Sunday, March 01, 2009


Exploring Oromo Cultural History: Critical Multi-disciplinary Enquiries

Session 111: Gadla: Past, Present and Future Significance in Oroino History

We are pleased to announce that The London International Oromo Culture and History Workshop is planned to be held in July 2009. The Workshop will be of interest to those interested in understanding their cultural heritage, scholars and students of Oromo studies.

Gada is a highly complex system of constitutional governrnent based an indigenous African democratic principles whereby officials are elected every eight years. At its pinnacle Gada was a fully functional complete system of govemance; arguable even superrar, in some aspect, to the modern democratic systems around the globe. For inistance„ the Gada government has separate legislative (Yaa'ii) and executive (Gumii) Urarsches as as independent judiciary.

The Gada system has been the basis of Oromo culture and civilisation which helped the Oromo nation maintain political, economic, social and religious institutions for thousands of years.
Unfortunately, the Gada system, as a national institution, has been seriously weakened since the Oromo nation lost its sovereignty around the endml of 19th century. Novetheless, it remains dynamic and in cotinuous existence. In fast,Gada heritage has a great deal af influence an the Oromo identity. collective consciousness, values and tradition and world outlook at all levels.

Gada is not only an Oroino cuitural heritage but also a significant World Heritage with huge potential for contribution to the whole of humanity. lt should be part of the school curriculum in Oromia not only as part of history lesson but to broaden th minds of the young Generation.
Further scholarly studies are also required to fully uncover the Gada system itself.

This 'Workshop will attempt to take a holistic view of Gada. It will address the role Gada played and is still playing in the life and development of the Oroino society, its contribution to the world's history of democracy and the potential role it can play in the future.

Topics to be covered include:
· Ideological foundation of the Gada system
· Philosopliical significance of Gada
· Gada ritual cycles
· The role of Gada in warfare
· State and religion under Gada
· Gada political institutions

VENUE: Room U214, City University London,Northampton Square, London EC1V OHB
TRAVEL: Bus: 153, 4 & 56;
Underground: Angel Station an Northern Line


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