Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Horrific pollution of Lake Koka and subsequent deaths of residents

Horrific pollution of Lake Koka and subsequent deaths of residents

In this two-part documentary, Al Jazeera depicts the horrific pollution of Lake Koka and the subsequent deaths of residents of this Oromian region by chemical poisoning in drinking water. Here are some past reports about the deteriorating environmental conditions due to misguided government policies: about a month ago, the Prime Minister of the dictatorial regime in Ethiopia said his government would not stop its carelessness about the environment.

About a year ago, a Jimma Times report first exposed the high “safety” cost of the unregulated flower industry in Oromia. In October 2008 Abaa Biyya warned about the threat of the horticulture industry on honeybees in central Oromia. Be reminded also about the pollution of Akaki River and neighboring farmlands by industrial wastes dumped out from unregulated small-scale factories just outside of Finfinne (this was first reported by the Guardian here).
Regarding the so-called “affordable housing developments” in Finfinne, this is nothing but the copycatting of the failed housing projects in the West. These housing projects are designed to keep the millions of poor Addis residents poorer in neighborhoods congested with crimes, substance abuses, neglected schools, unsafe buildings (for publicity stunt, the buildings are being erected at an alarming speed that undermines safe building codes) … in short, this is the MUSHROOMING OF GHETTOS IN ADDIS ABABA (Along the same lines, in October 2008 BBC reported that “Addis is littered with building sites“.)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


It is with great sorrow and sadness that we inform the Oromo Community at home and abroad the widely known and highly respected OBBO GABRE-SELLASSIE WOLDYA, Deputy Chairman of OFDM, died on February 15, 2009 after a long battle with cancer.

Gabre - Sellassie Woldya was one of the original leaders of the Macha-Tulama Association. He died at the age of 71. Gabre-Sellassie worked very hard to establish OFDM and labored strenuously for its survival and growth during the last four critical years. Gabre-Sellasie was wise, patient understanding and tolerant. OFDM will miss him dearly, particularly at this time when our Party is beset with political and economic difficulties. We trust that OROMOS at home and abroad will come to the aid of the Movement and save it from collapse under the weight of government oppression.

OFDM Executive Committee

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Lallaba ‘Waadaa Tokkummaa Qabsaawota Walabummaa Oromiyaa’

Gumii Idda Bu’oota THBO
Guyyaa: Ammajjii 31, bara 2009

Walgayiin Gumii Idda Bu’oota THBO bultii lamaaf teessoo godhate irratti bu’ura marii gurguddoo ta’an gad-fageenyaan xiinxalee jira. Qabxiileen marriin irratti godhame:

A) Dararaa humni diinaa waggaa dhibbaa ol ummata Oromoo irra geessaa turee fi kan har’aan tana irra geessaa jiru,

B) Haala mooraa diinaa keessa jiru fi tooftaalee humni diinaa ummata Oromoo lafarraa dhabamsiisuuf baafatee fi baafachaa jiru,

C) Haala mooraa qabsoo Walabummaa Oromiyaa keessa jiru fi kan mooraa diinaa keessa jiru wal-afoo qabanii hoo madaalan maal akka fakkaachaa jiru,

D) Fedhii fi dhaamsa ummanni Oromoo baroota dheeraa qabsawoota Oromoo hundaaf dabarsaa turee fi hardhas dabrasaa jiru turan.

Marii adeemsisame irraa wal-hubannoon argame, ir’innoota gurguddoo mooraa qabsoo walabummaa Oromiyaa keessatti mul’atan keessaa inni tokko humni qabsaawota Oromoo faffaca’uu irraa kan madde hooggana jabaa, jaarmaya ititaa fi warraaqaa dhabuu, sababa kanaanis sabni Oromoo yaadaan faca'ee diinni milkaahutti akka jiru argisiisa. Ir’inna kana furuudhaan gabrummaa saba Oromoo irratti fe’ame dhabamsiisun dirqama qabsaawota walabummaa Oromiyaa hunda tahuun sirrtii jala sararamee, murtiilee jajjabboo fi hatattamaa kan tokkummaa qabsaawota walabummaa Oromiyaa itichuuf barbaachisu irratti sagalee tokkoon akka armaan gaditti walii galamee jira.

