoo iyyuu dhalate jaallewwan jiran kamuu ni beekan jechuu ni danda’a.

Sadarkaa nama tokkeetti miseensotni hooggana kanaa kanumarraa yeroo hin guunne keessatti kanumarraa deemu filatanis hagami fi eennufaa akka tahan walumaanu beekna.

Waadaan waraana, miseensotaa fi ummataaf seenne turre hanqatu mudate akkana kanaan of/hoggana/jaarmayaa dhaarreffate yeroo humni qabnu kan akkanaa, guyyaa adiin nu- hooggana KY-ABO biraa yaa’aaniitti, nuti kanneen akka qaamota hoggana fi dabre ammoo namaatti illee durii isaan kana as naannessuutti gaafatamaa fi itti-gaafatma qabaatuutti laalamnu akkamiitti akka gad hafne ofi/wali akkasumas jaarmayaas gaaffii jala galche jira.

Rakkinoota furmaata dhabuun WBO zoonichaa murtii fi tarkaanfi akkanaatti cehu dirqisiise kannneen akka qaama hogganaa fi matayyatti akkuma taheettu, obsaan osoo jiru, danqaa tarkaanfiin waraanaa kun jaarmayicha keessatti dhalchu malu garii hanqisuuf fuula jirruutti kanneen maqaa ‘hoggana’ jedhamu waliin qabnu gamanaatti argamnu haga guyyaa kaleessaatti yaada waliin maddisiisuun, yaada falaa akeekurratti argamna turre.

Haa tahu malee, yeruma tana hogganni qabnu kan gama bakka waltajjii walii galaa jennuun jiran irraa kan dhaamamuun bira gahamee fi qajeelchaa jiraatuun hafarfamaa jiru hedduu qaanfachiisaa namaatti tahu mudata jira.

Kunis murtii fi tarkaanfi waraanni haala keessa-keessaan jaarmaya waliigalaa naafisu hundi beeku irraa abdii kutatuun fudhate kana danda’mu bifa wal marii fi sirnaan akkuma nu warri gamanaatti carraaqaa jirruutti hikkaa soquun irraa eegamu osoo hin taane haala biraa dhidhiibaa jiraatun natti hin tolle.

Karaa qunnamti dhunfaa (ta duraattu dadhabiinsa hogganaa fi diigamu jaarmayichaa gumaachuun deddeebi’e himatamaa as gahe), gamanaan bakka bakkaatti diriirsuun bifa dhaamsotaa fi qajeelfamaan namoota maqaa waliin qaama hoggana KY-ABO taane gariirraan balaa geessisuu akeekatuun, dabre egeree hogganaa fi jaarmaya KY irraa abdii na kutachiise jira.

Amalaa fi sochiin akka akka malee ta namootuma hoggana tahan, kan ilma namaa haga yoonaatti obsisiisuu fi waliitti qabuu irratti dadhabaa as gahan, kanneenuma guyyaa jabaa dadabre illee waan gaafas dhugaa jedhamerratis waliin dhaabatuun beekkaman kanneen irratti akka aggaammataman taasisuun guddoo na dhibe.

Dadhabbiilee, hanqinoota jaarmayaa hoggana laalufaa of bira dabarsuu aada tute itti fufisiisuun tarkaanfii waraanni of jibaata irra fudhatuu waakkatuun hin danda’mne tana namootuma miseensota hogganaa tahan kan haga yoonaa deemsa hujiilee laalan irratti gara garumama waliin qabaniitti fe’uu yaaluu naaf hin fudhatamu dide jira.

Akkasuma dhugaa hundi argu/beeku tokko fudhatani ofi/haalas sirreessu aadaa tolfachu mannaa, amanu diduun aadaa of waakkatuu itti fufuu qofaaf jecha-fafaa, tan haala tahe/jiru dhossani, bifaa biraatiin maqaa dhibii namaatti moggasuun, ilma namaa wal nyaachifamuu-aadalee hin malle akka jijjiiramuuf waliin dhaabbanne garuma fedhiitti fayidamu akkanaa kana addeessee morma.

Tarkaanfi deegarsa nagaa, araaraa fi tokkummaa waraanni labsate dhaaressuuf, fashalsuu yaaluuf qofaaf gochaalee tokkummaa miseensotaa fi ummataa booressu dhidhiibuun dhagahaa jiru guddaa na gaddisiise. Kun itti-fufa amaloota dhunfaa kan madda rakkina KY-ABO socho’u nu hanqise ture keessaa isa bu’uraati.

