Sunday, December 31, 2006

Dhaamsa Waggaa Haaraa Hayyu Duree Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo

Guyyaa: 31/12, 2006
Lakk: 13/ABO/06

Dhaamsa Waggaa Haaraa Hayyu Duree Adda Bilisummaa OromooUmmata Oromoo, fi miseensota ABO, akkasumas qabsaawota bilisummaa Oromoo,Maqaa koree Hojii Geggeesituu ABOti, fi maqaa kiyyaan, baga bara haaraa 2007 geessan jedha. Barri moofaan dabree haaraan yeroo seenu, caalaa wayyaan akka waliin dhufu hawwuunii fi akka dhufus carraquun ilmoo namaa irraa kan eegamu. Waan ta’eefis barri dhufu kan dagaagina qabsoo itti arginu,kan aagaa, nagaa fi injifannoo akka isiniif ta’u hawwii koo ibsa.

Sochiin bilisummaa Oromoo gufuun itti heddomatu illee bara dabres akkuma baroota taraniiqabsaawota ijoo kaayyichatti cichaniin tikfamee bara haaraa kana dhaqabeera. Gurmuun qabsawota bilisummaas guddataa qabsoon isaanis caalaa misaa of dura tarkaanfachuu danda’e. Akkanaanis, balaa kaayyoo dhaabba keenyaa ABO irratti agamame facisuudhaan, ittifufa kaayyoo ganamaa mirkaneessuu danda’ameera.

Gama dhaaba keenya ABOn rakkina keessatti dhalatee tureen dhaabichi bakka lamatti qoodamuun beekama dha. Rakkina kanas karaa nagaa furmaata itti gochuuf murna kaayyoo ganama irraa ceheef carraa of qoree of sirreessuu kennuuf jecha koreen Qaama Cehumsaa jedhama ture dhaabbatee akka hojii dhaabichaa geggessaa ture ni yaadatama. Korichi yeroof kan utubame waan tureef dirqama yeroo isaa erga fixate booda jaatamee jira.

Korri ABO kan Amajjii bara 2006 taa’e koreen Qaama Cehumsaa kun akka gadaa hojii isaa raawate murteesse ABOn hoggana dhaabbataa filatee maqaa isaatiin akka socho’ii ittifufu tasiseera. Gaaffii Oromoo waan ilaalunis, motummaa gabroofataa irratti qabsoon tolfamu toora hallen akka ittifufu ajajee jira. Dabalees, hariiroo dhaabota gara garaa waliin godhamu irrattis masaka kennuun xumurameera. Tarkaanfin kun injifatnoo bara dabrsine keessaa tokko ture. Murtii kora kanaan masakamuunis caasaan dhaabichaa sirna haaryaa haala waliin deemu dirirfachuun sochiin mirqansaan mul’achu dandaera. Hunda caalaa kaayyoo ganamaa lakkisuun, bilisummaa Oromoo mirkanessuu dhiifnaan mirga hanga ammaa sabni Oromoo qabsoon argatehuu of duuba deebisuuf akka ta’e ummatni keenya kan biyya keessaa fi alaas akka hubatu tattaaffiin godhames firi qabeessa ture.Karaa kaaniin harirron humnoota Oromoo bilisummaa Oromoof dhaabbatan gidduutti mul’ates akkan jajjabeessa ture. Humnootni bilisummaa Oromoo, afanfaajjii dhaabni AFD ofiin jedhu, kan murni ABO keessa bahe itti miseensoome mooraa Oromoo keessatti uume qulqullessuuf ejjennaa tokko qabaatanii dura dhabbannon godhan afanfaajjii ture ittisuu irratti gumacheera. Haalli kun ittifufee, akeeka ifaa jalatti qabsoo waliin qindeeffatnii gurmuu tokkoon akka waliin socho’an bu’uura buseera.Haala sochii ummata keenya yoo fudhanes raoorroo fi midaan diinaan irratti raawwatamu haa dabalu malee waldhaansoon mootummaa gita-bulchiinsa Tigray irratti deemsisu caalatti jabaatee fi bal’atee mul’ateera. Keessumaa bartootnii fi dargagotni hidhaa fi ajjechaa diinaanf osoo hin jilbeenfatin goleelee Oromiyaa hunda keessatti sochiin godhan boonsa ture. Sochiileen ittifufaa fi mul’atan kun qabsoon Oromoo sadarkaa ummatatti jabaachaa fi humnaawaa deemuu kan mirkaneessu ture jechu dandeenya.

Akkuma qabsoon ummata keenya jabaachaa dhufuun, mootummaan Wayyanee yeroo kamuucaalaa ummatan lagatamaa fi kophxawaa dhufun yeroo calatti mul’atera. Waanta’eefis, sirnaabbaa irrummaa isaa caalatti jabeessuun hidhaa fi ajjechaan ummata keenya irraan gahu daranol kaase. Umatoota walitti busunis walgidduutti akka dhiingi dhagalau godhe. Golii keessaakanaan qabsoo ummataa ittisuuf tattaafatu irra dabrees didda keessaa ukkamsuuf imaamatabiyyoota ollaatti goolii busuu ittifufe. Akkanaanis kuno biyya walaba taate Somaliya werareeobolwan Somaliya rakkina isaani walii isaani giddutti akka hin fixanne gufuu ta’ee nannichajeeqa jira.

Cuunfatti barri dabrsine qabsawota Oromoo fi ummata Oromoofis yeroo falamaa jabaa fimilkiilee nama jajjabeessu ture jechuu dandeenya. Kun akka jirutti ta’ee dhugan irra taramu hin qabne tokko haala kana gahatti dhimma itti baanee yeroo injifatnoo dhiheessuuf sochiin gama jaarmayaatiin mata mataatti ta’e gamtaan humnootni bilisummaa Oromoo godhaan gahaa ta’e hin argamne. Humna dandeetti qabsoon Oromoo qabu walitti qindeessanii qabsawanii qabsosisuu irratti hir’ina ni ture. Kanuma waliin dadaqinsi kaayyoo irratti murna garii biratti mul’ates afanfaajii umuun qabsoon bilisummaa Oromoo dadhabatti akka hergamu gochuu irratti gumachun ni jira.

Hi’inoota kanneen injifatnee bara haaraa dhufu kana mirga caalu gonfachuudhaaf qabsawotniOromoo dirqamni nu eggatu guddaa dha. Dhaaba keenya ABO, har’a illee kaayyoo kaleessaqabatee ka’eef amanamaa ta’ee qabsicha kan ittfufu ta’uu caalaatti hojiin of mirkaneessuu,ummatni keenya caalatti jaarmyaan hammatamee qabsoo ittifufaa ta’e akka godhu hojjetuunfardii.

Humnootni bilisummaa Oromiyaaf dhaabbatanis dirqamni isaan eggatu guddaa dha. Akkajaarmayaa fi gamtaanis dadhabbii qaban gamagamanii, haala itti gurmuun qabsawotabilisummaa jabaate hojiin itti of mul’suu fi ummata keenya sochosuu danda’u itti mirkan’uargamsiisuuf socho’u irra eegama.

Ummatni keenya alaa fi keessas olola ofuun sobamuun mirga haaraa dhiifnaan isuma qabsoo fiwareegama hanga ammaan argamehuu kan of duuba deebisuu fi hamilee dhaloota dhufuu kan hubu ta’uu hubatee qabsoo bilisummaaf godhu jabinaan baranas ittifufuun qaba.

Mayyii irratti, haalli keessa jirru xaxaa ta’uu ni hubatna. Haalli xaxaa fi rakkisaa dha jenneehaalaaf jilbeenfatu osoo hin taanee haala jiru jabinaa fi qabsoon jijjiruuf qabsawu feesisa.Qabsoon keenyas dheeraa fi ba’a bu’ii akka qabu beeknee karaa salphaa fi qaxamura hinargamne eegu irra gurmuu keenya jabeesinee muratnotan warraquu dha. Cimina jaarmaya,qabsoo qindawaa fi ittifufaa, of irratti fi ummata Oromoo irratti abdi qabachuu bu’uura taasifate magarsuun bara 2007 kan milkii fi injifatnoo taasisuuf haa kaanu.

Oromiyaan ni bilisomti

Qabsoon ittifufa! Injifatnoon ni dhufa!

Dhugaasa Bakakkoo

Open Letter to UN Secretary Kofi Annan - AU headquarters removed from Addis Ababa

Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis
December 30, 2006

Open Letter to UN Secretary Kofi Annan

- African Union headquarters must be removed from Addis Ababa now!

A few hours before being replaced by his elected successor, Kofi Annan should live a memory flash back, and remembering his African identity, utterly pronounce the African name that became synonym for “Hope of the Oppressed”, the name of the Oromo Capital: Finfinne

By Prof. Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis
Your Excellency,
Your tenure as first Black African UN Secretary General was not what many Africans had hoped!

You know that very well, as in your Farewell Address (September 19) explicitly declared that “widespread contempt for Human Rights and the rule of law” can be identified as a major threat for the future of the mankind. Your frank attitude suggests that you are able to take criticism, and eventually ponder on significant issues without being tied to preconceived schemes, falsifying theories, colonial biases and demented tyrants' political agendas.

You identified problems in a correct way, but many would expect you to be more sensitive – or more involved – when it comes to African issues.

I am writing to you as a European scholar, who rejected colonial theories made in Europe, and published for long scholarly articles, books, features and other contributions to the world mass media, promoting thoroughly balanced, Afro-centric interpretations.

Many things could have been done about Africa during your 10-year tenure, but actually were not! Before setting a plan for an African future, the utmost denunciation of the shameful past must be solemnly performed. How could one expect the Black African progress, if not by adopting the frank attitude that you, Excellency, have made yours?

Colonialism must be denounced as a Criminal Act Against the Mankind. Yet, as you know, the Durban Conference failed to speak as openly as you would have eventually wished. The condemnation of the two cruelest colonial empires, the French and the British, was averted because of disreputable work carried out by the bogus-humanist diplomats of France and England. With America, India, Mexico and Brazil having not yet risen to full national adulthood, the world should wait some more years until the correct anti-colonial alliance be made. Perhaps, one should interpret the September 11th events as an Omen Ominous for a devious international society that falls short of all basic humanist expectations and obligations.

What has been the most criminal part within the entire construction of colonial powers is the colonial theoretical background and system; as such it emanates from an aberration of purely racist character, namely the false assumption that the European past (Greek and Roman, mainly) was superior to that of the colonized peoples of Africa and Asia. No other academic conclusion could be more distorted than this one! There is nothing more erroneous than the European falsehood that Ancient Greece and Rome, Achaean Mycenae and Minoan Crete were formed without the determinant and decisive contribution and involvement of the great ancient Oriental civilizations, Hittite Anatolian, Canaanite – Phoenician, Assyrian – Babylonian, and Egyptian.

Denying historical truth for the sake of racist concepts cannot be tolerated anymore; it consists in a real prelude to cultural racism, political discrimination, tyranny.

As this nefarious situation cannot be maintained anymore from the part of European colonials, the isolated case of the only African colonial power must be dealt with immediately.

When Europeans see Africans adopting your frank attitude, Excellency, among themselves, then they will realize that the extent and the importance of the event; only then, esteem and consideration for Africans will lead the colonial powers to ultimate regret and public acceptance of past mistakes and wrong policies. It will happen naturally, without anyone demanding them to proceed so anymore!

Yet, you have a possible means of triggering events and developments that will go to the correct direction in this regard. One day before leaving your office, you can address a solemn Speech for Justice and Equity throughout Africa.

Say that if Respect for the other's right is not duly paid, there is no future for Africa!
Say that if Africans are left to colonize and preserve colonial rule over Africans, there is no hope for any African!

Say that if Cultural Colonialism is practiced by an African Nation against another African Nation, there will be no peace throughout the Black Continent!

Denounce the Worst African Theft of All Times: the usurpation of the name of Ethiopia by the Abyssinian Amhara/Tigray tyrants.

Stigmatize the Worst African Crime of All Times; the abolition of the Historical Name of Finfinne, Capital of the Ethiopian Oromos, and its replacement by the false and shameful name 'addis ababa' that was imposed by the Abyssinian Amhara/Tigray tyrants.

Criticize as openly and frankly as you truly know, Excellency, the Abyssinian Amhara/Tigray Colonial propaganda, and urge its immediate dismantlement.

The Absolute Clash between Ethiopian Oromos and Abyssinian Amhara/Tigray
The cultural clash between the Kushitic Oromos and the Semitic Amhara is so deep that the Amhara tyrannical minority of Abyssinia has to reinvent every now and then myths, bogus-historical interpretations, and desperate, ill-fated dogmas of official versions of Abyssinian History that are imposed at the level of Primary and Secondary education of this highly analphabetic country. In reality, there is not a single bond – be it ethnic, linguistic, historical, social-behavioral or cultural – to keep the Kushitic Oromos and the Semitic Amhara together in a country called either Abyssinia or Ethiopia.

