Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The honey-combed statement of prime minister, attempts to overshadow the serious economic depression in Ethiopia.

While the people of Ethiopian empire is in serious economic depression the so called Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi recently presented the annual economic report as it is growing up to his parliamentary members. The leader of tormenter, Meles Zenawi has been trying to deceive the world community and cover up the reality on the ground, by making false claims of 10% economic growth. On the contrary, inflation is accelerating to 29.6% and poverty is in climax than ever seen.

According to Central Statistical Agency (CSA) from Finfinne( Addis Ababa ) Ethiopia 's annual inflation rate increased to 29.6% in 2008, the highest in over a decade, as rising food costs continued to push up consumer prices. “Even it could be worse than the CSA’s official reports”, say commentators. The cost’s of everything is being increased to more than a double. Inflation expanded to climax and food prices climbed to 39.4% from 30.2% (the Addis Ababa-based CSA mentioned on it’s an annual report basis in February 2008).

Presumably for few loyalists and mercenaries of Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF) members, who take advantage of the wealth and resources of the entire country; can assume it as an economic growth. For the brutal oppressors and reckless exploiters’ individual income growth could be even more than 100%.

Here it is important to give bird’s eye view to the “list of TPLF companies established between the years 1992-1997 EC”, which was posted recently under http://oromooswiss.blogspot.com/2008/03/list-of-tplf-companies-established.html
All the TPLF’s companies were established with looted wealth of the entire people; which is currently suffering from recession that can not be normalized again easily.

The 30% inflation has driven TPLF autocracy to cut down electricity and water supply in the capital Finfinnee (Addis Ababa) to bare a minimum rate, also can disprove their sham theory.

However, lies can never provide a way out in the long run, and so the Prime Minister Meles Zenawi has been compelled to admit the serious economic problem that has been facing the country, on the parliament meeting occasion on March, 2008. The statements they presented to defend them selves and cover out the crises can be seen on: http://www.geeskaafrika.com/ethiopia_05apr08.htm. The economic crisis is the consequence of confiscations, corruptions and egoistic behavior of the successive Ethiopian rulers.

Ethiopia is always cited as the prime example whenever issues of famine and drought are raised. Ethiopia’s economic slack further deteriorated after the TPLF regime came to power and has now become the very image of poverty and backwardness. Ethiopia is one of the fourth nations in the world that receive the highest amount of aid for food per annum. Even after receiving such extensive aid, nothing has changed for the entire people. More than half of the country’s population still lives in poverty. The only group that has benefited is few fraudulent loyalists and mercenaries of TPLF members became rich with the received food aid and illegally confiscated local people’s wealth. In the contrary, according to media outlets, now a day’s more than nine million people are suffering from famine.

As it is known, Ethiopia received more than 25 billion dollars in grants for development and another 10 billion dollars in loan during the TPLF rule; it is not difficult to guess to what purpose this massive amount of money has been used, obviously war and corruption. The kind of muddled administration and rampant corruption that has developed throughout Ethiopia under the administration of the deplorable and discredited TPLF leaders is beyond comparison.

Ethiopia is an image of war, poverty and backwardness. Ethiopia is categorized the 49 poorest countries in the world and ranks last in human development. If there is a country in the world that cannot survive even for a single day without food aid, it is Ethiopia. The amount of loan Mr Meles requests every year is mounting up to one billion dollars, and 70% of its annual budget being covered through aid. So Ethiopia is surviving on a day-to-day charity basis.

As a general rule, people living under an income of less than 90 dollars a year are considered to be living below the poverty line. Considering the fact that at normal circumstances, workers in that empire earn less than 80 dollars a year. So it is not difficult to imagine the extent of the prevailing poverty in that country.

Despite receiving massive amounts of aid, 75% of the people in Ethiopia have no access to drinking water and more than 80% are illiterate. Moreover, 70% of the entire people have never received proper health care services and more than 200 out of 1000 infants die during birth. Ethiopia under the TPLF regime is a country in which peoples in remote areas die daily of simple ailments due to the lack of health treatment centers and ranks as the third country in the world as regards to the number of HIV positive persons.

Finfinnee (Addis Ababa) is being the only capital city in the world whose streets are swarmed with excessive beggars and homeless people in 21 century.

If there is a genuine administration, the wealth of Oromia alone could be sufficient for the whole region. It is naturally the wealthiest country in Africa. Hydroelectric power resource, exportable coffee, leather, cattle, gold, marble, … etc. are from Oromia region.

The revenue of these cash crops is used to build up the TPLF members’ private companies, international airports, universities, different factories, hospitals, in their own region.

