Thursday, January 31, 2008

Ethiopia accused of bomb attack

Nairobi - Eritrea accused arch-foe Ethiopia on Wednesday of masterminding a bomb blast, which it said happened last week, killing one person and injuring eight others.

"Terrorists sponsored by the (Ethiopian) regime carried out terrorist acts in Tessenei resulting in damage to civilians," a statement on the Eritrean information ministry website read. It said the attack took place last Friday morning.

"One person was killed and about eight others sustained injuries in the terrorist attack through a time bomb that exploded in a business site of the town."

Tessenei lied in the extreme west of Eritrea, close to the border with Sudan.

Eritrea also accused Ethiopia of a "continuation" of "acts of hostility, provocation (and) incursion," including the planting of landmines.

The neighbours remained deadlocked in a border standoff after their devastating 1998-2000 war, which left 70 000 people dead.

Eritrea had repeatedly accused its bigger and more powerful neighbour of bracing for a new border war, a claim dismissed by Addis Ababa as a bid by Asmara to divert attention from its internal woes.

A total of some 200 000 troops from both sides were deployed along the border, fuelling international fears of a new flare-up.

A UN-appointed border panel, part of a 2000 peace deal, was dissolved in November with Ethiopia refusing to recognise a ruling that granted Eritrea a flashpoint border town.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Iyyaa Ayyoo keetii

Abarraa Olumaa tin

Hiraarama hamaa fi gidiraa hammaataan
Kan miidhamaa jirtu gabroomfattu habashaan
Manaa alli ishee saamamee halagaan
Dhalli isheen horte duguugamee diinaan,
Dhipphachaa kan jirtu harmeen kee si deesse
Hardhas sitti iyyatti gurbaa yoo dhageesse
Iyyitee si waamti hintal yoo dhageesse.

Dhalakoo siin jettee, harmeen sitti wawwaatti
Ati baqattu illee ammas suma eeggatti
Fagoo iraa taatu illee; abdii koo siin jetti
Siifan gaaga’ama; siif miidhaan koo mitii?
Kan maal taa’u dha ree usuun kee anatti?
Jechuun si waammatti haati hatattamatti.

Harmeen kee si deesse dhaamsa sitti dhaammattii.
Diiggaa diinni dalagu caqasi dafiitii
Diinni kan si miidhu addaan si qoodeetii
Kan addaan si qoodu hin laalin laayyootti
Diinaaf fira kan kee hubadhu sirriitti
Mana kee galgalaa hin jigsin!!! siin jetti.

Gorsi haadhaa ulfinaa hin laalin qoosaatti
Sihii dhalli ishee hin gatin diinatti
Gidiraan qabamtee ulfoon sitti iyyiti.
Deebii hatattamaa si gaafachaa jirtii
Dhalli aayyoo hunduu diinaaf tokkumaatii;
Tokkummaa kee cimsii dirmaadhuuf yerootti.

Garaatti si baattee waan qabdu siif laattee
Dadhabe utuu hin jedhin lapheetti si baattee
Aayyoon kee si deesse si jecha hiraaramtee
Jireenya keef jecha halagaan dhaanmte.
Mana ishee keessatti ibiddaan gubamte
Galaa isheea siif keesse Habashaan saamamte.

Siif jecha rakkatti egaa yoo hubatte
Harmeen kee ulfottiin kan diinaan miidhamte
Dhiiroo hatattamaan ija kee saaqqattee
Hardha dha qaqqabuun biyya keef dirmattee.

Haati yoo si yaamtu imimmaan ishee roobsaa
Utuu qabduu dhabdee dhala ishee boonsaa
Harmeen kee guddottiin taatee haadha hiyyeessaa
Maaf garaa jabaatte?Maaf dhabde deebii isaa?
Hirriba sin dhorkuu? Si hin damqsuu keessaa?
Yoo itti karisu hawaannisni Habashaa weerartichi tasaa.

Utuu kana beektuu gurri kee dhaga’uu
Waa irraa faccisuu humni kee danda’uu
Tokkoon dhuunfaa keettis gamtaanis haa ta’uu
Adeeroo maal goote usuun kun hin ga’uu???

Maaliif si raffisa dhukkubni aayyoo keetii?
Maaf gurra sin seenne? sittoo iyyaa jirtii.
Sirraa edda hin taanee eenyu irraa eeggatti?
Maal qabdi kan biraa of gaaffu ilaaliitii!

Maaliif hiraaramti maaf dhaanamti diinaan?
Bidaan maaf gubamti mee maal baldheessinaan?
Tari deebii qabdaa maaloo ilma aayyaa?
Waamicha haadha ofii yoo callisan wayyaa?