Abyssinian – Amhara – culture is the expression of the Semitic people that dwells in the limited, marginal, mountainous area of Gondar around Lake Tana. The Christian Abyssinian kingdom of Axum pursued expansionist policies in the very beginning, invaded Ethiopia, that is present day Sudan, in 370 CE and destroyed its capital Meroe, where still today one finds many dozens of pyramids and mortuary temples for the 'Qore' and the 'Kandake", the Ethiopian kings and Queens.

Later and within the context of an alliance with the Eastern Roman Empire, Axumite Abyssinia attacked Yemen and attempted to find a way for its ally at Constantinople to contravene the Sassanid Iranian control of the Eastern trade (with India, Eastern Africa, and China). Of course, the Iranian supremacy was such that they kicked the Abyssinians out of Yemen, the Abyssinians’ original land to which they had returned as invaders, and annexed Yemen, strangling therefore the Eastern Roman Empire with heavy taxes and customs. Soon after that came the Islamic explosion. Not only Axum lost all its chances to come back to Yemen, but the Eritrean coast was permanently cut off, and the Abyssinian state was isolated from its derailed ally at Constantinople that had lost all its provinces in Africa and all its Asiatic possessions at the east of Taurus mountains (that separate Anatolia, present day Turkey, from Syria) and the upper flow of Euphrates.

To address the situation, the also isolated Christian kingdoms of the Sudan, Nobatia, at the North with capital at Faras near Wadi Halfa, and Makkuria at the center with capital at Old Dongola, 600 km in the south of Faras, merged. They were able to survive without many contacts with the Caliphate that controlled Egypt – first, in the 7th c., not further than Assiut in the south, and without any control of the Red Sea; the Saharan roads of trade with the Western Africa world around river Niger permitted unified Nobatia /Makkuria to stand until the 12th century. Contrarily to the Sudanese Christian state, Axum collapsed, since the vicinity of the coast, the Islamic supremacy in the coast, and the lack of connection with other parts of Africa predestined it to be doomed for many long centuries.

The transfer of the capital at Gondar, and the medieval rise of the Abyssinian kingdom came after a long period of decay. Even then the feeling of having lost to Islam, and of having been defeated and isolated, as the Western legend of the 'kingdom of Priest John' lets us surmise, created a cultural, behavioral system that has nothing to do with imperial behavior, abundance, knowledge, science, exploration, expansion, research, culture, wealthy life, spectacles, grandeur of art and of royal manners, and all the ensuing majestic environment.

Axum and Gondar Abyssinia was focused on a mere survival, a hard effort to preserve as a hysterical opposition to Islam the monophysitic perception of Christianity that was rejected by Constantinople and Rome with the same vigor by which also Nestorianism (the diametrically opposed to Monophysitism Christian theology) was denounced.

The conversion of numerous Abyssinians into Islam brought a long period of obscurantism and backward situation in the country. Most probably the outright majority of the intellectuals and artists, erudite scholars and learned wise men adhered to Islam early. It is quite indicative that, when the illustrious Caliph Maamun contacted kings throughout the world in the second half of the 8th century, in his particular effort to collect manuscripts and parchmins, and to make of Abbasid Baghdad the universal epicenter of the learned world, he did not contact anyone in Abyssinia. There was nothing important left there! By saying this, one does not imply that Gueze literature is insignificant, but asserts that the most representative specimens had already been taken away from Axum by the Abyssinian intellectuals who were converted to Islam.
There was no domain of knowledge left in the tiny state of Abyssinia after the rise of Islam. What were left there were a limited political continuity, and an insistence on religious traditions that had been shaken by the explosion of Islam, and by the conversion of many Abyssinians to the faith that challenged Christianity.

It is obvious that the state of Abyssinia, controlled by the Semitic Amhara and Tigray, needs to end up this cultural clash, and on this purpose they permanently come up with confusing interpretational schemes according to which the Kushitic Oromos and the Semitic Amharas may be …. 'one people'!

Typical propaganda and bogus-historical dogma stipulate that "few Amharas have no trace of Oromo or other African people", insist on that "the Amhara 16th century emperors in Gondar are rumored to have Oromo trace". Funny theories – tools of anti-Oromo colonization – go that the Amhara people were formed from Oromo and Tigray armies of the ruling class in the late 13th century as a result of Oromo rebellions against the latter.

An Amhara propaganda story goes that the Amharic language was created to confuse the ruling class in this rebellion. In the early 1990s, some Amhara scholars including Professor Mesfin Woldemariam argued that there are no people called Amhara! This is a worldwide unique case of a people's self-abdication from its historical past and true identity in the effort to preserve its colonial rule over another people!

According to unbiased modern scholarship, there is no proof for an artificial construction of the Amharic language. Both, Tigrinya and Amharinya (Amharic) emanate from Gueze but with several differences due to diverse intermingling, and to the isolation phenomenon. Tigrinya and Amharic are as equidistant one from another as Portuguese and Spanish are; yet before 1000 years there was neither Portuguese nor Spanish in the Iberian Peninsula. In the same way, before 1000 years there were neither Tigrinya nor Amharic in the Abyssinian plateau, but the earlier stage of both Gueze was evolving to take the linguistic forms of these two languages. There was certainly an intermingling with other people, Afar, Oromo, etc. But it was very limited, and we have so little information about this eventuality that we cannot deduce concrete, imperative conclusions.

Needless to say it, Prof. Woldemariam is a fully accredited member of the Amhara ruling class. As such, he expresses – through his papers and contributions – the Amhara political, cultural, ideological and financial interests.

To pretend that Amhara and Tigray peoples are Kushitic, so therefore Khammitic and not Semitic, is an aberration. There is no case to convince any serious specialized scholar in the world by saying this. What happened to these supposedly Kushitic peoples and they speak suddenly today totally Semitic languages as Amharic and Tigrinya? Who semitized them linguistically and later … disappeared? None, of course! It would be even worse error to say that Axumite Abyssinians and Gueze speaking people were Kushitic as well!

All this testifies to Amhara ruling class paranoia and incommensurable fear of losing the political – financial – ideological control over a country that apparently is not theirs, and a vast area of which they have been 150-year occupying tyrants. It is a provocative alteration of History that all specialists and scholars have to denounce as a colonial scheme. This Amhara Abyssinian scheme can be briefly presented as follows:

A) The name 'Ethiopia' represents an older, greater, more enlightening, more appealing, more meaningful to Westerners, and better documented past than the name 'Abyssinia'.

B) The real rightful users of such a name are the oppressed Kushitic peoples of Abyssinia, the Oromo, the Sidama and others

C) So, ‘we’ (: Amhara ruling class of bogus-Ethiopia) will eradicate the name of Abyssinia, and we will diffuse the theory that Amhara are Ethiopians as well, renaming the country as 'Ethiopia'.

Amhara Abyssinian political and 'academic' class is not to be accredited with the originality of this thought! This colonial perversion belongs exclusively to French, English and Italian historians, in their efforts to address demands of their colonial diplomats and politicians. But the Amhara people’s uncultured and uneducated political rulers fell victims to such a trap!
This led them to hate themselves and their own identity, the Abyssinian identity from which they – by themselves – have been stripped off! To western rationalistic eyes, this would look as a terrible case of self-inflicted disaster.

There is an essential question one may advance at this point; why did the invading Abyssinians of the 19th century not try to expand Amhara culture, Abyssinian culture, among the people they invaded? Well, they attempted it through the imposition of Amharic as the only official language in the country, but they failed and they realized their failure. This phenomenon is due to the fact that Oromo culture and Sidama culture are more original and authentic than the Amhara culture that has been preserved until now.

Truly speaking, Amhara – Abyssinian – Axumite culture is dead; what one may see among Amhara and Tigray Abyssinians is the permanence of some stereotypic elements of the Abyssinian culture that are the 'crumbs' of Axum. In the case of Oromo, the traditional pastoral system that was formed after this Kushitic people settled in the pasturelands of the Oromo country survived to far greater extent.

On the other hand, the Oromos were not fooled by this ludicrous argumentation! Because the Amhara rulers are besotted enough to think that it is possible to press a button and become Chinese, or Kushitic, this does not imply that they have the right to rule a country of which they do not represent more than a sectarian 20%!

Your Excellency,
The moment you welcome your successor, an Appeal to all Africans will outweigh all the controversies related to your tenure.

Deny to the most hated African tyrant Meles Zenawi the right to idiocy! The Amhara / Tigray claim to the historical name of Ethiopia – to which they have always been alien – is as unprecedentedly erratic as it would be for 1 million Mongolians to announce "we are Chinese" and to demand to rule 1 billion Chinese in a totalitarian way!

Demand the Immediate Removal of the African Union headquarters from the Cenotaph of Addis Ababa, and utterly request that no tyranny be ever a place for African leaders to meet and deliberate!

Postulate that Africans should give priority to Human Rights, Democracy and Freedom over political realism, governmental prerequisites and amoral choices.

Explain that by virtue of their valuable and painful historical experience Africans should definitely and unquestionably castigate all acts of political dictatorship, ethnic racism, cultural discrimination, usurpation of ethnic names, and renaming of places and cities following invasions.
Leave therefore your name to the posterity as that of a Great African who had the courage to say:

- African Union headquarters must be removed from Addis Ababa now, and they should return to Finfinne, only when the Amhara / Tigray invaders be expelled!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Do the Oromo people really need the oppressor’s hand to regain their natural freedom?

Why Shane Gumi undermine the Oromo people’s struggle and aspiration for their freedom?

What is their reason to be part and parcel with the children of colonizers?

Do the Oromo people really need the oppressor’s hand to regain their natural freedom?

This questions need answer from all nationalists.

Pease reed the fallowing statements and take your judgment.

"OLF adopts resolutions, urges Ethiopian parties to join alliance"

Oromo Liberation Front

Resolution of the OLF National Council December 28, 2006
The National Council of the Oromo Liberation Front" held its 2nd regular meeting from December 23 –28, 2006. After conducting a thorough deliberation on all pertinent issues facing the organization and the just struggle of the Oromo as well as all other people in Ethiopia and the region, it concluded its meeting by passing the following resolution.

  1. 1. The Council noted the conspicuous and qualitative improvements in the performance of the organization witnessed over the last two years. It finds that our struggle has entered a new and decisive phase. The Council adopted new action plans to overcome discernable challenges that remain in a few key areas.

  2. The peaceful resolution of the Oromo question has been our long-standing policy and the desire of our people. However, our genuine effort for peace has been blocked by the continuing intransigence of the TPLF regime. Rather than seeking a political solution to the just demands of the Oromo people and the worsening political crisis, the regime declared war on OLF and the Oromo people through its rubber stamp Parliament on its session of December, 2006. The OLF and the Oromo people are therefore left with no option but to defend against the TPLF aggression. Consequently, the Council calls on its members, supporters and the entire Oromo people to redouble their efforts and work tirelessly to mobilize and rally all material and human resources for their just struggle for freedom. In this regard, the Council would like to remind all concerned that the TPLF regime and it alone is responsible for the consequences.
  3. For more than a century the Oromo people have been subjected to political domination, social subjugation and economic exploitation by succeeding repressive Ethiopian regimes. For decades our people have been engaged in a protracted struggle against these injustices. The ongoing peaceful resistance all over Oromia have shaken the political basis of the TPLF regime and further demonstrated the unshakable commitment of our people to free itself from the tyranny. The Council noted the selfless and vanguard role of students, teachers, youth, farmers and business people in spearheading the nation-wide peaceful uprising. We call upon our people at home and abroad to stand in unison and rally behind the OLF and intensify the struggle in a coordinated and efficient manner until the right of the Oromo people for self-determination is realized.

  4. The TPLF regime is perpetrating gross violations of political and civil rights in Ethiopia today. Thousands are languishing in the prisons. Many have been detained for a long period of time without charge or trial. Some have been summarily executed. The rule of law and due process of law are routinely undermined. In sum, arbitrary and repressive rule have become the norm. The Council condemns these cruel and inhuman acts and calls on all the people in Ethiopia to intensify their struggle to win freedom for all political prisoners.

  5. In addition, the TPLF regime is instigating inter-communal and inter-religious conflict in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa. The Council calls up on the Oromo people and other peoples in Ethiopia and the region to continue to demonstrate peaceful co-existence and tolerance and not to be drawn into this malicious TPLF-instigated discord.

