Sunday, April 15, 2007

"Today, there is no peace, stability, democracy and rule of law in Ethiopia"

Ethiopian MP calls for intl probe on human rights situation in Oromia

April 12, 2007

To: European Union, UNO, USA Congress, Human Rights Watches, Amnesty International, ICRC, and UNHCR.

Dear Sirs:

I am writing you behalf of the Oromo Parliamentary Group. The Oromo Parliamentary Group (OPG) is made up of Oromo members of Ethiopia federal parliament and the parliament of the regional sate of Oromia and as representative of Oromo people and Ethiopian people as whole. We had high hopes and aspiration that by participating in the legal political forum of Ethiopia we would contribute to the democratisation process and bring stability, peace and development. It was with strong belief that the constitution will be respected and supremacy of law will prevail, that we decided to join the legal political system.

Following assurances by the international community, particularly the European Union and USA government. We took this courageous decision of trying to secure the legitimate rights of our suffering population through the ballot box mostly because of the urging of the international community.

Although we were discouraged by the experience of gross violations of human rights that we witnessed on the ground, we belied the advice of the international community that participation in the legal political process offered the best way to win the rights of our population who have been facing massive violations of human rights.

Our hope was that we would be able to use our presence and position in the parliament to speak against violations of the political, economic, and social rights of our population. Although many of the ordinary citizens who spoke against these violations ended up in detention, where they routinely faced torture, we believed our parliamentary immunity would spare us from facing a similar fate.

Today, there is no peace, stability, democracy and rule of law in Ethiopia. The regime carried out mass killing of civilians, thousands are detained for long period without charges and tortured, tens of thousands are forced to flee their country fearing harassment and intimidation. An elected member of the federal parliament was killed in Arsi Nagell, the others are tortured, and 10 of Oromo parliamentarians are forced to flee the country Dr. Getachew Jigi, Abiyot Kabada, Tshome Badhasa, Gizanyi Baqala, Tafara Legasa, Caala Baqala, Labata Fufa, Siraji Husen, Akasa Keesi, Ms. Sara Mamo.

The international community that gave us assurances to partake in the election is today not ready to defend us now when we are clearly become victim of so called democracy. Our families live under constant terror.

Having no means to provide them the support they need, with out any defence from world community for there lives. As a result the millions of voters who voted us into parliament and tens millions our supporters are being disenfranchised. The people in Ethiopia believed in Western pronouncements about respect for human rights, democracy, good governance, and accountability. But as these ideals are flagrantly violated in broad daylight, the international community remains silent.

I am appeal to you to kindly request your assistance in facilitating the holding of a hearing at the European Union, UNO, USA congress, Human Rights Watches, Amnesty international to look into the desperate situation of Oromo parliamentarians and the human rights situation in Ethiopia in general and in Oromia regional state in particular. It is my sincere hope our appeal will be favourably received.


Dr. Getachew Jigi Demeksa MP, Chairman of Oromo Parliamentary Group


At 1:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Sir,

There has never been peace nor democracy ever seen in Ethiopia. The reason, in my opinion, remains simple. However much we try to ignore the truth, the fact of the matter is Ethiopia remains an aging empire. one of the faces of a dying empire like Ethiopia is that it turns nasty by the day.

The state of Ethiopia was constructed through the barrel of guns and it is maintained by the same. The uncomfortable truth is that the world does not care a bit about the poor people. The world is an unjust place if you happen to be defenceless. The only solution, I argue, for the oppressed is to stand up and refuse to die without putting up a fight. "Silaasoo nan du'a, maafan lafatti du'a? Si yaabeen si irratti du'a" comes to mind.

Last but not least the author of the protest letter has been a collaborator himself. The so called Oromo parliamentarians are just pretenders in a sham parliament. They all are opportunistic and their collaboration with the evil regime that used them and thrown them is tainted by their own past deeds. Therefore, I do not think these guys can now be the voice of the Oromo people. They were never Oromo parliamentarians in the first place. They belong to a surrogate part. One of the many PDOs created by Mr Zenawi. They are made in his own image. If they criticize him, it is happening by far too late. What the hell were they doing in the Zenawi regime in the first place? More importantly, where were they in the last 15 years?

This appeal raises many questions than answers. The so called Oromo parliamentarians would want us to belief that there is true Oromo representation. At its worst they imply that the Oromo people have given their consent to be part of Ethiopia. Nothing can be farther from the truth. These so called parliamentarians do not tell us anything new that we were not aware of the crimes being committed by the regime they once endorsed. I for one do not buy any of their newly found pro-democracy stances.

Many thanks.


At 11:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deemokaraassummaa Ethiopiyaa abjoochuu fi lallabuun kanneen maqaa Oromootiin daladalan ayyaan laallattoonni mirga ilmaan Oromoo bu'aa dantaa isaanii qofaan wal qabsiisanii kan ilaalan jarreen akkanaa, Oromummaa fi Ethiopiummaa waliin makuun yennaa fakkeessaa lallaban dhaga'uun ilmaan Oromootiif haaraa miti.

Dr. Nagaasoo Gidaadaa kaleessa Oromoo irratti afaan Wayyaanee ta'ee roorrisaa kan ture; har'a yennaa gooftonni isaa itti fayyadamanii isa tuffatan maqaa mana maree Oromiyaatiin yoo waan fedhe jedhe afaan nu faajjessuu hin dand'u.

Kanaafuu Ethiyoophiyummaan of golganii Oromummaa farsuun sobaatii nu irraa haa dhaabbatan. Oromoon warreen akkanaa dhaggeeffachuuf yeroo keenya waan gubnu natti hin fakkaatu.

Leellistoonni Ethiopiyummaa waayee Oromoo dubbachuuf sammuun isaanii hirdhuu dha.


Jiraataa irraa

At 11:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deemokaraassummaa Ethiopiyaa abjoochuu fi lallabuun kanneen maqaa Oromootiin daladalan ayyaan laallattoonni mirga ilmaan Oromoo bu'aa dantaa isaanii qofaan wal qabsiisanii kan ilaalan jarreen akkanaa, Oromummaa fi Ethiopiummaa waliin makuun yennaa fakkeessaa lallaban dhaga'uun ilmaan Oromootiif haaraa miti.

Dr. Nagaasoo Gidaadaa kaleessa Oromoo irratti afaan Wayyaanee ta'ee roorrisaa kan ture; har'a yennaa gooftonni isaa itti fayyadamanii isa tuffatan maqaa mana maree Oromiyaatiin yoo waan fedhe jedhe afaan nu faajjessuu hin dand'u.

Kanaafuu Ethiyoophiyummaan of golganii Oromummaa farsuun sobaatii nu irraa haa dhaabbatan. Oromoon warreen akkanaa dhaggeeffachuuf yeroo keenya waan gubnu natti hin fakkaatu.

Leellistoonni Ethiopiyummaa waayee Oromoo dubbachuuf sammuun isaanii hirdhuu dha.


Jiraataa irraa

At 2:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear friend this is not something new for the Oromo people. But it could be new for their western friends those ever deceived. Empire can’t and will not democratise. The only solution for that is the struggle of the oppressed people in the empire to free them self.



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