Haalota akka malee kanneen hin hawane kana caalaa obsuu fi ni furra jedhani waliin taa’uun ofii fi kanneen of duraatti nama laalani illee sobuu tahe argama. Akka qaama hoogganaa fi akka nama tokkoottis amalootni addaa kukun obsa na dhowwe jira. Haalota akkanaa keessatti hujiilee jaarmayaa waliin hojjachuu ykn waa jijjiirra jechuun na quubsuu diduutti dabalee-gaafatama bifaa fi sadarkaa kamiitu baadhatuu itti fufuu ijibaatarraan na gahe jira.

Kanumaaf, gaafatamaa fi hiriira qaama, jarmayaa akkasuma hoggana KY-ABO keessatti yaamamaani ture amma irraa kaasee ofirraa fuudhuun, keessaa of-baasuu kiyyaa hunda beeksisa.

Kanuma waliin ergaa haalota keessa dabarree fi jirru roga hundarraa gamaggameen duubaatti, falli QBOf-kanaan achiitti hafe takkichi yo jiraate tarkaanfi nagaa, araara fi tokkummaa WBOn ZK ABO 13.10.2009 dhiheesse fudhatu, tumsuu fi milkeessuuf hojjatu tahu murteeffadhe jirra.

Injifannoo Ummata Oromoof!

Lichoo Bukhuraa

Friday, October 09, 2009

State of political debate in the Oromo Diaspora – a colonial legacy?

By: Gumaa Guddaa

"Colonial domination .... is made possible by negation of national reality, by new ‘legal' relations introduced by the occupying power, by the banishment of the natives and their customs to outlying districts by colonial society, by expropriation, and by the systemic enslaving of men and women" (Frantz Fanon, 1963.

Oromo politics cannot be separated from its historical context. Oromia was colonized by Abyssinia assisted by the support of European powers in 1898. At this time Oromia was vibrant and a thriving country. Oromo society was collectivistic; with extended family clans and traditional kinship structures governed by set of social laws, customs, rituals and cultural ethics a.k.a ‘safu' in Oromo language. The concept of ‘safu' was central to the concept of Oromo self. The role of the Gada system in organizing and maintaining the Oromo way of life at the time was one of the crucial tenets of the Oromo society's cultural being. Debate played a central role in decision making at all levels.

The Oromo concept of debate was holistic - emphasizing the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its parts. Debate and descent was not seen as antagonizing. There was no assumption that one man knows best. Ideas were separate from the proponent. Differing views were expected rather than being the exception. When one proposed an idea or a solution to a problem one was expected to back it with logic arguments and evidence. The Oromo society was inquisitorial rather then confrontational.

The Oromo continue to maintain strong link to their traditional culture to this date. I had the opportunity to witness the choreography of free flowing public debates as a child on several occasions. For example, it used to fascinate me as to the purpose of the energy dedicated to deliberation before they decided to cut down a tree. Once a consensus was reached after long deliberations and a collective decision was made, silence would descend and everyone begins to act. No one raised an objection halfway during the action for it would be dangerous if debate was to be reignited the tree would fall on them causing injury. I only fathom now the significance of such an organized way of life and the essence of Oromo collective consciousness in their ordered life. As it was not possible to reach a unanimous consensus at all times the Oromo are prepared to live with compromises too.

The advent of Abyssinian colonialism led to the announcement of something deeply pervasive and, arguably, cultural genocide on the Oromo society. It is as if the life of the Oromo - their everyday lives, responsibilities, values and goals - were and are being effaced. Through a pervasive rhetorical device and open psychological warfare and indoctrination - an implied cultura nullius -the life of the Oromo people is negated effectively and in its entirety. Colonization of Oromia a century ago was followed, until the present, by several years of conflict, marginalization and forced acculturation, with resultant loss of traditional society, religion, law, land, and cultural identity especially among some Oromo urban communities and semiliterate sector of the Oromo society.

One of the most detrimental effects of the Oromo colonial experience has been the stifling of a healthy debate. In particular, over the past one decade it has been my observation that some elements of the Oromo political class have made a conscious decision to adopt the Abyssinian way of going about their business. Some have not only abandoned our way of life but also actively sought out to discourage dialogue. They adopted a very intolerant attitude towards descent of any kind. This has led to doubts about identity issues, lack of trust and intimacy between Oromos of different political persuasions as well as region and religion.