  6. Due to the worsening human rights situation and the suppression of political, civil and social rights, many judges, parliamentarians, diplomats and other high-ranking officials, have taken the bold step of dissociating themselves from the regime and joining the camp of the struggle for freedom after realizing the impossibility of advancing and guarding the interest of the people within the system. In particular the courageous action taken by hundreds of Oromos in the Ethiopian army organized under the heroic leadership of senior military officers to abandon the regime and join the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) is historic and unparalleled in the tortuous history of our people. Whilst applauding this historical undertaking, the Council calls upon Oromos who are serving in the TPLF regime to join the just struggle and defend their people.

  7. Since the collapse of the central Somali government in 1991, several attempts at national reconciliation have been made. However, these efforts to reconstruct the Somali state have yet to bear fruit. The continuous interference of the TPLF regime remains the major obstacle for reconciliation of the Somali people and the restoration of the Somali state. The Council believes the way out of the current deadlock is dialogue between Somali forces and the cessation of foreign interference in Somali affairs.

  8. The Council commends the effort of the OLF leadership in forming a broad-based Alliance that coordinates and expedites the struggle for freedom and democracy in Ethiopia. It is the belief of the Council that the formation of the Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (AFD) is a milestone in the political developments in Ethiopia. The Alliance provides a viable alternative to the failed and disastrous policies of the TPLF regime that is taking the country and the region on a course of destruction. Accordingly while instructing the OLF Executive Committee to persevere in its commendable efforts in implementing the Founding Agreement and the action plans of the Alliance, we call on all political forces in Ethiopia to join the Alliance and bring about a speedy end to the suffering of the people in Ethiopia and the worsening political crisis.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Waggaa Haaraan 2007 Oromootaa Maraaf kan Tokkummaa Kaayyoo, Kan Injifannoo fi kan Bilisummaa akka ta'u manni Oromoo Swiss Hawwa.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Ethiopia urged to leave Somalia

The African Union has called on Ethiopia to withdraw thousands of troops from Somalia immediately.

The call, supported by the Arab League and the east African grouping IGAD, comes after Ethiopia intervened to support Somalia's interim government.
In recent days, Ethiopian and Somali government forces have captured ground previously held by Islamic militias.

They are reported to be 30km (19 miles) north of the capital Mogadishu, after seizing the towns of Jowhar and Balad.

The Somali Prime Minister, Ali Mohammed Gedi told the BBC the people of Mogadishu would welcome his troops with flowers when they arrived in Mogadishu, and said the Ethiopian troops would be sent home as soon as the government controlled the whole country.
But after a meeting at AU headquarters in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, the AU Commission chairman Alpha Oumar Konare said the AU, Arab League and IGAD wanted to see Ethiopian troops withdraw without delay.
"We appeal for urgent support for the transitional government and the withdrawal of all troops and foreign elements," he said.

The African Union is powerless when it comes to forcing the issue but it is unprecedented for the organisation to be so critical of its host nation Ethiopia, reports the BBC's Amber Henshaw in Addis Ababa.

On Tuesday, the AU said Ethiopia had the right to intervene militarily in Somalia as it felt threatened by the Islamic militia operating there.

The Somali ambassador to Ethiopia, Abdikarin Farah, said it was up to the Somali and Ethiopian governments to decide when the troops would leave.

He suggested Somali soldiers, who are currently supported by Ethiopian armour and thousands of Ethiopian troops, would continue their advance towards Mogadishu.
"We are not going to fight for Mogadishu, to avoid civilian casualties. Our troops will surround Mogadishu until they (the Islamists) surrender," the ambassador said, quoted by Reuters news agency.

At the weekend Ethiopia began a major offensive against militia loyal to the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC), which held much of central and southern Somalia.
Jowhar, 90km (56 miles) north of Mogadishu, is a former UIC stronghold, and its loss leaves the Islamists with control of little more than the coast, including Mogadishu and the southern port city of Kismayo.

The UIC's two most senior military commanders - the defence chief, Yusuf Indade, and his deputy, Abu Mansur - are currently both on the Hajj pilgrimage in Mecca.

Humanitarian concerns

Both sides say they have inflicted hundreds of casualties. The Red Cross has reported more than 850 injured people at hospitals it supports.

The UN's World Food Programme has suspended air drops into southern Somalia because of the fighting, but the Red Cross says it has been able to continue its cargo flights to its partners in Somalia.

Agencies are having difficulty reaching people affected by months of drought, which has now been followed by flooding

UN High Commissioner for Refugees says it is concerned that many people may be fleeing the fighting, and is preparing to receive them in camps along the Kenyan border.
The UN Security Council, which has been debating the Somalia conflict, is due to resume discussions in New York.

Splits have emerged on the council, with Qatar insisting that any statement should call for the immediate withdrawal of all foreign forces, including Ethiopia's, from Somalia.
Other council members say that this should not apply to Ethiopian troops, arguing that they are in Somalia at the request of the interim government.

The UIC - which seized control of the capital six months ago - has introduced law and order to the capital and much of southern Somalia for the first time in 16 years.

For more details see BBC world news.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Ethiopia bombs Somalian airport, numerous towns

By Mohamed Olad Hassan
Associated Press

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Abdi Mohamed Osman began closing up his shop in this war-weary capital as soon as he heard: Ethiopia, Somalia's neighbor and longtime archenemy, had launched an attack near the border.
``We are going to support our brothers on the front line,'' said Osman, joining dozens of men who abandoned their stores and kiosks and said they were setting off to fight.
Ethiopia sent fighter jets into Somalia and bombed several towns Sunday in a dramatic attack on Somalia's powerful Islamist movement, which has been battling this country's government for control and has declared a holy war on Ethiopia.
Today, Ethiopian fighter jets bombed Mogadishu International Airport in the middle of Somalia's capital, residents told the Associated Press in telephone interviews. It was the first direct attack on the Islamist movement's headquarters.
Ethiopian and Somalian troops also captured the key border town of Belet Weyne early today, said Col. Abdi Yusuf Ahmed, a Somalian government army commander. Ahmed told the Associated Press that his forces entered the town without a shot fired.
Meanwhile, the artillery and mortar fire was extremely heavy early today south of the interim government's headquarters of Baidoa in central Somalia, said Mohammed Sheik Ali, a resident reached by telephone.
Many Somalis are enraged by the idea of Ethiopian involvement here -- the two countries have fought two wars over their disputed border in the past 45 years. As Sunday's fighting wore on, the Islamist militia began broadcasting patriotic songs in Mogadishu about Somalia's 1977 war with Ethiopia.
Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi went on television to announce that his country was at war with the Islamist movement that wants to rule by the Koran. Sunday marked the first time Ethiopia acknowledged its troops were fighting in support of Somalia's government, even though witnesses had been reporting their presence for weeks.
``Our defense force has been forced to enter a war to defend (against) the attacks from extremists and anti-Ethiopian forces and to protect the sovereignty of the land,'' Meles said a few hours after his military attacked the Islamist militia with fighter jets and artillery.
No reliable casualty reports were immediately available.
For more details see

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Badii Shanee gumii dalagaa jirtu, Jaal Dhugaasaa Bakakkoo bar 2004 ibsaniijiru.

By Abera Oluma

Yeroo ammaa kana qabsoon ilmaan Oromoo balaa hamaa irra akka jiru, sabni Oromoo hundi akka beekuf, hatattamaan ejjennoo jabaa fudhachuun dirqama belbeltuu yeroon nu gaafatudha. Kanaafuu, bakka jirrutti,waan dandeenyu hundaan kana wal hubachiisuunii fi irratti hojjechuuf Oromoon Oromummaan keenya nutti dhagahamu hundi waadaa galuun daran murteessaa dha.

Keessattu ilmaan Oromoo biyya hambaa jirru, meeshaa teknoology jabanaatti fayyadamuun waan ta’aa jiru, yeroodhaa yerootti faana bu’udhaan hubachuuf carraan nuti qabnnu waan baldhaa ta’eef; waan yeroo yerootti deeman xiinxaluun; uummata keenya biyya keessatti ukkaamfamee jiruuf, karaa mija’u hundaan waan jiru hubachiisuun; sabni keenya akka farreen qabsoo bilisummaa Oromootiin hindogoggorre gochuun, dirqama Oromumman nu gaafatu ta’uu hubachuu qabna.

Diinni hamtuun, diina fira fakkaattee nama hubuuf dhamaatu, ta’uu ishee hamma ta’e hundumtuu nihubata jedheen yaada. Kaleessa maqaa Oromootiin Oromoo keessa of dhoksanii dhaabota Oromoo bilisummaa Oromiyaatiif qabsaawan diigaa warri turan; har’a dirqama diinni itti kenne waan xumuran itti fakaatee; ifatti bahuudhaan diinatti siquun; qaama isaanii itti gatanii, uummata Oromoo diina jala tursuuf yeroo carraaqan argamu.

Jarreen kun harri’a fuulduratti dhihaatanii akka waan Oromoon harka kenneetti fakkeessanii seenaa Oromoo xureessuuf yaaluun isaanii, uummata oromoo tuffachuu isaaniit; kaayyoo uummata Oromoo ulfina dhorkuu isaaniiti. Waldhaansoon ilmaan Oromoo sabboontonni gochaa jiran kun kan yoo danda’amee diina of irraa buqisuu dhaan abbaa biyyuummaa keenya dhugoomfachuu; yoo dadhabame dhaloota dhufutti qabsicha dabarsuu yoo ta’a; murni yeroo ammaa diinatti hidhatan kun kana dabamsiisuun qabsichi akkuma as irratti dhumatuu fi qabsichi dhaloota itti aanutti akka hinceeneef shira qabsicha dhibamsiisuu dalaguu dha. Waan amma gochaa jiraniin of saaxiluun isaanii gaarii ta’u illee; garuu ilmaan Oromoo qulqulluun maqaa Adda Bilisummaa Oromootiif kabajaa fi jaalala guddaa qaban hedduun, hanga ta’e murna bitamtoota diinaa kanaan afaan faaja’aa jiraachuun isaanii waan hin oolle. Kanaaf irra dibaadhaan ykn “yeroon haa calalu” jechuu-dhaan usuu fi maal na dhibdeedhaan, fuula galagalshachuu osoo hin-taane; nuffaa fi sodaa tokko malee, wal dammaqsuu fi shira diinaa kana saaxiluun, wal barsiisuun, akeeka gantoota kana fashalsiisuun, gaaffii belbeltuu fi barbaachisaa yeroot. Kanaaf deebisnee, deddeebisnee saba keenya karaa qajeelaa agarsiisuu fi barsiisuun murteessaa dha. Yoo kana goonee dogoggoraa fi badii deddeebi’anii muldhatan hambisuu irra caalaa, kaayyoo keenya galmaan ga’uuf hanga ta’e qooda murteessaa ta’a.

Kaayyoo Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo ganuudhaan diinatti kan maxane murni Shanee Gumii kaleessa utuu inni Amaaratti hingalin, hayyoonni keenya shira xaxamaa jiru, waan ta’uuf deemu, dursanii saba Oromoo hubachiisaa akka turan fi waldhaansoo guddaa gochaa akka turan ragaan hamma ta’e dhiheessuun ni danda’ama. Garuu yeroo sanatti sabni keenya dammaqinsa ga’aa ta’e dhabuun; murtee barbaachisaa yerootti fudhachuu hin dandeenye. Kun kan nu-agarsiisu ammallee uummanni keenya deemsaa fi ejjennoo dhaabonni godhan, haala jiru waliin yeroon hubachuu dhabuu dha.

Egaa utuu ilmaan Oromootaa biyya hambaa jirru carraa qabnutti fayyadamuun adeemsaa dhaabota keenyaa yeroo yerootti itti dhimmuun kan hordofnu ta’ee, warra fira fakkaatanii akeeka diinaaf dalagan; bara dheeraaf diina jala nu tursuuf deeman kana, yeroon ofirraa dhorkinee jiraatee; har’a maqaa “tumsaatiin” uummata Oromootti hin qoosamu ture. Kan diinni akka eebootti sodaattu maqaa Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo, mooraa diinaa keessatti waamuun, diina hamlee cimsuuf tattaafachuun, walirratti nyaaphaa uumuun waan eegamu hinturre. Haata’uyyuu malee har’a akka gantoonni Shanee gumii hawwan utuu hin taane; hayyoonnii hoggantoota Adda bilisummaa Oromoo qabsoo guddaa godhaniin, dhaaba keenya Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo akka harka diinaatti hin kufne gochuun gantoota bar soddoma ol ofdhoksanii, Oromoo fakkaatanii, Ethiopiyummaaf carraaqaa turan ciminaan dura dhaabbachuun saaxiluudhaan, shira diinaa fashalsiisaanii jiru.

Hayyoonni keenya hoggantoonni Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo badii fi deemsa farraa Shanee gumii xiinxaluuf yeroo itti hin fudhanne. Garuu hamma har’a qabatamaan Shanee gumii Amaaratti maxxantetti namni hedduun hin amanne ture.