Yoo diinni si nyaatu ilkaan jaldhisatee
Isa kaan ajjeesee isa kaan qabatee
Akka ilmaan bineensaa gadi baasee qalatee
Diina dhiiga dhugu, ijji kee hubatee,
Ribxee ati teesseef si dhiisaa rifatee?
Lammii Oromotichaa maaloo maaf callistee?

Yoo sittis hiixatu dangaa tarkaanfatee,
Gamtaa dhabuu kankee ilaaluun si tuffatee
Biyya baqaatti illee gantuu bobbaafatee
Sirbi yoo siin jedhu lammii galaafatee
Adeero ilma aayyoo maaloo kana hubattee?
Badii hamaa akkanaa diina keef hayyamtee?

Diigamuu mana kee sirba sirbuu qabdaa?
Aayyoo kee iyyitu atiimmoo gammaddaa?
Gamtaa kee hurreessan itti laatta dugdaa?
Sum’ii siif bulbulan utoo ilaaltuu dhugdaa?
Mana kee gubatu karkarsattaa ibidda?
Waamicha aayyoo keetii mee attamiin didda?

Mee jedhikaa deebii; adeero ilma aayyaa
Faffacaatee kan jirtu hunduu biyyaa biyya
Deebii waliif qabnaa? Moo tari usuu wayyaa?
Sitti tolee jiraa jireenyi baqannaa?
Aayyoo ofiin ala jireenya waa qabnaa???

Tari borii keetiif galaa waa keewwatee?
Lammii kan bakka bu’u obboleessa argattee?
Haadha koo kan jettuun kan biraa uummattee?
Tokkitti haadha keetii Ormaan geddarattee?
Yoo kana hin taane attamiin callistee?
Aayyoo sitti iyyaattu attamittiin uste???

Haadhoon wal wallaalee madaqee ormatti
Kutaa diinni uumeen wal qoodee meeqatti
Aadaa fi safuun badee jireenya baqaatti
Of dagachuutu dhufee; joonjii jabanaatti?
Waloon dirmachuufii, irra wal qooduutti
Waa gammachuu qabdaa yoo maassantu haati?

Mee attamiin usa kan lammiin isaa du’u?
Mee attamiin sirba kan gadda dhaga’u?
Dhiirrii gidiramee biyya isaa irraa ba’u
Mana isaa gubatu waa irraa hin haasa’uu?
Kan nameenyaa qabu tasa akkas hin ta’u!!!
Dirmata haadhaa mitii, kabiraafuu hin taa’u.

Dahannoo argachuun jireenya fakkaatee
Hardha bakki jirtu yoo si goyyoomsate
Deebi’ii mildhadhuu maal keessa akka baate
Haadhaa fi Maati irraa, waan si hari’ate
Attamiin qalbiin kee kana irraanfatee?
Dhiiroo dhiira keenyaa dhiiraatu seexaa gatee?

Dhiiroo hin irraanfatiin
Lammii tasa hin usin!!!

Gartokkoon qaama kee ibidda irra jiraa
Lakkii hin dagatin na qaqqabii jaraa.
Kofaltee hin sirbin du’aa fi gadda firaa
Xiiqayi morkadhuu!!! diina dhayi of irraa
Gamtaa kee kan diiguuf hin kenniiniif carraa
Of gattee of dagattee hin dalagin yaraa
Gumaachi lammii keetiif qooda kee ijaaraa!

Qooda si gaafata dirmannaan qaqqabuu
Lammiin du’aa jiru hidhaadhaan hagabuu.
Anis ilma aayyaati jedhii waadaa haaromsi
Gaaffii harmee keetiif deebii kee deebisi.
Anis Oromticha jedhii waadaa haaromsi,
Lammii dhumaa jiruuf siif jiraa agarsiisi.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Open letter to Kenyan President By Abdulkadir Gumi

I have the honour to address this letter to you in order to draw your attention to a very preoccupying subject, namely the increasing number of Human Rights violations that take place in Kenya, and are directed against the Boorana populations.

The Ethiopian military actions on the northern Kenyan border have devastating effects on the socioeconomic situation of Northern Kenyan populations that have unjustly been accused of hosting foreign rebels.

The Boorana-Oromo communities allover the world have taken notice of the ceaseless acts of intimidation, oppression and murder, carried out against a great number of innocent Kenyan Boorana Oromos by the Ethiopian security forces alongside the border and on Kenyan territory, in several northern Kenya towns. Similar acts have been also perpetrated in Nairobi – which sounds impossible, but is unfortunately very true.