Finchaha Hydro Electric Power is found about 100 km from Nekemte (capital city of Western Wollega) in Oromia region is not likely to supply the surrounding native people with electricity as required, whereas Mekele capital city of Tigray, which is about 700 km away from the source, is utilizing it to build up hydroelectric dam on Tekeze River.

In the contrary, in Oromia, towns which are not less than 700 km away from Finfinee (Addis Ababa) has no a single airport for domestic flight. There is no asphalt motor way. Few zones have only paved roads. People in the rural area suffer from epidemic deaths and in denial of medicine. Most of the towns in Oromia region have no modern electric power and lack of direct telephone line.

Oromo people are indiscriminately criminalized, harassed, detained, tortured, disappeared and killed with cruelty, because they have been protesting against the raiding of the regime, and transforming their knowledge to regain their forefathers’ culture. As a consequence many productive Oromo people are suffering in a jail, while some of them are forced to leave their own loved once.

Generally, Ethiopia under the TPLF regime is a manifestation of hell on Earth. So compelling the oppressed people in to the cloud of poverty, giving honey-combed cover to the outcome, and undermining the inquiry of people for freedom and democracy can not be a remedy to survive forever.

Inborn freedom should not be denied!!!

Abera Oluma

Saturday, April 26, 2008

H/Dn ABO, Jaal Dhugaasaa Bakakkoo, Guyyaa Yaadannoo Goototaa ilaalchisanii Ibsa kennan

H/Dn ABO, Jaal Dhugaasaa Bakakkoo, Caamsaa 15 -Guyyaa Gootota Oromoo - ilaalchisanii manaa PalTalk “Oromiyaa Oromoo” jehdamu irratti Caamsaa 26, 2008 ibsa balia’aa kennaan. Haasaa isaanii keessatti , H/Dn, seenaa goototaa Oromoo erga xuxxuqanii booda ABOn Caamsaa 15 maaliif akka Guyyaa Goototaa jehdee moggaasee kabajuuf murteesse ibsanii jiru.

Walgahii kana irratti Oromoonni 120 ol ta’an qooda fudhachuun gaaffii addaddaa kaasaanii deebii gahaa argatanii jiru. Gaaffii fi deebii godhamee kana keessa olola maqaa xureessii gandda keessa isaan irratti oofamaa jiru tokko-tokko gaafatamanii ololli kun gonkumaa dhara (soba) ta’uu isaa dubbatanii jiru.
Guutuu ibsa isaanii dhaggeeffachuuf http://www.oromoliberationfront.info/index.html ilaalaa.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Du’a diinni haaduutu!!! gootni ni jiraata!

Oluma Abarraa tiin

Eenyummaaf kan cichan irbuu Oromummaa
Lubbuu kan kafalan diduudhaan gabrummaa
Hawwii bilisummaa kennaa seera uumamaa
Deebifachuuf kan darban goota dha dhuguma.

Lammi boonsoo sabaa jiilchaa gabroomfattuu
Arjaa qinxee hin qabne lammiif lubbuu laatu
Seenaa isaantu qaba homtuu itti hin qixxaatu
Darban fakkaatanis hogguyyuu jiraatu.

Gootowwan Oromoo kan diinni gaaga’e
Jannatni kan isaaniiti kan qulqulluuf taa’e.
Dache kana mitii samii isaantu mo’e
Diinni abdii haa kuttu gootni hin du’u du’e!!!

Jireenyi seenaa dha, seenaa haqaaf kufuu
Dhaloota boriitiif buqqisuu dha gufuu!
Dhugaaf wareegamnaan namni du’ee hinhafuu
Ni kaasna seenaa isaanii diroodhaan haafufu.

Isaan boqotanis lammiin isaanii hin daafu.
Ekeraan isaanii gammachuu haa quufuu
Imaanaan isaanii kufuu mitii hin duufu!
Kana dha jireenyi calaqisee ifu!!!

Hangam dalagdu illaa yakka meeqa hamaa
“Du’an” jettee jechuuf diinni yartuun homaa
Ta’uu isaa wallaaltee lubbuun gootaa kuma
Wanta maayii hinbaaseef dhamaati ofumaa.

Ofittummaan jaamee ijji diinaa hin arguu
Guboon gabroomfattuu hin barattu hogguu
Hardhallee dhamaati sabboonoo duguuguu
Mildhachuu hin dandeessu caalaa inni dagaaguu.

Hiyyuun gabroomfattuu ilmaan Wayyaanotaa
Dhiiga dhuguu bartee dhiiga ishee dheebota
“Du’a adabe!” jetti hidhuun sabboontota
Du’a isheen haaduutu gootni ni jiraata!!!