Waan nutti labsamaa ture keessaa akka ragaa tokkootti kan ilaalamuu danda’u, waggaa sadii fuuldura hogganaan Qaama Ce’umsa Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo kan turan Jaal Dhugaasaa Bakakkoo eegala waggaa haaraa bar 2004 irratti dhaamsa uummata Ormoof dabarsan, Raadiyoo Qabsoo Bilisummaa Oromoo irratti labsame xumura barreeffama kana irratti akka dhaggeeffattan kabajaanan gaafatamtu.

Eeyyee yeroo sanatti Oromoota hedduudhaaf dhugaa hin fakkaatu ture. Hiriyootaa fi maatii heddutu irratti wal falmaa ture. Hunduu ifa baasee diinummaa fi gantummaa Shanee kana dubbachuuf ni leeyya’a ture. Egaa yeroo hoggantoonni Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo haqa jiru irratti hunda’anii dhaamsaa fi waamicha nuuf godhan, yeroodhaan maaltu akka ta’aa jiru sirriitti utuu hubanneerra ta’ee; farreen qabsoo keenyaa of keessaa yeroon baasnee, qabsoon keeny hanga tokko gara fuulduraatti tarkaanfachiisuu nidandeenya ture.

“Ganna darbeef mana hin ijaaran” jedha Oromoon. Haa-ta’u malee isa itti aanuuf yeroodhaan kan itti hin qophoofne yoota’e; ammas, ganni kan biraa dhufuun isaa hinhafu. Kanaafuu, har’as yeroon maal akka deemaa jiru hubannee wal hubachiisuun, wal damaqsuun, Oromtichi harka wal qabachuun, mana keenya Shanee gumii diiguuf tattaafattu kana deebsinee suphachuuf; hatattamaan ilmaan Oromoo biyya keessaas ta'e kan alaa marri waltumsuu qaba. Haalaa fi falammii deemaa jiru kana irraa warra hubannoo ga’eessa hin qabne dammaqsuun; akkasumas shira diinaa kana saaxiluun; Wallaalaan keenya akka farreen qabsoo keenyaatiin afaan hin faajjofne dalaguun dirqama Oromummaan nutti kennu ta’uu qaba.

Har’a yoo kana irratti jabinaan hojjechuu baannee; gidiraa guddaa fi badii ulfaataatu ilmaan oromoo bara dheeraaf mudachuu danda. Kana hubachuun wal hubachiisuun dirqama oromummaa keenyaa akka ta’a hubachuun barbaachisaa dha.


Mee Raadiyoo Qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo Irratti dhaamsaa Jaal Dhugaasaa bakakkoo xumura bara 2003 irratti sabaaf labsan ragaadhaaf haa dhaggeeffannu. Dhaggeeffachuudhaaf kana tuqaa =

Tokkumman ilmaan Oromoo haa jabaatu!!!
Oromiyaan nibilisoomti!!!

Abera Oluma

Merry Christmas from Kaliti Jail in the Cenotaph ‘Ethiopia’!

Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

Having the nerve to spend a few festive days, exchanging gifts and sharing moments of gullible if not guilty happiness is an outrage, when on this very planet, dozens of millions in a single country are stripped of their national homeland, hundreds of thousands are tyrannized under the boot of a shameful, totalitarian regime, and dozens of thousands are tortured in jails because of their political aspirations for Democracy and their national expectations for a Free Oromo Ethiopia.

End the Hell of Hells Abyssinia, the country that usurped the fair name of Ethiopia!

The world should listen to both parts, the oppressors and the oppressed, to get a final idea, before action is taken. This article, first of a series of authentic papers and texts written by both sides, brings to your wonderfully decorated house the testimony of a tortured young Oromo scholar, who after spending two years in the Gulag of Abyssinia, found peace in Djibouti as refugee. Throughout the text Finfinne, the real capital name of Ethiopia, stands for ‘Addis Ababa’. And never forget; as long as Amharas and Tigrays tyrannize the Christian, Muslim and Animist Oromos, Sidamas, Ogadenis, and Afars, the country should not be called ‘Ethiopia’, but Abyssinia.

Listen to the voice of Mr. Madda Walabu, Oromo Biologist, and try to find out what went wrong with our Humanity. Read his own text, and evaluate for yourselves to what extent you believe in a God of Love and Justice, either you are Christian, Muslim, Jewish or believer of any other religion.

- All ye that pass by, behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto his sorrow.

My memories from the Kaliti Jail

By Walabu Madda – Oromo biologist, former Kaliti jail detainee, currently refugee in Djibouti
The Kaliti Jail resembles more to a concentration camp than to regular African prison. It is located in the south-eastern outskirts of Finfinne. Kaliti jail is actually one of the two most notorious prisons of conscience in Abyssinia. The other one is known as the Central Federal Jail.
Prisoners are usually transferred from other jails throughout Abyssinia to Kaliti jail as this jail is the ‘correct’ place for more intense torture and severe, inhuman punishment. The buildings are made of grey stone. Numerous rooms have been arranged for accommodating thousands of prisoners.

Welcome to a Kaliti jail room!

The room I was in was approximately 16x16m, and although it sounds improbable in its 256m2 were accommodated around 100 prisoners, literally squeezed as in a sardine conserve. The only space everyone gets is the space needed for one’s body. If at a moment you happen to turn around, you automatically touch the person next to you - or under you - or above you!
All prisoners sleep on concrete floor, and they are given small, thin mats. While sleeping or at the moment of awaking, the person who sleeps on the edge of your head extends his feet, subsequently hitting you as you are equally positioned to do the same to others. The hit is not deliberate but due to dramatic lack of space.

Abominable hygiene conditions

Perhaps worse than the torture, the low hygiene. Kaliti is worse than what I had imagined as hell, when I was a child. When the room is congested with hundreds of prisoners, it is so unbearably filthy that every minute looks as long as a century of misery. Under these circumstances, it is only normal that, if one has got flu, the next day everyone in the room has flu too. This is however the least, as prisoners are constantly exposed to a great number of contagious diseases, grave contaminations, and lethal sicknesses.

Amhara – Tigray anti-Oromo racism best expressed in Health

Sick Oromo prisoners are never taken to clinics. Actually, no one cares about a prisoner's health. When a prisoner is stricken by a disease, this is rather viewed by the inhuman jail authorities as a most welcome form of torture, something to be added to the conventional torture that is constantly perpetrated by prison officials.

No toiletry for Oromos!

The time prisoners are allowed to spend in the toilet is restricted to a few minutes twice a day, in the morning and the evening. The time in-between prisoners are constrained to stay in their congested rooms; horribly enough, some prisoners who have runny stomach can't wait until the time officially fixed for toilet visit. They are therefore inhumanly forced to discharge their excrements in the very limited space reserved for themselves, next to so many others, making therefore the whole room stink unbearably and appallingly.

All sorts of insects, rats, etc.

As second type of severe hygiene problem is caused by a great number of most disturbing and extremely perilous parasites that also dwell in the congested prisoner rooms. These God damned rooms are the abode of lice, fleas, and their likes. At times, rats sneak into the rooms as they smell remnants of food cooked and brought by the prisoners’ relatives and friends.
Oromo prisoners constrained to starvation

A third category of hygiene problem is provoked by the food cooked in the jail’s disreputably soiled kitchens. The only food prisoners can expect to have in the horrible Kaliti jail is just a small roll of bread and stew called "Dokkee". Dokkee is prepared, believe it or not, in just 10 minutes, and thus undercooked, it is miserably served in a massive bowl for all prisoners.
I am sure if Lord Byron had had an idea of the Kaliti jail before composing his famous 'Devil's Drive', he would have said that "The Devil dined on an Abyssinian stew”....

Truly speaking, people are literarily starving in the Kaliti jail. It is the Amhara / Tigray policy to make Oromos, Sidamas, Ogadenis, Afars and other political prisoners starve to death.
Only in the weekends, on Saturdays and Sundays, parents, relatives and friends of the prisoners are allowed to visit, and doing so they deliver decent homemade food, as they know that the Kaliti jail food is closer to poisoning than to nutrition. However, few are the lucky ones!

Biyya Oromo (Oromo land) is a huge country, totaling more than half the Abyssinia’s surface, and taking into consideration the primitive transportation infrastructure and the local temperatures, no food has chance to be properly delivered, if the prisoner’s family or friends live at a distance of more than 30 km from the jail. With the country population being mostly rural and decentralized, less than 10% of the prisoners have the privilege of homemade food delivered by the loved ones. Those having relatives located faraway limit themselves to some cans and conserves, when their relatives come from faraway provinces, after spending two or three days for travel.

Jail: the typical Amhara / Tigray tyranny’s reward for Oromo students

The Oromo political prisoners are highly educated, as the percentage of Oromo literate population is far higher than that of the Amharas and the Tigrays.

The Oromo prisoners are arrested either at their workplaces or in universities, vocational centers, and high schools. They are jailed because suspected as members of the Oromo Liberation Front and other resistance organizations. I spent two years of my life (2004-2005) in jail.

Torture Oromo students to maintain underdevelopment, illiteracy and obscurantism!
For the first two months of my stay in Kaliti jail, I was being beaten twice a week, more specifically on Tuesdays and Fridays. I was asked whether I was member of the Oromo Liberation Front, and irrespective of the answer, yes or no, I knew that I would be beaten, and I was mercilessly beaten every time.

We are more than 40 million people, Oromos, Sidamas and other southern peoples of Abyssinia, and we know very well that every one of us, who has got higher education and a (normal for every body in this world) feeling of patriotism, is viewed by the murderous Amhara – Tigray tyranny as a serious danger that must be eliminated. They know that if free, within a few years we will make of our Oromo Ethiopia Africa’s first nation in Development, Arts and Sciences. Some of the reasons they hate us are their illiteracy and obscurantism that they know but are unable to get rid of them.

Kangaroo court in 21st century African Gulag - ‘Ethiopia’

I was regularly taken to a kangaroo court*1 every two three months. As I as not charged with any crime, I was taken to Kaliti jail, where verything is done arbitrarily. People are imprisoned without court warrant and then they stay in prison for many years without trial. Among my friends, many have long been kept in isolated and underground darkrooms. They were forced sit on electric chair.

Torture practices

Constant practices involve the lacing of heavy objects, like a bar of metal or a stone, with the male prisoners’ genitals. A great variety of similar torture objects are available at the Kaliti jail.
Despicable insults in unknown language.
Among the prison officials, they worse are Tigrigna speakers, who scoffed at me, insulting me in tyrant Meles Zenawi’s tongue that I did not know until I came to learn its worst part of vocabulary.

If jailed, better to be unmarried!
In the Kaliti jail there are many who happen to be husbands to wives and fathers to numerous children. On Sundays, their wives do their best to travel and visit them, bringing their beloved children with. A visit to the unjustly and inhumanly jailed father is for these children the most passionately expected moment.

One attests some of the most emotional expressions of distress, grief and agony. As they don’t know whether they are going to see their father alive next time, these children live many subsequent deaths of father, experiencing what is worse in one’s dwelling in the Hell of Hells.
There is a 1m wide bar separating the prisoner from the visitor, therefore prohibiting the direct contact. To contravene this inhuman arrangement of places, visitors have the children lifted up and passed on to their fathers over the bar. At the end of a brief visit, the most hated bell rings, and every prisoner is rushed back to the common room for the detainees.

The worst scene I saw in my life
At that moment, you see fathers and mothers crying, children refusing to depart from their fathers’ hands, babies horridly panicked and screaming, a most tumultuous and heart breaking scene of people who do not know whether that is their last moment in their lives they see their beloved father or husband or son. I thank God for having not been a father so far, otherwise my condition would have been far more painful.

Prison buildings turned to mortuaries
As more and more prisoners are brought in every day, the new cells are constructed to have only corrugated roof tins. Upon learning about manifestations taking place in Finfinne, the prisoners enthused overwhelmingly, and feeling that the ultimate collapse of the murderous Abyssinian tyranny is close, they started shouting in Oromo, welcoming the end of Meles Zenawi’s dictatorship. The Tigray prison guards immediately fired at, and killed, many among the shouting prisoners in their rooms. Inhumanly but commonly enough in the Cenotaph – Ethiopia, the injured prisoners were not taken to hospitals. They were rather left to bleed to death.

Liberate immediately the Oromo students of the Kaliti jail!

I was left to go, and currently live as refugee in Djibouti, but my mind is back there, the Kaliti Hell. I still remember that there were, along with me, about 40 third year students of the university at Finfinne. They must still be there, probably joined by freshly captured Oromo patriots. They have been jailed because of allegedly protesting against the dictatorial decision to remove Oromia province’s capital from Finfinne in 2004.