Something strange seems to have taken place in the Oromo Diaspora. I have been following the nature and tone of the debate amongst the Oromo Diaspora for the past two decades. The debate started off in the traditional sense in the early 90s. But it became very bitter and divisive very soon. Most were taken by surprise by the vitriol and lack of ‘safu' and called for return to our values and traditional norms. No one paid attention. Then came the first half of the 2000s when the debate turned nastier and nastier. It became virtually impossible to have anything remotely resembling a civilized debate due to heated political fervor.

There are fundamental significant cultural differences in the mode of conducting debates among the Oromo people and the Abyssinian people. These differences stem from fundamental difference in the concept of debate itself. In Oromo world view debate is a way of reaching a state of perfection and finding a compromise. The Oromo way of reasoning is circular as opposed to the Abyssinian way of linear thinking, which does not encourage debate. Equally important is also that the Oromo consider each other equal. The Abyssinian society is a class society. Thus, debate is interpreted as insubordination and has to be quashed according to Abyssinians. The Abyssinians say "follow the leader at all times!" However, the Oromo believe that the leader has to have a convincing argument to be followed.

At the present it will not be an exaggeration to say that debate among the Oromo Diaspora community has completely died out. It is non existent. A complete collapse of political debate among the Oromo Diaspora at a time when the Oromo people are subjected to unparalleled political and economic exploitation, famine and devastating HIV/AIDS pandemic is odd to say the least. Such a state of moral and intellectual paralysis is due to a combination of historical, political, cultural and social causes. These include the intergenerational transmission of trauma, unresolved identity issue, sociocultural dislocation - first from Oromia to Ethiopia, now from Oromia to different countries across the globe - resulting in lack of sense of community and deficiency in ‘safu' - collective consciousness.

Although it would be wrong to attribute wholly this infirmity to our colonial experience it is nevertheless unavoidable questioning the impact of lack of autonomy and pervasive influence of the occupying enemy on the way we conduct our discourse. Whatever the cause may be, it is morally indefensible not to have a serious debate on our future and how we should get rid of the oppressive Ethiopian regime and gain our independence and reclaim our rightful freedom.
There is no question in my mind as to what the first topic of our discourse should be. Let us discuss why we have stopped taking to each other. In my views, the problem that has brought the end of exchange of ideas and opinion is at the root of our inability to unite our energy and talent to liberate our nation from slavery. So ask yourself. Is it we have no issues to discuss or that the problem will worsen by duscussions or we remain wishful that if we stopped talking about it the problem will disappear by itself?

In summary, the Oromo people had an active culture of debate without fear of upsetting each other or being labeled an opponent. The Gada system sustained the Oromo way of life for generations. However, currently the level of intellectual thinking and debate in Oromo society is in a dire situation. At home due to the shackles of Wayane oppressive security apparatus of ‘Gott' and ‘Garee' - one security agent for every 5 households and in the Diaspora as a result of the tyranny of the ill informed mindless cadres who spread false allegations and hatred amongst the Oromo community.

Evidence based, serious, honest debates led by the ‘safu Oromoo' and wisdom are more likely to succeed than a narrowly focused narrative. And surely we should understand it will be at our own peril that we follow the backward Stone Age Abyssinian way of life. We have to be seriously concerned as to what will happen in the next ten or fifteen years at this rate. We are sleepwalking into intellectual decay and demise. Let us return to our natural habitat and have a genuine honest debate - everything about the myths, facts and challenges about our struggle for decolonization - intellectual as well as physical liberation of Oromia from the jaws of the enemy.
Have your say.

Gumaa Guddaa can be reached via e-mail:


Thursday, October 08, 2009

URGENT APPEAL to Save the lives of two Oromo Asylum seekers arrested in Egypt.

Two Oromo Asylum seekers were arrested after being abducted by smugglers and kept hostage for one month.they were threated to death by smmuglers, later after there released them, they were arrested by Egyptian Authority on there way. Those two Asylum seekers are seriously at risk passing many unsucceessful journey in saving there live.who will be of help.

Getting out of the Hell of -‘ Ethiopia’ is not an easy story; it takes much money or great despair, and is achieved through many ways leading to a great number of destinations. In Cairo there are Oromo Refugees who fled Ethiopian tyranny, unaccompanied girls without male support, children minors ,women with children,young refugees without work, living in destitute living condition.People with No Home! No Land ! No family ! Children with No parents ! It is Sad Oromos live such live.stateless humankind treated like craps everywhere on earth.I request All humanitarian bodies to attentively handle Oromo peoples grievience so that the oppressed community at home cannot be made to suffer again at the hand of same aggressors in Exile.

by A.Gumi