1. Kaayoon Qabsoo saba Oromoo, Oromiyaa walabaa keessatti ummata bilisaan mootummaa birmaduu dimokraatawaa republika Oromiyaa ijaaruudha. Mirgi kun mirga ummanni Oromoo akka sabaatti qabu, mirga kaayoo hundee kana irratti waalta’u. Kana jechuunis: Kaayoo hin shasharafamne kan walabummaa Oromiyaa, bilisummaa ummata Oromootii fi birmadummaa mootummaa Oromiyaa irratti hundaawuu ‘Ummanni Oromoo, Oromiyaa Walabaa akka deebifatu, Oromiyaa walabaa keessatti mirga guutuu sabummaa fi dhala-namoomaa akka gonfatuu, Oromiyaa walabaa keessatti mootummaa birmaduu dimokraatawaa republika Oromiyaa akka ijaaratu’ gurmuu tokkoon qabsoo godhuuf waadaa galle.

2. Kaayoo walabummaa Oromiyaa daandii warraaqsa diddaa gabrummaa, tarsimoo qabsoo hidhannootii fi dhawaa-mala siyaasaa waraanummaa, sirnaa fi kaayoo jaarmayaa fi hoggana warraaqaa, walabaa, dimokiraatawaa fi waaltayaa utubaa tokkummaa kaayoo/galii siyaasaa, tokkummaa jaarmayaa tarkaanfii duraa taasifannee wolitti dhangala’uun jaarmaya ititaa, hoggana warraaqaa fi waraana walabummaa Oromiyaa tokko ijaarachuuf sagalee tokkoon yaadaan (in principle) waliigalle. Haa tahu malee;

2.1 Jaarmayoota miseensa THBO tahan keessaa jaarmayoonni afur; ATBUO, FIDO, GABUO fi AWOn adeemsa (process) walitti baqiinsaa ammumma irraa jalaqabanii irratti hojjachuudhaan yeroo murtaawe keessatti xumuruuf walii galanii tartiibaa hujii kanaaf barbaachisu illee lafa kaayatanii jiru.

2.2 Jaarmayni tokko (ABOn - jaal Dhugaasaa Bakakkootiin hoogganamu) ammoo, karoora yeroo gabaabaa fi kan yeroo dheeraa lafa kaayuun irratti waliin hojjachuudhaan sochii fi adeemsa fuulduraa irratti hundaayee murtii maayyii kennachuuf qophii tahuu ibsatee jira. Gaabaatti kan ABOn lafa kaaye, tarkaanfii mul’ataa tahe irraa, waliigaltee fi ejjennoo dhaabboleen dhawataan garsiisan tu murteessa. Jaarmoti miseensota THBO ta'an wal wajjin hojjechuu dhawaataan wal amantaa fi "capabilities" addaddaa horachaa deemu. Yeroo kana keessa

(a) jaarmonni walitti baquu fedhanis walitti baqaa deemu;

(b) ULFOn hojii qabsoo adda-ddaa hojjechuun bu'aa tokkummaa argisiisaa deema.

3. Adeemsa seena qabeessa jaarmayootaa fi qabsaawota walabummaa Oromiyaatiif qabsaawan hunda tokkomsuu kana irratti hirmaatanii qooda isaanii akka gumaachan jaarmayootaa fi qabsaawota THBOn ala jiran kanneen kaayoo walabummaa Oromiyaa, bilisummaa ummata Oromoo fi birmadummaa mootummaa Oromiyaa’ deebisanii ijaaruuf qabsoo godhan hunda waliin qabsaawuuf balbala keenna banaa akka goonu waliif galle.

4. Amna seena qabeessaa fi adeemsa eebbifamaa tokkummaa qabsaawota walabummaa Oromiyaa kana hujii irra oolchuu fi fiixa baasuu akka nu dandeessisu tarsimoo fi riqicha (strategy and mechanism) laafa kaayanne.