Let the Christian World celebrating Christmas and the Islamic World commemorating Eid el Adha at the end of the month, let all the Humans rejoicing for a happy New Year 2007 remember the Kaliti Hell of the Cenotaph Ethiopia and call for, demand, and ultimately impose the obliteration of both, the Kaliti Jail and Meles Zenawi’s fake-‘Ethiopia’.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Kanaa Halabaan keenya?

By Abera Oluma.

Walaloo darban waliin kan wal qabatanii fi itti fufa isaa. Kanaa halaabaan keenya? Mallattoon

Kanaa halaabaan keenya? mee namuu deebisaa;
Dhiigaan dhufe han jettan jedhaa kaa odeessaa.
Harmee irraa harma muree, abbee nafa muree,
Biyya keenya gubee daa’imman cicciree;
Kan diinni dhaabbate mallattoo gabrummaa,
Halaabaan habashaa Oromoof maalumaa?
Shanee AFD qaanoftuu xiqqumaa?
Jalatti kan boqottan jedhaa kaa nuuf himaa.

“Lakkii kunoo sobaa tooftaadhaaf hojjennee,
Maali yoo callistan kanfeene yoo goone?”
Jechuu qofa malee mee deebii maal qabdan?
Qabatamaan himaa haqaafa yoo dhaabbattan.

Shanee AFD jedhaa kaa nuuf himaa,
Suura armaan oliif deebii oromummaa.
AFD jaaruuf qabsoon bar soddomaa,
Haalbicha uffachuuf Tikisuuf Ethiopiyummaa;
Halaabaa habashaa jala boqottanii;
Suuraa babbareedeuu jalatti kaatani.
Warra gumaa waliin wal dhudhungattanii,
Maaltu isin dhibe!!! Maal keessan tuqani?
Siniin maaltu tuqa? Kan feetan yoo taatan,
Gita waan hin qabneef saba tuffiin keessan.

Hugguma “tumsa” keessan “Tooftaaf” tumattani.
Mee Halaabaa Oromoo maaloo attam gootanii?
Waa irraa nuuf himtuu? eessa akka keessanii,
Ilmaan Habashaatu sin jalaa dhoksanii?
Isintu waame mitii Tumsa kana ijaaruuf?
Walitti kan qabe diina xiqqeeffachuuf?
Maaltu isin dirqe ree Mooficha uffachuuf?
Maarree eessa gootan halaabaa Oromoo?
Jaratti gadi baasuu waa sodaattani moo?
Mee nuu himaa waa irra keenya attam gootanii?
Halaabaa Habashaa maaliif uffattanii?
Halaabaa ABO maaliin geddartaniiiii???
Meeqaan gurgurtani?Meeqa itti argattani?

“Lakkii akkas mitii dogoggoratu jiraa,
Suuraa yennaa kaasu Tekonooloogiin baraa.
Isa suuraa kaasutu irra kaawuu dide,
Halaaban ABO jira ture maddee;"
Jechuu maltu laata saba gowwoomfachuuf?
Salphina keessaniif arraba dheerachuuf.

Yookaan osoo hin beekin bu’ee keessaa badee?
Jedhaa kaa dubbadhaa Tumsa sintoo fidee.
Jadhaa kaa nuu himaa sin jalaawoo hin dhumuu,
Silaa Oromoo sobuuf hin dhabdanii sammuu.
Jedhaa kaa waa himaa sabatti ammas qoosaa,
Dhugaa lafa jiru Oromticha dhoksaa.
Kan gabaan Ordeessu gowwaan niitii dhoksa
Jedha Oromotichi yoo himu quuqqaa isaa.

Hugum “dunuunfadhaa” tooftaa keessan kanaa!
Nutti hin odeessinaa egaa isin beeknaa.
Lamuu nu gurguruuf tooftaa keessan kana,
Usaa nu irraa taa'aa adabadhaa jenna.

Kanaa ala hin jiru lamuu hingowwoomnu!!!
Sinis deemaa dhaqaa; sin faana hin dhufnu!!!
Guyyaan garuu jira kan isin gaafannu,
Guyyaan bilisoomnee hudumaa dubbannu.

Kanaaf qoosaa dhiisaa! Usaa hin jedhinaa,
Badii irraa deebi’aa; tuffiin hin fiiginaa.
Jecha oofa keessanii unuun hin jedhinaa,
“Eessa geessi” jechuun saba hintuffatinaa.
Nam meeqadha isin jedhuun hinqoosinaa;
Isintu xinnoo dha!!! diddan sin salphisna.

Sabatti gurra qabaa; jaarsa dhaggeeffadhaa,
Sirraawuu yoo feetan gorsa hayyuu fudhaa.
Dhiigoma yoo qabaattan dhiifama gaafadhaa,
Saba keenya gantan yeroon araarfadhaa.
Kaayyoo ganamaatti sammuu as deeffadhaa,
Kana isiniin jennaa saba dhaggeeffa dhaa.

Sabni kana jedha utuu lafti hin sokkin,
Gochaan keessan hamaan dhiiga utuu hin buusin.
Warri kaayyoo gantan karaa irraa maqxan,
Utuu Oromoon jiruu diinatti irkattan;
Haadha utuu qadanii harma diinaa hootan,
Dhaabadhaa of laalaa eessa akka jirtan.

Maqaa gootowwaniin lafee abbootiitiin,
Dhiiga Oromummaa safuu Oromootiin.
Eeyyee of sirreessaa yeroon as deebi’aa,
Kanaachi tutturraan isinti dhiyaa.
Booddeen dukkana dha bakka keessan dhabdu,
Habashaan isin ganti ofuu iddoo hin qabduu;
Hallayyaa seentanii ofumaa caccabduu,
Waareegama gantuu kafaltanii badduu;
Seenaa gadhee qabduu kana isinuu beektu,
Har’a hubattan malee bor kun hin argamtuu.
Dhiifama gaafadhaa Saba tuffatan,
Yeroon as deebi'aa fala yoo feetan.

Jaallewwan kaleessa qabsicha eegalan,
Hoggantoonii dhugaa kan har’a illee jiran;
Sabboontonni Oromoo bilisummaa jedhan,
Gantummaa akkasii tasa tasa hin fedhan.

Kaayyoon isin gantan biyya walaboomsu,
Dhiigatu itii cophe; lafeetu iti cabe; kanaaf sabni hinobsu!!!
“Usaa!!!” isin jettanis kanaaf namuu hin usu,
Shanee bakki jirtan soba isin hin baasu.

Hayyuu hedduu qabnaa kan waa isin gorsu,
Koottaa gurra qisaa; akka isin sirreessu.
Cubbuu keessan hunda akka isiiniif haqan,
Saba isin tuffattan isiniif araarsan;
Jaarsolii ni qabnaa yoo barachuu feetan,
Dogoggoraaf badii keessan yoo hubattn.

Yeroon as deebi’aa harma diinaa jalaa,
Bubbullaan hintoltuu lammiin sin wallaalaa.
Koottaa as deebi’aa mooraa diinaa keessaa,
Cubbuu dalagdaniif kanatu isin baasaa.
Kana egaa falli yoo kabaja feetan,
Dhiiga Oromummaa haqaan yoo qabaattn.

Kanaach egaa deemaa; nu duukaa hin laalinaa,
Isintu nu ganee nutti hin dubbatinaa.
Maaliif nu saaxiltu jettanii hin iyyinaa,
Nu dhaga’uu baannaan sichi egaa isin diinaa.
Kadhaa isinii hin qabnu! gantuu hin kadhatanii,
Kan of hin dandeenyee galtuu hin kabajanii.

Hayyuu baay’ee qabnaa; beekaan keenya hedduu,
Hoggantoota qabsoos goota diina hidduu;
Kana isinis beektu; diinni illee ni beektii,
Kanaaf isin tuffattee galchuu illee isin diddii.

Qabsoon itti fufa Tigree hinkadhannu,
Abadan abadan Amaaras hinfeenu!!!
Of irratti irkanee hanga galma geenyu,
Qabsoon itti fufti hagasuu hinteenyu!!!

Qabsoon laafte jennee diina harma hin hoonu,
Aadaa Oromtichaa abadan hin gannu.
Hagam dararamnu diinaa hin jilgeenfannu,
Gumaan baana malee, diina harma hin hoonu,
Booree booranaati diina hin kadhannu.

Qabsoon haqaan dhufti kaayyoo ganamaatiin,
Duubatti hin deebitu dhiiga Oromummaatiin;
Ethiopiummaan kuftee Oromiyaan dhufti,
Kun haqa dubiiti diinnillee ni beekti.
Gantuun achi baatus qabsoon itti fufti.
Oromoota dhugaaf aduun barii ifti.

Addi bilisummaa qabsoo itti fuufa.
Shirri diinni xaxxu burkutaayee kufa.
ABOn ni cima qabsoon itti fufa,
Oromiyaa Walabni qabsoo keenyaan dhufa!!!!!

Itti fufa!!!


You can help make this petition a success. Please use this link: can make a difference. Share this petition with your friends and family. Thank you.

Abera Oluma.

Ibsa Gumii Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo.

Waajiraa Qunnamtii GABUO
Sadaasa 19, 2006

Walgahiileen Ummata Oromoo tan birkiilee dhaaba, Gumii Adda Bilisummaa Ummata Oromootiin (GABUO) yaamamte magaaloota gurguddoo addunyaa keeysatti haala oowa’aa, injifannoofii milkiidhaan gaggeeyfamte.

Dhuma torbaan dabree, guyyaa Sabtii / Sanbata Xiqqaa fii Alhada / Sanbata Guddaa, Afraasa (December)16 fii 17, 2006, yaaminsa ummataa kan birkeeleen GABUO magaaloota Washington DC, San Diego, fii Berlin jiran godhaniif ummata Oromoo kan owwaatee lakkooysa guddaan arkameef hogganoonni dhaabaa ibsa bal’aa fii quubsaa kannanii jiran.

Akka kanaan bakka bua’aan Waajiraa Barreeysaa GABUO tii fii miseensoonni gameeyyiin dhaabaa walgahii ummataa kan birkiin GABUO magaalaa Washington DC yaamterratti argamanii sagantaa, kaayoofii karooraa dhaabichaa bala’inaan ibsanii jiru. Gabaasaan magaalaa Washington DC irraa bahe akka mullisutti, ummata Oromoo kan walgahii tanarraa qooda fudhatan keeysaa hedduun, ibsa qabsoo bilisummaa Ummata Oromiyaa kan GABUOdhaan hogganamu erga dhaggeeyfatan booda, gariin isaanii dhaaba kanatti miseensoomanii wareega qabsoon barbaaddu baadhachuuf waada galuun isaanii beekkame. Walgayii tanarratti, yeroo dheeraaf kannen sochiirra jiran sabboontoonni Oromoo, jaarmayni lama tokkoomee, dhaaba tokkichaan - dinqa tokkorraa waliin qabsotti babbohauun hedduu akka nama hamilchiisu damboobanii ibsuun beekkameeti jira. Hamileen ummata Oromoo keeysatti sababa tokkummaa tanaatiin mul'tte deebitee hogganootaafii miseensoota dhaabichaatiis olkaasuu oduun bakka walgahiirra baatu ibsitee jirti. Oromoota walgahii tanarratti arkaman keeysaa hedduun tarkaanfii qaceeltuu dhaabni kuni fudhatees qaamaafii qalbiidhaan kan deeggaran tahuu mata-mataadhaadhaan haasawa godhaniin ibsanii jiran. Akka gabaasaa Washington DC kanarraa ibsametti, hogganoonni walgahii ummataarratti argamaniis, amanamummaa Oromoon irra kaayee fii irbuu Korri Jiloota dhaabichaa isaaniin muude bakkaan gayuuf murannootaan ka'uu mirkaneeysanii jiran. Hunda caalaa, walgahiin kuni hamilee hirmaattoota walgahichaa yoomirraahuu caalaa kan olkaaseefii Oromoon ilmaan imimmaan irraa haquuf jiraatu qabaachuu isaatiin fuula duraaf kan boonu tahuu hirmaattoonni walgahichaa mirkaneeysanii jiran.
Dhumarrattiis, qabsoon nu eeggattuu cimtuu fii hadhooytuu tahuu yaadachiisanii, diinnan bilisummaatirraa akka ija hinlibsanne dhaamuudhaan, martinuu karaa jaarameen harka walqabattanii qabsotti akka hiriirtan jechuudhaan hogganmoonni eega yaaminsa dabarsaniin booda, haala jaallumma fii obbolummaatiin walgahichi milkii, hamileefii injifannoo ol-aanaadhaan xumuramee jira.