Ni fakkaata malee gootini du’a hin du’u
Lammii bakka qabuuf kan bakka isaa bu’u
Egeree waan qabuuf guyyaa itti ka’u
Ittiin boona malee, lammiin isaalle hin boo’u!

Lata lubbuun isaa; lata akka coqorsaa
Ifa dhiigni isaa biyya guutuu ibasa
Diinaaf garuu ibidda gubaa akka qorsaa
Kana gootni qabsoo kan jiru nu keessa.

Gootota abbaa gadaa qabsoo eegalanii
Daandii bilisummaa dhiigaan sararanii
Mallattoo eenyummaa halaabaa dhaabanii
Gootowwan boqotan jiru hin du’ani.

Dhiiga dugduu diinaa kokkee ishee hudhanii
Qamaa fi haamilee dhaan nyaaphaa ajjeesanii
Seenaa baraa baraa dahaabaan kaayanii
Kan darban gootowwan tasa hin du’ani!!!

Eeyyee martuu haa jennu jiru gootni hin duune
Isaan boqotanis qabsoon isaanii hin hafnee
Kumaaf kumaantamaan bakka isaanii buunee
Isaan jiraachisna nuti isaaniif duunee.

Nu keessa jiraatu dhiiga keenya keessa
Lapheetti isaan baatna isaantu nu boonsa
Jaallan qabsoof darban du’a hin du’an tasa
Dalaga isaaniitu kana mirkaneessa.

Kaayyoo issan kaayyatantu diina rom’isiisa
Hima isaan dhaammatantu nyaapha hamlee cabsa
Lammiitu bakka jiruu faajjii isaanii kaasaa
Ekeraa jaallanii daran gammachiisaa.

Maatiif lammiin isaanii kanaan isaan kaafna
Kaayyoo isaanii kaasnee isaaniin hordofna.
Diina sammuu dhoofnee gumaa isaanii baafna
Akka gootni hin duune kanaan ragaa baana.

Faajjii isaan dhaabbatan ol kaasnee agarsiifne
Waadaa isaaniif seenneen isaan jiraachisne
Suuraa fi surraa isaaniin diina bittimsine
Guboo gabroomfattuu darbina buqqifnee!!!

Friday, April 04, 2008

Isin hin duutan!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Mr Meles is manipulating the Oromo case

By Oluma Abera

This passage is to express deep concern on the ongoing of brutal action of the Ethiopian regime against Oromo people.

The Tigirean minority regimes of Ethiopia have been violating human rights since they came to power in 1991. In particular, after January 4/2004, when the Oromo people started to protest peacefully against Mr. Meles Zenaw’s of transferring the capital city of Oromia, from Finfinne (Addis Ababa) to Adama (NaZiret) without the will of the people.

In response to the peaceful demand of the Oromo people, the regime has suspended and expelled more than 350 Oromo students from Addis Ababa University and killed others at different schools in different parts of Oromia.

The regime has mainly focused on the Macca Tulama Economy and social Development Association (MTESDA), which was legally registered civic organization well established over 44 years ago.

The regime has abducted and tortured the leaders and prominent members of MTESDA. The brutal administration of Meles has been pretending to legitimize its act, by taking some of the detainees, like president and vice president of MTESDA to a nominal court, which was under tight political control of the ruling party of the Tigrean Liberation Front.

Even during the trial period, the detainees were kept incommunicado. Relatives of the detainees believed that the regime didn’t want to reveal to their loved once the magnitude of the physical injuries sustained during beating and torturing in the police custody. They have been observed being driven back to the notorious interrogation centre called the 3rd police station.

The police department alleged that, the detainees are members of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), helping more than 350 Oromo students, who have been suspended and expelled from Addis Ababa University. But the authorities couldn’t show any evidence to the court to support the alleged offences. In the contrary, the authorities sustained the conclusion for long period of time.

The families of the people held without proper trial have been left with grieving, in shortage of food, medicine, and unable to pay for their house rental, electricity, water and telephone bills. They are also affected by the agonizing surveillance and harassment of plain-clothed police officers. Most of the detainees’ children couldn’t feed themselves and are unable to continue their education, because of lack of financial support. Generally it is clear that the individuals are innocent but victimized for their ethnic origin of being Oromo.

Recently, some of them have been released from jail but morally and economically disheartened, while others are still in the torturing cage.