5. Walhubannootaa fi waadaa asii olitti ibsame kana ummata keennaa fi jaarmayoota keennaaf dhiyeessinee, ir’innoota irreen tokkummaa qabsaawota walabummaa Oromiyaa itituu dhabuu irraa madde deeggersa ummata keennaatiin furmaataa fi murtii maayyii argamsisuuf waliigalle.


1. Miseensonni jaarmayoota woliigaltee kanarra gayanii hundi akeekni eebbifamaan gurmuu qabsaawota walabummaa Oromiyaa deebisanii ijaaruun gabrummaa dhabamsiisuun akka fiixa ba’u woliigaltee kana duuba hiriiruun wareegama ol’aanaa irraa eeggamu hunda akka baasan/kafalan;

2. Jaarmayoonni Oromoo kan walgayii Gumii Idda Bu’oota THBO kanarratti hin argamin, garuu, kan kaayoo ‘Walabummaa Oromiyaa, bilisummaa Ummata Oromoo fi birmadummaa mootummaa Oromiyaa’ ijaaruuf qabsaawan marti waliigaltee eebbifamaa kana fudhachuun qooda isaanii akka gumaachan;

3. Ummanni Oromoo kan biyya keessaa fi biyyoota alaa jiraatu, jaarmayootaa fi qabsaawonni Oromoo marti gaaddisa tokkummaa kana jalatti gurmaawanii irree qabsoo walabummaa Oromiyaa humnessuun sirna kiyyoo gabrummaa dhabamsiisanii guyyaa ummanni Oromoo Oromiyaa walaba keessatti mootummaa birmaduu bilisummaan filatee nagayaa fi badhaadhinnaan akka jiraatu gochuu irratti qooda gahaa akka kennan waamicha goona.

Tokkummaan Humna!
Oromiyaan Ni Walaboomti!

1. Adda Tokkichummaa Bilisummaa Ummmata Oromoo (ATBUO)

2. Adda Walabummaa fi Dimokraatummaa Oromiyaa AWDO (FIDO)

3. Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo (ABO)

4. Gumii Adda Bilisummaa Ummata Oromiyaa (GABUO)

5. Adda Walabummaa Oromiyaa (AWO)

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

OFDM general secretary obbo Bekele Jirata freed on bail

Source: Reuters
By Barry Malone

ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - A leading Ethiopian opposition politician was freed on bail on Wednesday after he was jailed last November after the government accused him of working with rebels, his party said.

Bekele Jirate, 54, a top official with the Oromo Federalist Democratic Movement (OFDM), was accused by the authorities of working "hand-in-glove" with insurgents like the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF).

"I am very happy because not only is he important for our party, he is innocent," OFDM leader Bulcha Demeksa told Reuters. He said no date had been set for Bekele's trial. The OFDM said another leading opposition politician remains in solitary confinement.

The OLF is one of several rebel groups in the Horn of Africa nation and has been fighting for independence for the southern Oromo region since 1993.

Opposition groups accuse Prime Minister Meles Zenawi's government of harassment, and the OFDM says the security forces have jailed hundreds of ethnic Oromos in recent months. The government denies it.

Bulcha called for the immediate release of Birtukan Mideksa, a former judge who heads the newly created Unity for Democracy and Justice party. She has been in solitary confinement since December and went on hunger strike for 13 days last month.

Regional analysts consider the 34-year-old to be the country's foremost opposition figure.
"She has been jailed because she is a very strong and serious contender to Prime Minister Meles," Bulcha said.

Birtukan was first jailed after elections in 2005 ended in street violence that killed 199 civilians. She was pardoned in 2007 after she agreed, along with other opposition leaders, to take responsibility for the unrest.

She was rearrested after refusing to retract a speech made in Sweden last year in which she denied she was involved in the talks that led to her release.

The OFDM accused the government of intimidation as voters went to the polls last April for the first time since the 2005 bloodshed. It said almost all its nominees for the local elections had been threatened and forced to pull out of the race. Ethiopia will hold parliamentary elections next year.