Haaluma walfakkaatuun yaaminsa birkiin GABUO ummata Oromoo kan magaalaa San Diego, California qubatuuf godhe kabajuudhaan Oromon lakkooysaan hedduu guddaa tahe bakka argamanitti hogganoota dhaabichaarraa ibsi bal’aan kennamee jira. Walgahii guyyaa Afraasa, 17, 2006 San Diegotti godhame kanarrtti wajiraa Jaarmayaatiifii waajiraa Siyaasaa GABUO tiirraa jilli nama lama if keeysaa qabu bakkatti argamee ibsa bal’aa yo kennuu, miseensoonni GABUO sadarkaa ol-aanoo tahan kan biraatiis achitti argamanii walgahicha miidhagsanii jiran. Gabaasaan magaalaa San Diego tuni akka tilmaamtutti seenaa walgayiilee Oromoo kan amma dura magaalaa tanatti godhaman hunda caalaa ummanni Oromoo kan lakkooysaan heddu-hedduu guddaa tahe arkamuu daran, haala oow’aa fii gammachuudhaan sochiin GABUO kana simatanii jiran.

Walgahii tanarratti bakka bu’aan Koree Jaarmaayaa qaamaan mul’atee ummataafii dhaabichi, akkasumattiis, dhaaboonni Oromiyaa kan siyaasaafii hawaasaatiis dabalatee, hundi harka walqabatanii akkaataa bilisummaa Oromiyaa fiduu itti dandayan bal'inaan agrsiisee jira. Daaw'atoonniniis ibsaafii barnoota kenname kanarraa gammachuu qaban ibsuu daran, taraa tana dhaabichi karaarra jiraachuufii ful-duraas hamilee ummataaf kennudhaaf deddeebitanii dhuftanii akka nu jaartan jechuudhaan gaafatanii jirani. Bakka bu’oonni dhaabichaatiis, yaaminsa ummataa kana fudhatanii birkii dhaabaa achitti cimsuufii, yeroo dandayametti bakka bu’oonnii Koree Jaarmayaa barnoota barbaachisu ummataaf kennuuf akka dhufan abdachiisanii jiran.
Gara Biraatiin, walgahiin ummataa kan birkii GABUO, kutaa biyya Jarmaniitiin yaamame magaalaa guddittii Jarmaniitti Barliin keeysatti gaggeeyfamee jira.

Walgahii tanarratti arkamanii qooda fudhachuudhaaf sabboontoonni Oromoo kanneen magaaloota biyyaa Jarmanii gara-garaa keeysa qubatan bal’inaan arkamuu daran, sochiin amma GABUOn itti jiru bal’inaafii karaa caasaatiiniis irraa qooda fudhachuuf waada seenanii jiran.
Walgahii tanarratti ibsa bal’aa kan kennaniis, jila nama lama if keeysaa qabu yo tahu, isaan kuniis waajiraa Duraa Taa’aa GABUO tii fii waajiraa Diinaggeey dhaaabaatirra kan tahan walfaraqaa dhaabichaa fii ummata Oromoo walbarsiisanii jiran.

Ibsa ummataaf kenname keeysatti dhaaboonni lamaan maliif akka tokkoomanii walitti baqan, sagantaa dhaabaa, Karoora jaarmayichaa, haala qabatamaa Gaafa Afrikaa keeysa jiru, haala qabatamaa yeroo ammaa Oromiyaa keeysa jiruufii fuula dura tokkummaa jaarmayoota Oromoo kan ULFO gabbisuurraa bal’inaan marihatamee jira.

Sabboontoonni Oromoo kanneen achitti argamaniis tokkoomuu dhaaboota Oromootirraa gammachuu qaban ibsanii, gariin isaaniitiis kallattiidhaan miseensummaa fudhatanii caasaa dhaabichaatiin qooda isaanii gumaachuuf waada seenanii jiran.

Akka gabaasaan Beliin addeeysutti, keeysattuu jaallan qabsoo bilisummaa Oromiyaatiif jireenya isaanii gumaachuu daran, qabsoon bilisummaa Oromiyaa walaawwalii xurreefii kaayoo isii ganama lafa kaayan keeysaa gariin ammallee qabsoo tana karaa caasaatiin itti dabalamanii ummata ofiitiif hojjachuuf murteeysuun isaanii hubatamee jira.

Walumaagalattuu, jilli gara-garaa Sagantaa fii karoora dhaaba GABUO ummata Oromoo kan sochii dhaaba kanaa hubachuudhaaf bakka adda addaatti walgayaniif waaee dhaaba ibsuuf bobbaan duraa milkii gurguddoofii goobaan galtee jirti. Baha United States, Washington DC rraa, dhiha USA San Diegoo irraa, Awrophaa keeysa Barliin biyya jarmanirraa dhaabni keeysan, GABUO injifannoo galmeeysee jira. Bakka sadeenittuu hogganoonni dhaabaa, sochii GABUOn yeroo ammaa itti jiru, qindoomina qabsoo kan jaarmayoota Oromoo jidduu jiruufii carraqqii GABUOn jabeenya ULFOtiif hojiirra oolchaa jiru bal’inaan ibsanii jiran. Ummata dhaggeeyfachuuf dhufanirraahiis qooda fudhannaan guddaan galmaawee jira.

Bobbaan tuni jalqaba. Bobbaaleen tana fakkaattu aduunyaa mara keeysatti tahuuf jiraatti. Ibsa biratti tarkaanfiileen gurguddoon asirratti hinibsaminiis jirti. Tarkaanfiileen akkasii ofumaaf gaafni if mul'isan fagoo miti.

Oromiyaan nibilisoomti

Monday, December 18, 2006

Kanaa halaabaan keenya?

By Abera Oluma.
Walaloo darban waliin kan wal qabatanii fi itti fufa isaa. Kanaa halaabaan keenya? Mallattoon Oromoo?
Kanaa halaabaan keenya? mee namuu deebisaa;
Dhiigaan dhufe han jettan jedhaa kaa odeessaa.
Harmee irraa harma muree, abbee nafa muree,
Biyya keenya gubee daa’imman cicciree;
Kan diinni dhaabbate mallattoo gabrummaa,
Halaabaan habashaa Oromoof maalumaa?
Shanee AFD qaanoftuu xiqqumaa?
Jalatti kan boqottan jedhaa kaa nuuf himaa.

“Lakkii kunoo sobaa tooftaadhaaf hojjennee,
Maali yoo callistan kanfeene yoo goone?”
Jechuu qofa malee mee deebii maal qabdan?
Qabatamaan himaa haqaafa yoo dhaabbattan.

Shanee AFD jedhaa kaa nuuf himaa,
Suura armaan oliif deebii oromummaa.
AFD jaaruuf qabsoon bar soddomaa,
Haalbicha uffachuuf Tikisuuf Ethiopiyummaa;
Halaabaa habashaa jala boqottanii;
Suuraa babbareedeuu jalatti kaatani.
Warra gumaa waliin wal dhudhungattanii,
Maaltu isin dhibe!!! Maal keessan tuqani?
Siniin maaltu tuqa? Kan feetan yoo taatan,
Gita waan hin qabneef saba tuffiin keessan.

Hugguma “tumsa” keessan “Tooftaaf” tumattani.
Mee Halaabaa Oromoo maaloo attam gootanii?
Waa irraa nuuf himtuu? eessa akka keessanii,
Ilmaan Habashaatu sin jalaa dhoksanii?
Isintu waame mitii Tumsa kana ijaaruuf?
Walitti kan qabe diina xiqqeeffachuuf?
Maaltu isin dirqe ree Mooficha uffachuuf?
Maarree eessa gootan halaabaa Oromoo?
Jaratti gadi baasuu waa sodaattani moo?
Mee nuu himaa waa irra keenya attam gootanii?
Halaabaa Habashaa maaliif uffattanii?
Halaabaa ABO maaliin geddartaniiiii???
Meeqaan gurgurtani?Meeqa itti argattani?

“Lakkii akkas mitii dogoggoratu jiraa,
Suuraa yennaa kaasu Tekonooloogiin baraa.
Isa suuraa kaasutu irra kaawuu dide,
Halaaban ABO jira ture maddee;"
Jechuu maltu laata saba gowwoomfachuuf?
Salphina keessaniif arraba dheerachuuf.

Yookaan osoo hin beekin bu’ee keessaa badee?
Jedhaa kaa dubbadhaa Tumsa sintoo fidee.
Jadhaa kaa nuu himaa sin jalaawoo hin dhumuu,
Silaa Oromoo sobuuf hin dhabdanii sammuu.
Jedhaa kaa waa himaa sabatti ammas qoosaa,
Dhugaa lafa jiru Oromticha dhoksaa.
Kan gabaan Ordeessu gowwaan niitii dhoksa
Jedha Oromotichi yoo himu quuqqaa isaa.

Hugum “dunuunfadhaa” tooftaa keessan kanaa!
Nutti hin odeessinaa egaa isin beeknaa.
Lamuu nu gurguruuf tooftaa keessan kana,
Usaa nu irraa taa'aa adabadhaa jenna.

Kanaa ala hin jiru lamuu hingowwoomnu!!!
Sinis deemaa dhaqaa; sin faana hin dhufnu!!!
Guyyaan garuu jira kan isin gaafannu,
Guyyaan bilisoomnee hudumaa dubbannu.

Kanaaf qoosaa dhiisaa! Usaa hin jedhinaa,
Badii irraa deebi’aa; tuffiin hin fiiginaa.
Jecha oofa keessanii unuun hin jedhinaa,
“Eessa geessi” jechuun saba hintuffatinaa.
Nam meeqadha isin jedhuun hinqoosinaa;
Isintu xinnoo dha!!! diddan sin salphisna.

Sabatti gurra qabaa; jaarsa dhaggeeffadhaa,
Sirraawuu yoo feetan gorsa hayyuu fudhaa.
Dhiigoma yoo qabaattan dhiifama gaafadhaa,
Saba keenya gantan yeroon araarfadhaa.
Kaayyoo ganamaatti sammuu as deeffadhaa,
Kana isiniin jennaa saba dhaggeeffa dhaa.

Sabni kana jedha utuu lafti hin sokkin,
Gochaan keessan hamaan dhiiga utuu hin buusin.
Warri kaayyoo gantan karaa irraa maqxan,
Utuu Oromoon jiruu diinatti irkattan;
Haadha utuu qadanii harma diinaa hootan,
Dhaabadhaa of laalaa eessa akka jirtan.

Maqaa gootowwaniin lafee abbootiitiin,
Dhiiga Oromummaa safuu Oromootiin.
Eeyyee of sirreessaa yeroon as deebi’aa,
Kanaachi tutturraan isinti dhiyaa.
Booddeen dukkana dha bakka keessan dhabdu,
Habashaan isin ganti ofuu iddoo hin qabduu;
Hallayyaa seentanii ofumaa caccabduu,
Waareegama gantuu kafaltanii badduu;
Seenaa gadhee qabduu kana isinuu beektu,
Har’a hubattan malee bor kun hin argamtuu.
Dhiifama gaafadhaa Saba tuffatan,
Yeroon as deebi'aa fala yoo feetan.

Jaallewwan kaleessa qabsicha eegalan,
Hoggantoonii dhugaa kan har’a illee jiran;
Sabboontonni Oromoo bilisummaa jedhan,
Gantummaa akkasii tasa tasa hin fedhan.

Kaayyoon isin gantan biyya walaboomsu,
Dhiigatu itii cophe; lafeetu iti cabe; kanaaf sabni hinobsu!!!
“Usaa!!!” isin jettanis kanaaf namuu hin usu,
Shanee bakki jirtan soba isin hin baasu.

Hayyuu hedduu qabnaa kan waa isin gorsu,
Koottaa gurra qisaa; akka isin sirreessu.
Cubbuu keessan hunda akka isiiniif haqan,
Saba isin tuffattan isiniif araarsan;
Jaarsolii ni qabnaa yoo barachuu feetan,
Dogoggoraaf badii keessan yoo hubattn.

Yeroon as deebi’aa harma diinaa jalaa,
Bubbullaan hintoltuu lammiin sin wallaalaa.
Koottaa as deebi’aa mooraa diinaa keessaa,
Cubbuu dalagdaniif kanatu isin baasaa.
Kana egaa falli yoo kabaja feetan,
Dhiiga Oromummaa haqaan yoo qabaattn.

Kanaach egaa deemaa; nu duukaa hin laalinaa,
Isintu nu ganee nutti hin dubbatinaa.
Maaliif nu saaxiltu jettanii hin iyyinaa,
Nu dhaga’uu baannaan sichi egaa isin diinaa.
Kadhaa isinii hin qabnu! gantuu hin kadhatanii,
Kan of hin dandeenyee galtuu hin kabajanii.