This act of aggression against Boorana people must be condemned by all peace loving people of Kenya. It is absolutely unacceptable that foreign soldiers and security agents sent from Ethiopia enter Kenya easily and murder average Kenyan nationals.

This practice is not new; it has been perpetuated down to our days since the colonial times. Despite the establishment of International Law, Kenya has tolerated this absolutely evil and inhuman practice that targets its own people. The world needs anger, the world often continues allowing evil because it is not angry enough.....Bede Jarre.

Northern Kenya people love indeed peace and stability for themselves and for all Kenyans. Kenya is our beloved nation, the sacred land of our birth, but Northern Kenyan people still lack basic political rights. As a consequence of this situation, Boorana Oromos living in free democratic countries have the right and the moral obligation to bring to your attention the real plight of the Boorana Kenyans.

In Kenya, Boorana Oromos occupy the area called the northern Corridor;Namely Isiolo, Marsabit, Moyale districts. as a matter of fact they are part of the Oromo Nation which consists in the largest national group in neighboring Ethiopia. There, they were met with unspeakable massacres that have been ceaselessly repeated until today without anyone knowing or writing about them.

The most appalling aspect of these pitilessly executed massacres is that the Kenyan Government decided to cooperate with Ethiopia, and even worse to carry out military action against its own citizens, namely the Boorana Oromos. Under the pretext of false accusations, involving cooperation and support for the Oromo Liberation Front, Kenyan authorities deliberately facilitated Ethiopian secret services´ agents to kill Kenyan citizens.

Ethiopian has become widely known for turning the entire Horn of Africa to a Hell of fire and war. The Kenyan - Ethiopian cooperation will only tarnish the fair name of Kenya, a country that has been so far considered as a democratic and peaceful realm, impartial is its judgments and supportive of the Cause of African Democracy and Progress.

The unfortunate practice and Ethiopian – Kenyan cooperation leaves me, as Kenyan citizen, with an unanswered question as regards Kenya´s future as an independent and sovereign nation.

Why does Kenya allow a foreign country to shape its own policy as regards its own citizens?

With Ethiopia known and denounced for its oppressive policies and poor record of Human Rights, Kenya should be careful and take distance from a much loathed neighbor like this.

Simple logic would drive the Kenyan authorities to the conclusion that Northern Kenya´s Boorana Oromos have practically speaking no means to help rebels and OLF fighters. Furthermore, I want to urge you to reconsider with respect to OLF, and realize that the gallant Oromo fighters are not different from any other freedom fighters struggling for the independence of their country.

OLF fighters are indeed quite similar to the SPLA of Southern Sudan and to the MAU MAU of the colonial times´ Kenya; I find this is easy to assess, and I am sure you will share my opinion that it will be very unfortunate to let people think that the Kenyan government can do nothing in respect with the country´s northern territory where Ethiopia assuredly does not want to live Kenyan citizens live in peace.

I wonder why only Northern Kenya is a place of disasters, massacres, unfair treatment of populations and absolute lawlessness. Is Northern Kenya the only place where one people lives on both sides of the borderline?

I want here to mention examples you certainly know only too well, namely the Maasais of Kenya and Tanzania, and the Somali of Kenya and Somalia. Luo live in peace in either Kenya or Uganda.

Grieved, we have to admit that under-development dating back to the colonial times has created insecurity and poverty in Northern Kenya. This situation produces a great number of refugees, and soon Kenya will be among the world´s leading refugee-producing countries. Will this be nice? Everyone in Kenya should remember the noble slogan of Peace, Love and Unity. Everyone knows that Democracy has had in Kenya a better fate than in other African countries – thus far. This must also apply to the Northern province as well.

The same concerns several social and economic sectors in Kenya, namely Health, Education, Communications, and Transport. But nobody is happy with the situation in Northern Kenya; Boorana are frustrated with the underdevelopment and the lack of security, due to the criminal and inhuman Ethiopian involvement as tolerated by the Kenyan authorities.

Your Excellency,

I call upon our patriotism; your government must stay in control in Northern Kenya, enforce the law, and protect its citizens instead of cooperating with the undemocratic and unrepresentative Ethiopian military. If anything, Kenya could launch a peace initiative between the Ethiopian government and the OLF targeting a lasting peace, which will also have a positive impact on Kenya, as it occurred in the cases of SPLA (Sudan) and Somalia.

Nobody denies that peace or war in any of Kenya´s neighboring countries has a direct impact on Kenyans´ security. That is why I urge you to cancel any anti-Boorana Oromo practice or plans, and to undergo all diplomatic efforts needed, involving negotiations with the OLF. Boosting development in the North will have a great impact on Kenya´s overall economic performance and development.

