Monday, October 02, 2006

Health is very fundamental for human life and it forms the basis for the development of any nation.

Health is very fundamental for human life and it forms the basis for the development of any nation.

The successive Ethiopian regimes have been eroding the fundamental basis for economic and social development of the Oromo people. While the productive manpower of Oromia such as farmers, intellectuals, businessmen and professionals are denied the opportunity to play their respective roles in the society and rather put in jails, killed or forced to flee their country, it is unthinkable to build a healthy and prosperous Oromo society. It is clear that the primary cause for famine, diseases, abject poverty, an all-out misery and wretchedness in oromia is the complete erosion of political rights, economic and social justice and the rule of law.

Health is very fundamental for human life and it forms the basis for the development of any nation. It is true that development is unthinkable without having a healthy and striving working people. The development of health in a country needs to be supported by the development of health science & technology, which enables people apply solutions that are already available & generate new knowledge for tackling emerging health problems. The formulation of health science and technology policy should be based on a firm commitment to improve the health status of the country's population, taking in to account the prevailing health and health related problems.
In Ethiopia, parasitic & infectious diseases including HIV/AIDS account for high mortality & morbidity. Malnutrition is prevalent particularly among children & mothers.
Environmental health problems are attributed to the occurrence of the great number of communicable diseases in the country. Therefore, emphasis must be given to preventive public health.
Research on public health is the key to tackle and prevent diseases. Research work can be effective and efficient if all stakeholders (researchers, decision-makers & communities) are actively involved in the whole process. This is not the case in Ethiopia. Health professionals are the ones that contribute to this end.

Therefore, Oromo Health Professionals have the duty and responsibility to contribute to the health of the Oromo people by organising themselves and identifying and acting on the health needs of Oromo people back home.

It is understood that health is the vital component of the socio-economic and political system of a nation and access to health care is the universal right of citizens. However, people under national oppression and subjugation have problem of access to proper health care and social development as is the case for the oppressed nations and nationalities of the Ethiopian Empire.

It is known that the world community is repeatedly witnessing human tragedy as a result of famine, HIVAIDS and related diseases in Ethiopia. To provide a lasting solution, we need to tackle the root cause of the Oromo health problems. Doing so would not only benefit the people directly exposed to the problem, but also create a mental relief for the Oromos living in Diaspora in general and for the Oromo health professionals in particular.

Analysis of the current health problems of the Oromos and other nations and nationalities living in Oromia and neighbouring regions and refugee camps in neighbouring countries showed that:-

There is lack of sufficient resources for the health sector due to the government’s refusal to reinvest the resources generated in Oromia for Oromia’s development.

Non- existent rural development initiatives that could potentially improve the lives of the Oromo people.

Banning of indigenous Oromo relief and professional associations by using various pretexts have denied the region a voice and helping hand during critical situations.

Viable and clear cut health policy is unavailable in Oromia

There is a lack of visible development in health infrastructure in Oromia

There is inadequate medical and drug supplies to the region

Material and human resources are being removed from Oromia.

There is deliberate denial of health awareness among the people, which could have helped the people to prevent most of the diseases including HIVAIDS.

Currently, there are many Oromo health professionals living as refugees or otherwise in Africa, Europe, North America and Oceania. We believe that it is high time for Oromo health professionals to come together and assess their own state of affairs. It is time for these professionals to communicate with one another and find ways and means by which they could maintain their own professions and also contribute to the health and welfare of their own people at home and abroad. We recognize the invaluable time, knowledge and experience that could have been used for the well being of our people and ourselves have not been utilised because of lack of organisation.

Therefore, we the Oromo health professionals living in Scandinavia and Great Britain, took the initiative to organize ourselves and established the Scandinavian Oromo Health Professionals Association (SOHPA) in 2002. with main objectives of:

Building a network of Oromo health professionals and supporters in Diaspora so that these professionals get to know and sensitize one another.

Making one another aware of the basic problems of our people and discuss on how we can react to the problems.

Informing other Oromos of the health problems with a view of obtaining support to alleviate these problems.

Presenting the Oromo health problems to other health professionals’ organizations to get support and assistance.

Making NGOs aware of Oromo health problems so that they focus on these problems and work on them.

Trying to convince governmental and non-governmental organizations to establish health infrastructure in Oromia by using appropriate technology.

Encouraging Oromo and non-Oromo health scientists and researchers to invest on health science and technology.

Finding ways and means of supporting and promoting activities in Oromia by utilizing health science & Technology to help improve the health status of the population at large & underserved and vulnerable in particular.

Promoting Health Science & Technology in order to build up & strengthen sustainable capacity in Health Science & Technology in Oromia in the long term.

Encouraging and initiating Oromia National Health Research (ONHR) in order to accelerate health development in a manner that ensures equity, multi- directionality & interdisciplinary approaches.

Breaking the silence and acquiescence of the international community with regard to spread of disease and recurrence of devastating natural and man- made disasters in Ethiopia.
Campaigning for assistances so that we can be able to provide financial and material support directly or indirectly to NGOs engaged in humanitarian & health relief works in Oromia, and neighbouring countries.

SOHPA has subsequently embraced health professionals from other countries and has become Oromo Health Professionals Association (OHPA) with the same objectives listed above. This association is highly strengthened by non-health professional supporters.
More Oromo health professionals and supporters all over the world are humbly requested to join the association so that we can make it more strong and productive organization. The supporters will be co-members of the association.



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