Hayyuu baay’ee qabnaa; beekaan keenya hedduu,
Hoggantoota qabsoos goota diina hidduu;
Kana isinis beektu; diinni illee ni beektii,
Kanaaf isin tuffattee galchuu illee isin diddii.

Qabsoon itti fufa Tigree hinkadhannu,
Abadan abadan Amaaras hinfeenu!!!
Of irratti irkanee hanga galma geenyu,
Qabsoon itti fufti hagasuu hinteenyu!!!

Qabsoon laafte jennee diina harma hin hoonu,
Aadaa Oromtichaa abadan hin gannu.
Hagam dararamnu diinaa hin jilgeenfannu,
Gumaan baana malee, diina harma hin hoonu,
Booree booranaati diina hin kadhannu.

Qabsoon haqaan dhufti kaayyoo ganamaatiin,
Duubatti hin deebitu dhiiga Oromummaatiin;
Ethiopiummaan kuftee Oromiyaan dhufti,
Kun haqa dubiiti diinnillee ni beekti.
Gantuun achi baatus qabsoon itti fufti.
Oromoota dhugaaf aduun barii ifti.

Addi bilisummaa qabsoo itti fuufa.
Shirri diinni xaxxu burkutaayee kufa.
ABOn ni cima qabsoon itti fufa,
Oromiyaa Walabni qabsoo keenyaan dhufa!!!!!

Itti fufa!!!

Abera Oluma.

Saturday, December 16, 2006


Target: Issayas Afeworki, President of Eritrea, Office of the President

The increased opression of the Meles Zenewi regime forced millions of Oromos to get disbursed all over the world. At this time there are thousands of Oromo refugees all over the world including Eritrea, Kenya, sudan, Somali, Tanzania, South Africa and all over the other parts of the world.

At this time there are Oromo students and journalists residing in Eritrea fleeing the Opressive regime of Meles Zenewi of Ethiopia. These students and journalists are kept as capatives in Asmara due to misunderstanding that was created between them and the "leaders" of Shane. Misunderstandings could be solved through discussions but the "leaders" of Shane Gumi are not understanding and they are trying to opress ideas and hinderded the students and journalists from pursing their idea towards thier goal. So we oromos around the world request the government of Eritrea to get involved and bring a solution to this issue and we also request all nations and nationalities to help us in signing this petition so that the president of Eritrea will be able to consider the condition of our HERO students and jounalists and help them stand and work for the goal they belive in, that is the freedom and liberation of Oromo nation from the Killing, harassment, detention, torture and opression of the Meles Zenewi regime.

You can help make this petiton a cuccess. Please use this link:

You can make a difference. Share this petition with your firiends and family. Thank you.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Harvard Report: Grave human rights abuses in Gambella, Ethiopia

Fri. December 15, 2006

(December 14, 2006) Harvard School of Law - Human Rights Program

FULL REPORT (in pdf format)


The man met the military in the forest. They asked him where he was going. He said, “To collect wood.” They made him sit down. They tied him, brought sticks, and beat him. He was also told to open his mouth, and a gun was placed inside his mouth. From there, they shot him. The bullet passed through. They left the body on the main road.... People were afraid to take the body. - Testimony from a 35-year old male in Pochalla, Gambella, Ethiopia, January 2006

Violence has become a way of life for civilians living in Ethiopia’s Gambella region. Ongoing tensions between the Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF) and local Anuak rebels have caused hundreds of civilian casualties among both Anuak and highlander ethnic groups. In January 2006, the International Human Rights Clinic of Harvard Law School’s Human Rights Program (IHRC) traveled to Gambella to investigate the security situation of those civilians caught in the middle of this ongoing conflict. Throughout 2005 the Ethiopian military committed massive human rights violations against Anuak civilians, including extrajudicial killings, rapes, torture, and beatings. Anuak rebel groups, for their part, killed, maimed, and looted highlander civilians and villages.

The current conflict began in late 2003, when a group of armed rebels ambushed and mutilated eight government officials of highlander ethnicity just outside Gambella town. The attack triggered a three-day retaliatory massacre against Anuak civilians. Highlander civilians, together with members of the Ethiopian military, killed 424 Anuaks and destroyed more than 400 Anuak homes. In the year that followed, ENDF troops persecuted the entire Anuak population, and Anuak insurgent forces committed a bloody series of reprisals against some highlander communities. IHRC visited the area to follow up on the 2005 Human Rights Watch report, Targeting the Anuak: Human Rights Violations and Crimes Against Humanity in Ethiopia’s Gambella Region, which chronicled this 2003 attack and the ensuing violence in the region.

ENDF abuse of the Anuak remained rampant from December 2004 to January 2006. Anuak civilians faced the daily risk of being shot, raped, beaten, tortured, or harassed.

ENDF forces committed at least 46 extrajudicial killings; 14 rapes, gang rapes, or attempted rapes; 67 beatings (21 of which rose to the level of severe bodily injury or torture); 21 arbitrary arrests or detentions; and seven incidents of property destruction in this year-long period alone. The level of violence and ENDF abuse was much higher in those towns and villages suspected of giving more support to rebel groups, including Abobo, Pinyudo, and the surrounding smaller villages. ENDF patrols particularly targeted men between the ages of 18 and 30 and Anuak community leaders. Because of frequent ENDF attacks on the outskirts of town, Anuak civilians feared tending farms, collecting wood from the forest, traveling to and from school, and gathering water from the river or watering pump.

Highlander civilians also suffered from the violence in Gambella. The increasingly organized and militarized Anuak insurgent force continually threatened their life, personal safety and sustenance. Between March and October 2004, armed Anuak groups killed at least 35 highlanders in attacks on highlander villages along the road between Gambella and Abobo. Armed Anuaks shot villagers, slit their throats, or burned them alive in their huts. While Anuak rebels demonstrated somewhat greater restraint toward civilians in later attacks between October 2004 and December 2005, grave human rights abuses continued and rebel fighters killed several highlander civilians in the course of two high profile raids on Gambella town and Abobo in 2005. There were also multiple reports of a January 2006 massacre of 50 to 60 highlander civilians.

To its credit, the Ethiopian military took a less repressive approach in communities and villages no longer considered to be directly supporting rebel activities, namely in Gambella town, Illea, and Itang. Anuak civilians in these towns and villages noted a change on the ground with new troop regiments behaving “better” than the previous ones. Nonetheless, several incidents of abuse did occur, perpetuating the climate of fear born during the first atrocities in Gambella. Civilians constantly feared ENDF soldiers would return to the large-scale attacks of the past. On several occasions, soldiers expressly threatene to do just that.

The rebel groups also shifted away from more general attacks on civilians to target primarily Ethiopian military and government officials. Several different sources said rebels operated from a list of targets. Direct and more prolonged military engagements between rebel fighters and the Ethiopian military, large-scale ENDF attacks on refugee camps and suspected rebel bases in southern Sudan, and a substantial military build-up in the region by the Ethiopian army, suggested that the long-standing low-level tensions between Anuak insurgents and the Ethiopian military is becoming an outright armed conflict. More recently, sources in the region reported an ENDF offensive against Anuaks in refugee camps in Pochalla, Sudan, in April 2006.

The severe violations committed against Gambella’s civilian population approach the level of war crimes under international humanitarian law (IHL). Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions applies to non-international armed conflicts, a status that applies here given the escalation of the conflict. Both government forces and insurgent groups are required, therefore, to abide by the protections afforded by Common Article 3, which inter alia prohibits direct attacks against civilians and requires the humane treatment of all persons in custody. Despite this rule, both sides have repeatedly attacked civilians as a tactic in the conflict.

The Ethiopian government has also breached its international human rights obligations. ENDF-perpetrated extrajudicial killings, rapes, beatings, torture, and cruel treatment of Anuaks have collectively formed the type of larger systematic abuse that is indicative of crimes against humanity. Ethiopia has also violated its obligations under several international human rights treaties to which it is party, including its responsibility to guarantee both Anuak and highlander civilians’ due process and rights to life, liberty, and security of person. Finally, the beating, rape, harassment and brutal and lengthy interrogation of Anuak civilians by ENDF forces constitute violations of the customary international law prohibitions on inhumane treatment and torture.

This report is based on a January 2006 two-week research mission to Gambella region, supplemented by extensive pre- and post-mission research and ongoing communication with sources in Gambella. During its visit, the IHRC traveled to Gambella town, Pinyudo and Abobo as well as to 11 smaller villages and three refugee camps. In total, it conducted 87 comprehensive interviews with both Anuak and highlander civilians and international aid workers in the region. The identity of interview subjects has been withheld to protect the security of victims and witnesses.

FULL REPORT (in pdf format)

Source: East Africa

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Kofi Annan’s last job: call fallacious ‘Addis Ababa’ Finfinne, capital of Oromo Ethiopia!

Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

December 14, 2006

Few people in America and allover the world know that the Amhara etymology Addis Ababa is a fake name, imposed by the Abyssinian colonial invaders of the Biyya Oromo (land). The Amhara name, meaning ‘New Flower’, was coined to give the false impression that the city was newly founded. Nothing is more fallacious than this version. African as he is, Kofi Annan, before quitting his position, must say the rest of the world that the real name of Addis Ababa is Finfinne, and it is this name that in today’s worst African hell – fake Ethiopia the majority of the people, Oromos, Sidamas and Ogadenis, still use. Acting like this. Kofi Annan will obtain atonement for his silence for so many long years of Amhara – Tigray racist rule over the 70% of the oppressed peoples of Abyssinia.

We will offer therefore space to an excellent Oromo academic and renowned scholar, Prof. Mekuria Bulcha, currently resident in Sweden, to describe the bleakest pages of African History: the rise of the royalist obscurantist Amhara power in Finfinne. This excellent article was first published in an American Oromo website:

"Greater Addis Ababa" in the Making: Stop them or Keep Quiet and Perish
By Prof. Dr. Mekuria Bulcha

"The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
My intention with this paper is not to write the history of Addis Ababa or Finfinnee but to comment the appeal made by the Macha Tulama Association to the international community to stop the Ethiopian government's plan to uproot Oromos from Finfinnee. The three episodes I have described below, is not only the story of Finfinnee but a piece of Oromo history. For Oromo uprooting to end the we have to stop lamenting about what "their enemies did to us" and start to fight back harder than ever before. Not to fight back resolutely when attacked invites the enemy to keep attacking their victims with increasing impunity and contempt. This is what is happening in Finfinnee today. And appeals to the international community is not going to protect us from those who are not tired dispossessing and humiliating us. It will only add to our humiliation. It is said that self-preservation is nature's first law. This has been translated also as "the survival of the fittest". I mean we should make real sacrifices to stop this outrageous violation of our human rights or keep quiet and disappear as a people.

Fredrick Douglas, the famous anti-slavery African American said in a speech he delivered in 1857 that "those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its waters. This struggle may a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without demand. It never did, and it never will. Find out just what people will submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."

Fredrick Douglas's words have a lot of relevance for our situation; and is applicable to our present concern. Most of us are talking about freedom all the time but are doing practically nothing to make it a reality. We are "men who want crops without plowing the ground."
Episode I: Finfinnee or Finfinni in 1843

As many of us know, the Amharic speaking community of Menz started to expand from its mountain nests in the early eighteenth century to become the kingdom of Shawa at the time of Sahle Selassie who ruled it from 1813 to 1847. In 1843, Sahle Sellasie went on one of the predatory raids he used to conduct twice or three times against the Abichu, Galan, Sululta etc Oromo bordering on kingdom of Shawa. Major W. C. Harris who was sent on a diplomatic mission to Shawa leading a British delegation and followed Sahle Sellasie on many of his raiding expeditions against the Oromo during the 18 months he stayed in the country and reported what he witnessed as follows in his three volumes long book The Highlands of Aethiopia (1844). The following is an extract from Vol. II, Chapter XXIII. What Harris says in the following quotations was also corroborated by L. Krapf and Isenberg in their reports about the visit they made to Shawa during the same period.

The Raiding and Looting Expedition

"Hundreds of cattle grazed in tempting herds over the flowery meads [meadows]. Unconscious of danger, the unarmed husbandman [herdsman] pursued his peaceful occupation in the field; his wife and children carolled blithely over their ordinary household avocations; and the ascending sun shone bright on smiling valleys, which, long before his going down, were left tenanted [occupied] only by the wolf and the vulture."

"Preceded by the holy ark of St. Michael, ... the King ... led the van, closely attended by the father confessor, with whom having briefly conferred, he turned towards the expectant army, and pronounced the ominous words which were the well-known signal for carrying fire and sword through the land - "May the God who is the God of my forefathers, strengthen and absolve!"