Ending, I ask you, as a plenipotentiary representative of the President of Kenya, to ensure that the Boorana Kenyan citizens will not face in the future either war or harassment from either internal or external security forces.

I therefore request from your government to attentively handle our grievance so that the Boorana of Northern Kenya community does not suffer anymore at the hands of the inhuman foreign aggressors, namely the rogue thugs of the Tigray/Amhara - led tyranny.

Thanking you for your time and attention,

Yours Faithfully,

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Dhaamsa Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo Waggaa Haaraa bar 2008



Guyyaa: 31 Mudde 2007.

Lakk: 04/ABO/07.

Dhaamsa Waggaa Haaraa Hayyu Duree ABO Hunda dura ummata Oromoo, saboontota Oromoo, qabsawota bilisummaa fi miseensotni ABO martinuu bagaa nagaan bara 2008 geessan jechaa maqaa hoggana ABO fi maqaa kootiin dhaamsa Waggaa Haaraa kanaan isiniif dhiheessu kabaja guddaan tahuun isiniif mirkaneessa. Dabalees, carraa Waggaa Haaraa ayyaaneffachuu kanatti gargaaramuun barrii haaraan kan dagaagina qabsoo bilisummaa fi kan injifatnoo akka nuuf ta’u carraaqsa godhaa jirtan akka jabeessitan waamicha qabsoo isiniif dabarsa.

Waggaan tokko xumuramee waggaa haaraatti yeroo ceenutti dhuunfaanis ta’e waloon maal galmeesinee turre, maal gochaa jirraa, maaltus nu hafee jennee yeroo itti of gaafannuu fi walis gaafannu ta’uun ni beekama. Akka ummata bilisummaa isaaf qabsa’u tokkootti nuti ilmaan Oromoo qabsicha bakkaan gahuuf waggaa dabre kana keessa gumaachi keenya maal fakkaata jennee of gaafachuun waggaa haaraa nu fuuldura jiru kanattis guumaacha qabsoon nu gaafatu kennuuf yeroo itti of qopheessinu ta’uu qaba.

Hunda caalaa ummatni keenya roorroo alagaaf osoo hin jilbeeffatin qabso bilisummaa biyya isaatiif wareegama qaqa’llii kafaluun harr’as akkuma kaleessa mootummaa Wayyaanee waliin falmaa itti jiru sadarkaa olaanaan itti fufee jira. Ummatni Oromoo bu’aa xixiqqaaf osoo hin gowwoomin kaayyoo bilisummaa isaaf gumaati inni kennaa jiru kan hunda keenya boonsu. Gootummaan ummata keenyaa dhaaba keenya ABO kan hamilechiisu ta’uun isaa raga baha irbuu seenne yoom iyyuu taanaan akka hin dagganne mirkaneessa. ABO hanga dhummaatti bilisummaaf kan qabsawu male dhaaba ‘paartii’ mormituu Itoophiyaa akka hin taane irra deebinee ummata keenya yaadachiifna.

Gama kaaniin ammoo, afaanfaajjii diinootni qabsoo kan keessaa fi alaa weerara suduudaan ummata keenya irratti oofaniin osoo hin jilbeefatin xaliila yaadaa fi kaayyoo bilisummaa irratti jabaachuun ummata Oromoo; nu warra qabsoon keenya kan haqaa ta’uu mirkaneeffachuun, qabsoon hanga bilisummaatti jennuuf injifatno dha. Warra holola diinaaf jilbeenfataniif garuu ejjennoo isaani akka keessa deebi’anii qorataniif carraa keenna jennee abdanna.

Ajjeechaa, hidhaa fi cunqursaan mootummaa Wayyaanee fi saamichi qabeenya biyya keenya Oromiyaa irratti geggeffamaa jiru kan dur irra heddummatee sadarkaa ummata lafa irra duguuguu (genocide) eerga gahee bubbulee jira. Haala kana irraa dandamatuuf furmatti jiru qabsoo bilisummaa finiinsuu qofa. Rakkoon kun hundi kan nutti dhufe mirga ummatummaa fi abba biyyuummaa sarbamuu irra akka madde ni beekama. Kanaafis, biyya keenya deeffachuun furmaata maayyii taha. Seenaan biyyoota bilisoomanii fi seenaan deemsa qabsoo keenya kan ganna 35nii akka addeessutti qabsoon keenyas gumaata ummata keenyaa fi qabsaawoti dhugaa harka walqabatani akka nama tokkootti sossoo’uu gaafata.