Meles’s administration is using the released Oromo leaders for political purpose by saying, the band organization from congregation can resume its function without any precondition.
Based on this statement the MTESDA leaders have planned to have a meeting on Sunday April 6, 2008 and paid required money for a congregation place at Minilk School.
But when a couple of days left to the meeting, permission giving authority refused to resume it for no reason. The refusal decision was given after the meeting date was announced officially to the Oromo people. So the committee is forced to postpone the program to an unknown date.

The Oromo people are getting obsessed by the systematically oppressing regime’s action on their own land, while Meles is enjoying by consolidating his predecessors preliminary design to manipulate economy and culture of the Oromo people.

Some commentators are saying the consequence might fuel up the struggle for freedom.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

The US Administration must condemn human rights violations committed by the Ethiopian forces, a Washington-based aid agency said.

Somalia has repeatedly been described as being more tragic than Darfur and the worst humanitarian crisis in Africa. Despite this, it has garnered shockingly little international attention. The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) estimates there are currently one million people displaced. Malnutrition rates for children under 5 are above emergency thresholds. In the first three months of 2008 alone, 60,000 people fled Mogadishu due to continued insecurity. Some 200,000 people have settled on the road to Afgooye, a village 30km west of Mogadishu, making it the most densely populated settlement of internally displaced people (IDPs) in the world. A Washington-based aid agency said.

In December 2006 Ethiopian forces intervened in defence of Somalia’s internationally recognized government, the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia (TFG). The Ethiopian National Defence Force (ENDF) occupied parts of south central Somalia.

"These military actions undermine the diplomatic push for political reconciliation and galvanize extremist elements, reinforcing the very threat that U.S. policy in the Horn of Africa is meant to address, Refugees International said in a report titled

The controversial Ethiopian occupation was officially meant to be temporary. Fifteen months later, the ENDF is bogged down in urban combat with heavy civilian casualties.

Based on Refugees International interviews, it is clear that Somalis view the TFG as an externally imposed and illegitimate body.

Abusive behaviours by TFG security forces and their Ethiopian allies, as well as the lack of government services throughout large swaths of the country has resulted in dwindling popular support in the future of the TFG. This essential mistrust will need to be addressed before investments in capacity building and institution building can have any impact.

Most disturbing are the gross abuses committed by groups responsible for ensuring the security of Somalis. In Mogadishu, the epicentres of the violence in Somalia, the vast majority of civilians have fled as a result of the ‘search and sweep’ operations orchestrated by the TFG security forces and the Ethiopian military. Displaced Somalis told Refugees International about the shelling of entire neighbourhoods and the indiscriminate killing of civilians. One woman who had fled Mogadishu recounted how her husband had been shot in the streets as he was walking home from work in the Bakara market area.

According to witness of Refugees International; internally displaced Somalis blame Ethiopian forces for the violence and their personal losses.

The role of the US is increasingly problematic. Despite repeated denials of any role in the Ethiopian invasion, the US is perceived as supporting the Ethiopian presence and the reprehensible behaviours of Ethiopian troops.

Refugees International strongly encourages the US Administration to condemn human rights violations committed by the Ethiopian forces. RI recommends that the US Congress investigate any military support that was provided to Ethiopia to ensure it adheres to US law.

International recognition of the TFG will never be a surrogate for real legitimacy in the eyes of Somalis. Moreover, senior UN and NGO staffs on the ground privately express their scepticism over the political viability of the TFG. In the words of one researcher, the TFG is a ‘hologram’ projecting an image of a government acceptable to donors, but ultimately empty of any real power.

In order to stabilize Somalia and keep this crisis from spreading further, the international community must act now to find a viable solution to the political crisis in Somalia. International assistance is not a substitute to diplomatic engagement. The US must pressure the Ethiopian government to end numerous human rights abuses. The UN needs to increase its capacity to monitor and deliver impartial assistance by increasing numbers of international staff inside the country. And international peacekeepers must not be deployed until political preconditions are met, and unless UN member states are willing to provide them with the troops, equipment, and mandate to confront armed resistance and address the root political causes of the Somali conflict.

1. The UN Security Council must approach the use of an international military force with extreme caution, and take seriously the Secretary General’s assessment that a peacekeeping deployment can only be successful when political efforts have created a modicum of peace to keep.
2. AMISOM should expand only under similar conditions as those that would permit the deployment of a UN force.
3. The US Administration must condemn human rights violations committed by the Ethiopian forces. The US Congress should investigate the conditions under which military support was provided to Ethiopia, ensuring it adheres to the principles outlined under US law.
4. UNHCR must dramatically increase its Somalia based staff focusing on national staff to a level that enables ongoing protection work through periods of high insecurity.

Refugees International also said a political agreement between the shaky Somali government and its opposition was "the principal prerequisite for greater military and political engagement from the international community."