"Rolling on like the waves of the mighty waves of the ocean, down poured the Amhara host among the rich glades and rural hamlets, at the heels of the flying inhabitants - tramping under foot the fields of the ripening corn, in parts half reaped, and sweeping before them the vast herds cattle which grazed untended in every direction. When far beyond the range of vision, their destructive progress was still marked by the red flames that burst forth in turn from the thatched roofs of each village; and the havoc committed many miles to the right by the division of Abagaz Maretch, who was advancing parallel to the main body, and had been reinforced by the detachment under Ayto Shishigo, became equally manifest in numerous columns of white smoke, towering upwards to the azure firmament [sky] in rapid succession."

[THEY DESCEND ON FINFINNE] "...the eye of the despot [Sahle Sellasie] gleamed bright with inward satisfaction, whilst watching through a telescope [one of the gifts from the British delegation] the progress of the flanking detachments, as they poured impetuously down the steep side of the mountain, and swept across the level plain ... A rapid detour thence to the westward in an hour disclosed the beautifully secluded valley of Finfinni, which, in addition to ... high cultivation, and snug hamlets, boasted a large share of natural beauty. Meadows of the richest green turf, sparkling clear rivulets leaping down in sequestered cascades, with shady groves of the most magnificent juniper lining the slopes, and waving their moss-grown branches above cheerful groups of circular wigwams, surrounded by implements of agriculture, proclaimed a district which had long escaped the hand of wrath. This had been selected as the spot for the royal plunder and spoliation, and the troops, animated by the presence of the monarch, now performed their bloody work with a sharp and unsparing knife-firing village after village until the air was dark with their smoke mingled with the dust raised by the impetuous rush of man and horse."

"The luckless inhabitants, taken quite by surprise, had barely time to abandon their property, and fly [flee]for their lives to the fastness of Entotto ... The spear of the warrior searched every bush for the hunted foe. Women and girls were torn from their hiding to be hurried into helpless captivity [to be used or sold as slaves]. Old men and young were indiscriminately slain and mutilated among the fields and groves; flocks and herds were driven off in triumph, and house after house was sacked and consigned to the flames. ... Whole groups and families were surrounded and speared within the walled courted yards, which were stewed with the bodies of the slain. [Those] who betook themselves to the open plain were pursued and hunted down like wild beasts; children of three and four years of age, who had been placed in the trees [by their parents] with the hope that they might escape observation, were included in the inexorable massacre, and pitilessly shot among the branches. In the course of two hours the division left the desolated valley laden with spoil, and carrying with them numbers of wailing females and mutilated orphan children [this was what happened also to Balcha Safo when he was captured by Menelik], together with the barbarous trophies that had been stripped from the mangled bodies of their murdered victims."

"The hoarse scream of the vulture as she wheeled in funeral circles over this appalling scene of carnage and devastation, mingled with the crackling of falling roofs and rafters from the consuming [burning] houses, alone disturbed the grave-like silence of the dreary and devoted spot, so lately resounding to the fiendish shouts and war whoops of the excited warriors, and to the unpitied groans of their helpless captives. ..., gloomy columns of smoke rising thick and dense to the darkened heavens, for miles in every direction, proclaimed that this recently so flourishing and beautiful location had in a few brief hours been utterly ruined, pillaged, and despoiled, as far as the means of ruthless and savage man could effect its destruction."
After looting and destroying Finfinnee the Amhara forces march to Yakka (today part of Finfinnee) to take its inhabitants by surprise. Harris writes, "... the Abyssinian system of warfare consists in surprise, murder, and butchery, not in battle or fair conflict. The King continued to advance rapidly ..." [Since the Oromo defeated him many times Sahle Sellasie did not want to engage them in open battle].

Harris continues and says,
"Emerging from the forests which extended two miles beyond the Finfinni defile, the scattered forces began to rendezvous around the state umbrellas, now unfurled, to which they were directed by the incessant beating of kettle-drums. Whilst the work of destruction still continued to rage on all sides, herd after herd of lowing beeves [cattle) pouring towards the royal standard, and each new foraging [raiding]party brought with it fresh groups of captive women and girls, and the barbarous tokens of their prowess [dismembered men's organs]. ... The slaughter had been immense. Every desolated court-yard was crowded with the bodies of the slain - childhood and decrepit age fared alike; murderers, unconscious of the disgrace attaching to unmanly deeds, unblushingly heralded their shame, and detailing their deeds of cruelty, basked in the smiles of their savage and approving monarch ... "

"After a brief halt, the march was resumed through the country of the Ekka Galla, which was clean swept with the besom [broom] of destruction. ... During the fourteen hours passed in the saddle, above fifty miles of country had been passed over; and the weary forces finally halted in Ekka valley .... Horses and mules were now turned loose among the standing beans, and several thousand head of cattle tired to death with the distance they had been driven from their ... pastures, were, with infinite difficulty collected in a hollow ... and the King ... took his position for the night. ..."

During the night, "Loud whoops and yells, arising from every quarter of the wide valley, mingled with the incessant lowing kine [cattle], the bleating of sheep, the thrill neighing of the war-steed, and the occasional wailing of some captive maid, subjected to the brutality of her unfeeling possessor [raping her of course]. Groups of grim warriors, their hands imbrued in the innocent blood of infancy, and their stern features lighted by the fitful flame, chuckling over the barbarous spoils they had won, vaunted their inhuman exploits, as they feasted greedily on raw and reeking carcasses [raw meat]. Spears and bucklers gleamed brightly around hundreds of bale-fires, composed of rafters stripped from the surrounding houses; and the whole distant landscape, red from the lurid glare reflected by scores of crackling [burning] hamlets" [groups of extended family homes].

[Note: Just try to contrast the voice coming from Oromo degradation and destruction and Amhara victory and joy: the sounds made by thousands of agitated Oromo livestock, the screams of female captives being raped, most of them young virgin girls, the burning of Oromo homes and countryside, mingled with the boastful fukara and qararto of the Amhara forces. This happened not only in Finfinne and commited only by Sahle Sellasie but in thousands of places for many years after him in Oromoland]. Harris notes here that Sahle Sellasie who became king 40 years ago had already carried out 84 similar raids against his Oromo neighbours in every direction.

[Note: On this occasion Sahle Selassie released the captured Oromo women and children because the Harris and Dr Johann Krapf, the German missionary who was in Shawa at that time, begged him to free them. However it did take Sahle to go back on his words and plunder and kill the Oromo of Ekka (today's Yekka) and Finfinne again]
[Unexpected second raiding attack on Finfinne after a short time]

Harris wrote down the following:

"The survivors of Ekka an Finfinni tribes, believing the fatal storm to be expended [passed], had already returned with the residue of their flocks and herds, and were actively engaged in restoring their dilapidated [destroyed] habitations, when the Amhara hordes again burst over their valley, slew six hundred souls, and captured all the remaining cattle, thus completing the chastisement of these .. clans who, notwithstanding the generous restoration of their enslaved families, had failed to make submission."

Episode II: Amhara Occupation of Finfinnee in the mid 1880s

Sahle Selassie died in 1847, four few years after the above events took place, and was followed by his son Haile Melekot. H. Melekot continued with the predatory raids against the Oromo; but did not live long. He died in 1885. Ten years later, his son, Menelik, became the king of Shawa. Sahle Sellasie could repeatedly raid but not able to occupy or stay on Oromo territory. Though armed with firearms, his forces were not capable to defend themselves against the famous Oromo cavalry. But Menelik was able to do what Sahle Sellasie couldn't. He was not only able to raid the Oromo but also occupy Oromo territory permanently. He was assisted by the modern weapons he could amass in exchange for booties he collected in his numerous raids against the Oromo (see Mekuria Bulcha. The Making of the Oromo Diaspora, Kirk House Publishers, Minneapolis, 2002 for details).

As he started expansion into Oromo territory, Menelik first built his capital on the Entotto ranges overlooking the Finfinee the magnificent plains and valleys in 1881. Entotto was chosen as a strategic site defensible against the surrounding Oromo who were not yet subjugated. By mid 1880s the subjugation of the Oromo in this area was completed (with the active participation of traitors such as Gobana) and Menelik was able to descended from Entotto and build his capital on the undulating plains of Finfinnee. Tens of thousands of Oromos were uprooted as Menelik granted their land to the nobility and their soldiers and as the city expanded over the years. Many of the uprooted moved south and some went west. The loss of Finfinne was documented in an Oromo poem "No More Standing on Entotto" by an anonymous author just after occupation. Here are some of the lines:

No more standing on Entoto
to look down on the gren pastures below; ...
No more gathering on Daalatti
were the Gullallee Gada used to meet; ....
No more taking young calves
to graze on our ancestors, grounds ...
The year the enemy came
and our cattle were taken;
Since Meshesha* came
our land and freedom are lost.
(note: Meshesha was one of Menelik's lieutenants)

The poem laments the destruction of the social institution (Gada), the economic production and the natural environment of Finfinnee by the occupiers. The conquerors want also to change the identity of the place: they "Christened" it Addis Ababa and built a city using Oromo sweat and blood. And from Addis Ababa, the rest of Oromoland and the Empire was controlled, oppressed and exploited for about 100 years.

Episode III: The EPRDF Enters

In 1991 it became the turn of the Tigrean elites, who come from Maqale and Adwa, located between 800 and 1000 km away in the North, to decide whether the Oromo should live or not live in Finfinnee. The Tigrean regime has already uprooted Oromo intellectuals from Finfinnee and has succeeded in silencing Oromo voice in the city and country. They have imprisoned and/or sent into exile Oromo journalists, writers and artists; they have closed down Oromo newspapers and cultural clubs. They terrorise Oromo businessmen and destroy their businesses. Thus the ethnic cleansing which the Macha Tulama Association fears will happen along with the planned removal of Oromo public institution from Finfinnee is already underway. The Oromo should understand that this process which the Meles regime has set in motion has strong Amhara support and is going to have far-reaching consequences on the Oromo. The uprooting of the Oromo will not be limited to Finfinne. Addis Ababa is going to expand towards Bishfotu in the South, Sabata and beyond in Southwest, Sandafa and Shano in Northeast and Holota and even to Ambo in the West. The scenario is that the regime will work actively to discourage Oromo presence in the region. Eventually it will call the region "Greater Addis Ababa" and declare it a federal, Amharic-speaking territory. The Oromo will be restricted to the rural backyards where they will easily be controlled. I am not telling you a fiction; this is an ongoing process. But it is not too late to stop it.

How and Who is Going to Stop it?

We Oromos should make it absolutely clear to those who will drive us out homeland that they are engaged in a dangerous enterprise that can backfire. They should know that the Oromo have nothing against those who respect their human rights and will live with them in peace, but will not accept uprooting and humiliation anymore. This cannot be done by paper work or appeals to the international community alone. The Oromo should engage in a real struggle to attract international sympathy. Here real struggle means concrete action on the spot.

What is concrete action? My answer is organised demonstration; organised protest. In Finfinne! Not in Washington, London or Melbourne, at least before this happens in Finfinnee itself. It is futile and even ridiculous to make appeals abroad until and unless such a demonstration takes place in Finfinnee. The population of Finfinnee is estimated at two and half million of which 18 to 20 percent are Oromos. This means there are between 400,000 and 500,000 Oromos in the city who can carry out such a protest. It will be ridiculous if such a large population will bow to humiliation by the EPRDF. The leaders of Macha Tulama Association should think seriously about this. They have a historical responsibility in the absence of other genuine Oromo organisations in the city at this moment. Furthermore, there are several million Oromos physically not far away from Finfinnee who could be recruited for demonstration. Inhabitants of other Oromo cities and towns can stage demonstrations in solidarity with those in Finfinnee.

The other oppressed peoples of the south should be approached for their co-operation. We in the diaspora must give our support without reservation. Not only words but material support.
We Oromos should stop being terrorised into submission. Every available means should be used to stop the EPRDF plan to evacuate Oromo institutions from Finfinne. As Fredrick Douglas said, "the limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress." It is time for us to learn from the anti-apartheid struggle, the Intifada of the Palestinian children, and the Civil Rights Movement of the African Americans. I will repeat Fredrick Douglas's words once again: we should use both words and blows' to get rid of the injustice being committed against them.

  1. Concerning Finfinnee our demands should include the following: Change the name of the area and city back to its Oromo original. Drop the colonial name. Finfinnee shall remain an Oromo capital.
  2. Build parks and monuments in commemoration of the thousands of men, women and children who were massacred or taken prisoners and enslaved by Sahle Sellasie and Menelik.
  3. Build Oromo institutions and revive the Oromo language and culture. It is ridiculous that about half a million Oromos living in the city are not able to use their language as they wish. It was with Addis Ababa as a centre that the Amhara rulers suppressed and tried to destroy our heritage. Our heritage will flourish in and radiate from Finfinnee.

Source: Chronicle