Wagga haaraa itti seenaa jirru kan keessa dursi kennamuufi kan qaban keessaa tokkoffaan kaayyoo dhugaa irratti hundawee qabsoo ABOn geggeffamu jabeessuu dha jennee ammana. Dhaabota bilisummaa Oromoo keessaa hangaafa ta’e, deeggersa ummata Oromoo kan qabu fi maqaa dhaaba kanaan ummatni keenya yeroo lafa irra daguugamuutti ABO jabeessuun ittigaafatama miseensotaa fi hoggna ABO qofaa ta’ee ilaalamu hin qabu. Ittigaafatamni kun kan ummata Oromoo guutuu tahuun dagatamuu hin qabu. Qabsoon jalqabame akka galama gahu nuti warri dhaloota ammaa ittigaafatama keenya baanee darbuun kan nurraa eegamu qofaa osoo hin taanee kana galmeessuu baannan seenaan nu hin gaafatu jedhanii yaaduun hin danda’amu. Kanaaf jecha, beektonnii fi ogeeyyonni beekumsa keessaniin, warri qabeenyaa gaha qabdan qabeenyaan, kan manguddoo taatan yaada ititaa fi darggaggoon hamilee fi humna si’aawaan qabsoo keessaniif gumaatuun dhaaba keessan ABO akka deggertan waamicha qabsoo isiniif goona.

Dursi kennamuufii kan qabu tattaaffiin biraa ammoo, tokkummaa dhaabota bilisummaa Oromoof qabsaawan jabeessuun diina irratti haala qindaawaa ta’een tarkkaanfii murteessaa ta’e fudhachu dha. Kana keessatti Tokkuummaan Humnoota Bilisummaa Oromiyaa (THBO) xaxama keessa jiru mohatee bahuu qaba jenna. Kana milkeessuuf dhaabni keenya ABO dirqama isaa ni bahata.

Sochii diinni biyya keenya qabatee jiru bara 2007 keessa godhe tokko yeroo jalqabaaf ifatti maqa ‘OPDO’n Oromiyaa alatti of ijaarruu ture. Akkanaan, biyya Awuropaa fi biyya Ameerikaa kaabaa keessatti qondalota fi dabbaloota hirriirsuun ummata Oromoo biyya ambaa jiru afaanfajjeessuuf yaalee ture. Bakka hedduutti ilmaan Oromoo dammaqiinsaan shira kana fashalsiisuu yoo danda’n illee bakka tokko tokkootti harr’aan tana OPDOn of ijaaruuf milka’un isee hanga bilisummaatti qabsicha tiksuun yoom illee hojii fardi akka ta’e addeessa. Ummatni Wayyaaneen ‘OPDO’ meeshaa godhate biyya ambaatti godaansise akkamiin deebi’e ‘OPDO’ jalatti gurmaawe jedhanii gaafatuun illee hojii fardii ti.

Dhaabotni nafxanyaa kan akka ‘CUD’ fi ayyaanalaalattoonni Oromoo keessaa margan yerooammaan tana kan xiyyeeffatanii sosso’an inni hangafti, tokkumma qabsawotaa fi ummataOromoo ta’uun beekamaa dha. Warri tokkummaa Itoophiyaa tiksan tokkummaa keenya hubuu irratti yoo xiyyeeffate waan raajamu hin qabu. Tokkuummaan Oromoo kan uumaa ta’uun isaa hubatamee akka tuta kanniisaa waliin kaanee shira diinaa walxaxaa kana hubannee battalaan aggaammii tokkummaa keenyaa irratti xiyyaafate kana of irraa deebisuun hojii fardii ta’uu qaba. Kana keessatti oggeeyyii fi mangudoolee Oromoo irraa hirmaannaa olaanaatu eegama.

Maayyii irratti, akkuma kaleessaa harr’as dhaabni keenya ABO kaayyoo qabsoo ganamaa irraa osoo hin maqin qabsicha furgaasuuf milkeessuu irratti of qusannoo tokko malee hojjechuuf adda durummaan wareegama qabsoon gaafatu kennuuf irra deebinee mirkaneesina.

Waggaan haaraan nu fuuldura jiru kun bara qabsoon bilisummaa Oromoo itti finiinu akka ta’u shakkii hin qabnu. Qabsoon kan milkii akka ta’u hawwiin keenya qabsaa wota bilisummaa fi ummata Oromoo bakka jirtan maratti isin haa dhaqabu.

Oromiyaan ni bilisoomti!!

Dhugaasaa Bakakkoo

Hayyu Duree ABO.
31 Mudde 2007.
